
Tell me everything boss

Raised in an orphanage, Lily has always worked hard in her life. Throughout her life, she has lived by the motto "Nothing in this world is given to you. You have to go out and get it!" This has shaped her into a hardworking and independent woman. However, everyone makes mistakes, including Lily. At one point, she succumbed to the temptations of her boss, which led her to become dependent on him. She became deeply infatuated with her boss, being treated like a queen where her every desire was granted. However, one day Lily saw her boss with another woman! Filled with jealousy and anger, Lily followed them to a hotel, growing increasingly furious. She confronted her boss, expressing her anger and stating that she no longer wanted to see him, resigning from her job. In the following week, Lily, having completed her resignation process, decided to apply for a position and entered the interview stage at a private company. She applied for a secretary position, plunging herself into a new and complicated relationship with a handsome man! Will Lily experience the heart-fluttering emotions once again? Or will this man make Lily feel warmth in her heart once more?

Luwly · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Work! 2

"Wow, you're from the Y region, right? Must take a long time commuting to this office, huh?" a short-haired woman named Rina asked.

"Well, not really. It takes only 30 minutes by car. How about you, where are you from?" Lily answered.

"I live near this office, so I don't spend too much time getting here. By the way, what's your favorite food?" Rina asked again.

"I like Tofu, Noodles, and Grilled Chicken. How about you?" Lily responded.

"I love those too. We're a good match. Maybe we can have lunch together sometime," Rina suggested enthusiastically.

"Sure, I agree," Lily said happily.

"You're so beautiful, Lily. What's the secret to your beauty?" a curly-haired man named Dika asked.

"Thank you for the compliment. I don't have any special secrets. I just take care of my health and skin hygiene," Lily answered.

"In that case, you must often use products from our company, right? I use them too. Look, my skin is smooth, right?" Dika said, showing his face.

"Yes, I do use products from our company. But, I didn't move here because of that. I moved because I wanted new experiences and challenges," Lily replied.

"Oh, I see. I understand. I also moved here for the same reasons. I used to work for our competitor, but I felt bored and unsatisfied. I want to grow and learn more," Dika said.

"Yes, I feel the same way. I hope we can learn from each other here," Lily said.

"Of course. I'm glad to work with talented and enthusiastic people like you," Dika said with a smile.

"Thank you, you too," Lily replied, blushing.

"Do you like watching Korean films or dramas, Lily? I see you have a photo of a Korean actor in your wallet," a bespectacled man named Rian asked.

"Yes, I love it. I'm a big fan. Do you know who he is?" Lily replied.

"Of course. He's Lee Min Ho, right? I also love watching Korean films and dramas. Have you seen the latest ones?" Rian inquired.

"Not yet. I haven't had the chance to watch. Have you?" Lily responded.

"Yes, I watched it at the cinema yesterday. The film is excellent. It's about a detective searching for his lost love in the past. There are many romantic and suspenseful scenes," Rian explained.

"Wow, sounds exciting. I'm curious now. If I have time, I'd like to watch too," Lily said.

"If you want, we can watch together. I have free tickets from coupons I got from buying our company's products. Interested?" Rian offered.

"Really? You want to invite me to watch?" Lily asked in surprise.

"Yes, why not? I also enjoy watching Korean films and dramas. Besides, we're friends now. I don't have any other intentions," Rian said honestly.

"In that case, I accept your offer. Thank you," Lily said happily.

"You're welcome. I'll let you know when we're going to watch," Rian said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your message," Lily said.

Lily felt happy to have made many pleasant new friends. She no longer felt alone in her new workplace. She hoped to work well and prove herself here.

Suddenly, the room's door opened, and a man walked in. He had a large build, wore a neat and high-quality suit, and despite gray hair, his hair was well-groomed. He appeared to be between 50-60 years old, emanating an aura full of experience and charisma.

Everyone in the room immediately stopped their activities and looked at the man with respect. They all stood up and paid their respects.

"Good morning, Mr. Fary," they all greeted in unison.

"Good morning, everyone. How are you?" the man replied with an authoritative voice.

"We're fine, sir. We're working diligently," Rezy answered on behalf of the others.

"Good. I'm pleased to see all of you working with enthusiasm. I hope you can achieve the set targets," the man said.

"Of course, sir. We'll do our best," Rezy replied.

"Alright. I trust all of you. Oh, who's this?" the man asked, pointing at Lily.

"This is Lily, sir. Mr. Fary's new secretary. She just started today," Rezy replied, bringing Lily to the front.

Lily felt nervous and apprehensive. She was facing her manager, who turned out to be a man who exuded a wealth of experience. Lily was afraid of making mistakes in front of her manager.

"Hello, Mr. Fary. My name is Lily. I'm your new secretary. I hope we can work well together," Lily said politely, bowing.

"So, you're my new secretary?" the man asked in a cold tone.

"Yes, sir. Please treat me well in the future," Lily said softly and politely, continuing to show her respect to Mr. Fary.

The man stared at Lily sharply, looking straight into her face. It seemed he had roughly concluded what kind of assistant she was. He felt like he was losing his expectations for Lily.