
Tell me everything boss

Raised in an orphanage, Lily has always worked hard in her life. Throughout her life, she has lived by the motto "Nothing in this world is given to you. You have to go out and get it!" This has shaped her into a hardworking and independent woman. However, everyone makes mistakes, including Lily. At one point, she succumbed to the temptations of her boss, which led her to become dependent on him. She became deeply infatuated with her boss, being treated like a queen where her every desire was granted. However, one day Lily saw her boss with another woman! Filled with jealousy and anger, Lily followed them to a hotel, growing increasingly furious. She confronted her boss, expressing her anger and stating that she no longer wanted to see him, resigning from her job. In the following week, Lily, having completed her resignation process, decided to apply for a position and entered the interview stage at a private company. She applied for a secretary position, plunging herself into a new and complicated relationship with a handsome man! Will Lily experience the heart-fluttering emotions once again? Or will this man make Lily feel warmth in her heart once more?

Luwly · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Work! 1


The elevator doors opened, and people started entering, including Lily. After grabbing her bag and uniform, she headed straight to where she would be working in the future.

The lift slowly ascended, stopping at each floor of the 20-floor office building. Since Lily's workplace was on the 15th floor, she had to patiently wait until the lift reached its destination.

"So slow," she thought cynically.

The crowded atmosphere inside the lift became increasingly stifling. Lily couldn't stand it and wanted to get out as soon as possible.

"I have to endure, just one more floor to the 15th," she thought, enduring the stuffiness and congestion in the elevator.


The lift opened and the crowd behind Lily immediately pushed her forward. Lily who was pushed forward felt like she was thrown out of the lift and then hit someone.


Lily was seen falling in front of the lift because she hit someone with a big body.

"Ouch... why does this keep happening to me?" she thought, feeling embarrassed about falling in public.

But this time, Lily swiftly moved. She stood up immediately and composed herself after the fall.

"Sorry for bumping into you, sir," Lily apologized, looking at the man she had collided with.

The man she bumped into was dressed entirely in black, from sunglasses to a black suit, trousers, and even black shoes. He bore a striking resemblance to the man Lily had bumped into on her first day at the company.

"Eh, the lady from before?" the man asked Lily.

"Sorry, but when was that?" Lily retorted, trying to avoid an awkward conversation.

"Hm... did I mistake someone else for you?" the man mumbled.

"In that case, I'll excuse myself?" Lily said, quickly avoiding the encounter.

Lily proceeded to find her workplace.

"Where's room 1501? Why does it feel like I can't find its end?" Lily pondered.

She continued walking until she eventually reached room 1501.

"Finally, made it," Lily thought with relief.

Lily then grabbed the doorknob and entered the room.

Inside, there were numerous office supplies, and the atmosphere was livelier and more colorful compared to her previous workplace.

"Wow, it's more spacious and lively. Quite different from my old office," Lily thought while surveying the room.

"Hello, are you new?" a man asked, snapping Lily out of her reverie.

"Yes, I'm Lily, the new secretary for Mr. Fary," Lily replied to the man.

"Oh, you're Mr. Fary's new secretary. I'm Rezy. Nice to meet you," Rezy said, extending his hand for a handshake.

Lily accepted the handshake. "Yes, nice to meet you too, Mr. Rezy. I hope we can work well together in the future," Lily said with a warm smile.

"Don't call me 'Mr.' I'm around your age," Rezy replied, sounding offended.

Lily blushed and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just used to addressing people as 'Mr.' or 'Ms.' in my old office."

"Oh, is that so? In that case, I'll call you 'Miss' too," Rezy teased.

"No need, just call me Lily. I don't like being too formal," Lily said.

"Alright, Lily. Let me introduce you to the others in the room. They're all my colleagues in the marketing division," Rezy said, pulling Lily along.

Lily nodded and followed Rezy. She felt relieved that Rezy seemed friendly and willing to help her adapt to the new workplace.

Rezy then took Lily to the desks lined up in the room, introducing her to each person present. Lily tried her best to remember their names and faces.

"This is Lily, Mr. Fary's new secretary. She'll be joining us starting today," Rezy announced to everyone they encountered.

"Hello, Lily. Welcome to Delima Putih. Hope you'll enjoy your time here," they greeted warmly.

"Thank you, nice to meet all of you. I hope we can work well together," Lily replied politely.

Lily received warm welcomes from Rezy's colleagues. They all seemed friendly and professional. Lily felt comfortable and happy.

Some of them also made unique and creative comments or questions to Lily. They wanted to know more about Lily and her experiences in her previous office.

"Wow, you're from the Y region, right? Must take a long time commuting to this office, huh?" a short-haired woman named Rina asked.