
Tell me everything boss

Raised in an orphanage, Lily has always worked hard in her life. Throughout her life, she has lived by the motto "Nothing in this world is given to you. You have to go out and get it!" This has shaped her into a hardworking and independent woman. However, everyone makes mistakes, including Lily. At one point, she succumbed to the temptations of her boss, which led her to become dependent on him. She became deeply infatuated with her boss, being treated like a queen where her every desire was granted. However, one day Lily saw her boss with another woman! Filled with jealousy and anger, Lily followed them to a hotel, growing increasingly furious. She confronted her boss, expressing her anger and stating that she no longer wanted to see him, resigning from her job. In the following week, Lily, having completed her resignation process, decided to apply for a position and entered the interview stage at a private company. She applied for a secretary position, plunging herself into a new and complicated relationship with a handsome man! Will Lily experience the heart-fluttering emotions once again? Or will this man make Lily feel warmth in her heart once more?

Luwly · Ciudad
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9 Chs

be strong

"Lily, you can do this. You're the most experienced woman in this job; they can't possibly reject you!" Lily exclaimed confidently, standing in front of the mirror. Today, she had a crucial interview, so she needed to appear energetic at all times.

"Ugh, what am I doing now?" she wondered, holding her forehead in confusion. 'Talking to myself in front of the mirror? I must look ridiculous,' she thought.

Lily returned to her dressing table, looking distressed. "I wouldn't have to do this if not for that playboy," she sighed.

A week ago, Lily unexpectedly spotted her boss at a mall. Initially excited to surprise him, Lily was shocked to see a woman in red approaching him and holding his hand.


Lily was left with her mouth hanging open in shock. She was surprised to see her boss or boyfriend suddenly holding hands with a woman in a mall.

The woman looked very comfortable with her boyfriend. Their hands were firmly linked together.

Lily, who was filled with jealousy and anger, then secretly followed the two of them.

Lily tried her best to stay close to the two of them and hoped to hear their conversations.

"Hey, darling, am I really your only woman?" the woman asked Hendy, Lily's boss and boyfriend.

"Of course, love, you're my one and only woman," Hendy lovingly replied.

Hearing this conversation, Lily was furious but chose to control her emotions momentarily to understand the situation better.

Her boss and the woman left the mall, Lily tailing them. Outside, a black car awaited them. Hendy opened the door for the woman, and they drove away.


Not wanting to be left behind, Lily quickly hailed a taxi to follow their car.

"Driver, please chase that black car!" she urged the taxi driver.

Lily pursued her boyfriend's car for almost half an hour until it stopped in front of a famous hotel.

"Driver, please slow down here," she requested.

From the taxi window, Lily witnessed Hendy and the woman getting out.

"That womanizer dares to cheat on me!" Lily thought angrily as she observed their actions.

"Driver, wait for me here; I won't be long," she told the taxi driver.

Lily exited the taxi, approaching Hendy and the woman at the hotel entrance.

"Darling, you don't need to go through this trouble," the elegantly dressed woman said to Lily's boss.

"I'll do anything for you," Hendy replied, kissing the woman's hand.


"Hey, you! How dare you do this behind my back!" Lily shouted after delivering a slap full of anger.

"Lily? What are you doing here?" Hendy asked, bewildered.

"Are you still asking what I'm doing here?" Lily angrily responded. "Of course, I'm here after seeing my boyfriend's behavior behind my back!"

With intense anger, Lily removed her engagement ring and threw it towards Hendy, disregarding his shocked reaction and the woman beside him. She just wanted to express her disappointment and anger; she didn't want to hear any explanations.

"Do you think I wouldn't know what you're up to behind my back? Do you think I don't know who the woman you've been with at the mall is? Do you think I don't know that you've been lavishing praise and gifts on her?" Lily said with a sarcastic tone.

"Darling, listen to me; it's not what you think. I can explain everything," Hendy pleaded.

"Don't call me darling! I'm not your darling anymore! I hate you! I hate you!" Lily cried.

Lily then turned around and ran towards the taxi waiting for her. She didn't want to stay any longer. She wanted to leave Hendy and that woman behind. She wanted to forget all the bad memories Hendy had given her.

"Driver, step on it. Let's get out of here," Lily said to the taxi driver.

"Sure, miss. Let's go," the sympathetic taxi driver replied.

Lily got into the taxi, slamming the door shut. She stared at Hendy and the woman still standing at the hotel entrance with a gaze full of hatred. She wished she had never met Hendy. She wished she had never fallen in love with Hendy. She wished she could erase Hendy from her life.

The taxi then moved, leaving Hendy and the woman behind. Lily continued to cry in the taxi. She felt heartbroken and shattered. She didn't know how to move on without Hendy. She didn't know if she could find love again. She didn't know if she could be happy again.