
teikoku of the Kaen episode 20

*Flashback when ash and father are sparing*

( Ash Anderson )

Dad, why can't you show me the dance where you teach me?

( Eutimio Anderson )

Ash, can you make a promise to me?

( Ash )

Yeah, sure dad.

What is it?

( Father )


*Ash wake*

*Cat meowing*

( Ash )

It's hot.

( Mother )

Oh ash, you're awake.

There is food in the pot.

( Ash )

[Yawn] yeah, yeah.

( Camilia )

Hey, look at this.

*Truck meme*

( Ash )

What is just a truck meme?

( Camilia )

No that is not it, I'm just pointing out how they use the same troop.

( Ash )

Heh, I guess you're right.

Anyways, where is Henry?

( Mother )

He's at work.

( Ash )

Well then, time to get off.

*Ash walking down the street*


( Nivea )

Do you realize that I kill people?

( Ash )

[I hope that hatsukoi is okay.]

*Ash look at his hand*

*Hallucinating about blood on his hand*

( Ash )



( Ash )

Maybe I can achieve teikoku without killing someone?

( Nivea )

Become teikoku for me okay?

( Ash )

[Breathe in and breathe out]

[I promise that I won't get my hand dirty.]

*Inter Rico workshop*

( Rico Alvarez )

buenos días, Ash.

( Ash )

buenos dias, señor Rico.

( Henry Anderson )

Ash, I want you to teach me how to fly.

( Ash )

Yeah, I can teach you.

Just be careful okay.

First tighten your kaen into your foot.

( Henry )

Like this?

( Ash )

Now if you want to float, push one foot up then one foot has it remains.

( Henry )

Okay I'm getting used to this.

( Mark Alvarez )

Not gonna lie, this is fun.

( Ash )

Mark, when do you learn how to do this?

( Mark )

Just yesterday.

( Rico )

Everyone, I have sukiru and mainichi for you.

( Eddie William )

What are they?

( Rico )

kōgeki shards sukiru, supīdosukiru sisend, nenriki mainichi and shīrudo sphere shield.

*Henry get kōgeki shards sukiru and shīrudo sphere shield*

*Mark get supīdosukiru sissend*

*Eddie get nenriki mainichi*

*Everyone exit the bevorder*

( Mark )

Finally we get, new sukiru.

( Eddie )

I feel light.

( Ash )

Hey, how about we go to, Rak workplace?

To meet the others.

( Eddie )

Yeah sure.

Let's do it.

*Doença placs*

( Esarime Andāson )

Mezbaan teams, hasn't returned.

( Sakkaku Sosogu )

So this plan of yours.

I'll say we use monsters instead of akai hito.

( Crear )

Using monsters will lower our team casualties.

How much do we have?

( Esarime )

It's enough to at least stall the truck devil.

( Amrak Andāson )

So where is the truck devil?

( Esarime )

At Mylodon Cave.

( Amrak )

Mylodon Cave to la Plata is very, so halfway we must guard the truck devil.

( Esarime )

Since you have a Murasaki hito on your team, this plan will be good.

*Esarime and Shigo walking down*

( Esarime )

Shigo, can you handle this?

( Shigo Andāson )

Doesn't matter, as long as I get enough money that all I need.

( Esarime )

Of course, I just want you to know to be on minded.

( Shigo )

Do you remember our promise?

( Esarime )

Yes, I will protect your child.

That's if…. you survive.

*At Mylodon Cave*

( Esarime )

With this the truck devil will spawn.

*Esarime places predvolať*

*Speak in Russia*

( Predvolať )

Zachem ty menya vyzyvayesh'?

(Why do you summon me?)

( Esarime )

My khotim ispol'zovat' gruzovik d'yavola.

(We want to use the truck devil.)

( Predvolať )

Vy mozhete ispol'zovat' menya tol'ko odin raz i bol'she nikogda ne zvonit' mne.

(You can only use me one time and never call me again.)

*Hear truck start in up*

*In a house*

( Son )

Mother, I'm going to my friend's place to play.

( Mother )

Make sure you home before it gets dark okay sweetheart.

( Son )


( Mother )

Oh! Wait!

Here, just in case you want to buy soft drinks with your friends.

( Son )


*Truck devil drive through the house*

*At streets*

( Civilian )

The fuck is that?

*Truck devil killing anyone in their way*

( Esarime )

[It is said that people who fear vehicles and even fictional things were born.]

[The truck devil may not seem any powerful.]

[The most dangerous thing is what makes it.]

[As soon as it drives it will drive through anything effortlessly at such a high speed.]

[So all we can do is to wait till it stops.]

*At rak workplace*

[Ding dang]


( Lisa Creatividad )


( Ikari Sosogu )

hola, cara de coño.

( Ash )

Say it again.

I'll be sure to make your angel mother see heaven again.

( ikari )

Do you want to go?

( Lisa )

Wow calm down, let's just brush this off okay.

( Ikari )

Don't stick here for too long.


( Eddie )

Wow, this place looks bigger than our workplace.

( Lisa )

Yeah, that's because we have four bevorders.

( Evîn Alvarez )

Will lookie here, what brings you here?

( Henry )

Actually we are just here to visit.

( Evîn )

Say ash, are you eager to visit your girlfriend?

( Lisa )


( Ash )

No that is not it! I actually respect Lisa in a way.

( Lisa )

Uh, thankss.

( Evîn )

Hehe, all right you two, I leave you alone.

( Lisa )



( Lisa )

So ash, what's your plan on graduation?

( Ash )

I still haven't thought about it yet.

( Rak Nozomi )

Lisa, who is this person?

( Ash )

I'm Ash Anderson.

From Rico's workplace.

( Rak )

Ah you're one of the Rico teams.

Lisa and Evîn talk a lot about.

( Lisa )

That's uh, I was just talking a lot.

( Rak )



( Alarm )

Monster at Azul.

( Rak )

Everybody you know the drill!

Monster at Azul!

( Ash )

Can I come?

( Rak )

I don't know if I had permission to send another team with me?

*Ash get a notification From Rico*

Monster at Azul.

( Ash )

Well look like we go on as a team.

( Rak )

Alright hop on the van!


( Kar nozomi )

Has anybody seen Ray?

( Ikari )


( Tem )

I believe that he said, I'm at home.

( Kar )

Great, when we needed him, he's gone.

( Rak )

Everybody, we are here.

( Mark )

Holy crap.

*Orcs in the area*

( Henry )

Great, Orcs.

( Rak )

Ash team, you to west, Lisa, Kar you go to the east, tem, Ikari you deal in the middle and Evîn you scout the area.

If you are in an intense situation remember to use your signal!

*Ash team is running on houses*

( Ash )

[Monster in a town?]

Hey guys!

Don't you think it's strange that monsters are in a town?

( Mark )

Probably just wander around.

( Henry )

That is also weird too, how can monsters just be in town?

They knew that rüütel would eventually come.

( Eddie )

Guys! Look!

( Ash )

Smoke signals?

( Henry )

And it's not Rak teams either.

*Team look like they're being outmatched*

( Eddie )


( Ash )

Team, look like the team is in danger.

Mark go-

*Mark disappear*

*Mark save sheny*

( Mark )

That was close.

( Sheny Creatividad )

Who.. are you?

( mark )

Just an Alvares.

[Put down] Now big guy.

How about we dance?

( Orc )


( Mark )

[10 dance of the kiiroi honō.]

[Tento sanda.]

*Mark use supīdosukiru sisend*

*Orc get chunk all over his body*

( Rüütel )

Look behind!

*Orc swing at mark but ash block it*

( Ash )

That was pretty flashy.

( Mark )

Can you handle this?

( Ash )

[Parry] What kind of question is that?

*Ash use supīdosukiru sisend*

( Ash )

Of course I got this!

*Ash cut orc head*

( Rüütel )

These guys are pros!

( Rüütel 2 )

They are at least 4 months lieutenant.

( Henry )

Hey, why is there a monster in the town?

( Rüütel )

We don't actually know why.

All of sudden, they just spawn.

( Ash and Henry )


*Tem and Ikari fighting Orcs*

*Speaking latin*

( Orc )

Vide, quod parvulus pilus canos habet.

(Look, that little one has white hair.)

( Tem )

What are they saying?

( Ikari )

They speak in Latin.

They are interested in me.

( Tem )

Wait, you can understand then?

( Ikari )

Dic mihi, cur hic es?

(Tell me, why are you here?)

( Orc 2 )

Heus cave istum.

Ille fuit qui occidit Brap'korp, brap'korp tercium regem

(Hey, watch out for that one.)

(He was the one who killed Brap'korp, brap'korp the third king.)

( Orc )

Vocula fella?

(That little fella?)

( Ikari )

Quid sustentas? Adhuc non quaesivit.

(What's the hold up? You still haven't asked my question.)

( Orc )

Si ille fuit qui occidit Brap'korp tunc solum intendunt in eum.

(If he was the one who killed Brap'korp then we should only focus on him.)

( Tem )

Uh, it looks like they are ready to attack!

*Orc charge at Ikari*

( Ikari )

[1st dance of the counter Shiroi honō.]


*Ikari lunge orc head*

( Orc )


( Ikari )

[3rd dance of the Shiroi honō.]

[Shikō kiri.]

*Ikari cut both sword and head of orc*

( Ikari )


( Tem )

[Holy shit.)

*Evîn at top of church*

( Evîn )

Orcs everywhere.


*See the truck devil and Murasaki monsters smoke*

( Evîn )

[What is really going on?]

*Fire a yellow smoke*

( Mark )

Yellow smoke?

( Ash )

Look like from Rak teams.

You guys, return to the castrum.

( Sheny )

What about-

( Mark )

Don't worry.

( Ash, Henry and Eddie )

We got this.

( Ikari )

So who fires the signal?

( Evîn )

It was me.

( Rak )


( Evîn )

They were something, even standing out from the rest.

( Lisa )


( Evîn )

Let me explain.

I saw a truck not a normal size truck, more like it looked big.

( Mark )

Maybe a "monster truck"?

( Evîn )

And another thing too.

It parks at some destruction building.

Maybe that, it was behind this.

( Rak )

This can't be true evîn.

No way a truck can cause this amount of destruction.

( Evîn )

It is rak.

I see Murasaki Orcs patrolling around it.

( Lisa )

Murasaki Orcs huh?

Captain maybe Evîn on to something.

*Truck devil startup again*

*Truck devil drive off*

( Evîn )

I think it's driving!

( Rak )

So the person is controlling it.

Hop on in the van.


( Rak )

Damn! That truck is fast!

This is at least going 300 mph!

( Ash )

I wonder if I can actually catch up?

( Mark )

Using supīdosukiru sisend might be able to catch up.

( Rak )

Now you two, don't try anything rash.

I hold responsibility to you guys so-

( Everyone )

They're gone.

( Rak )


*Ash and mark using supīdosukiru sisend*

( Ash )

Who knows that this will work?

( Mark )

I figured this out, it seems like it has 1 delay.

So what's the plan?

( Ash )

Let's see who is driving this.

*Ash go front of and use nenriki teria*

*Truck devil's pass right through it*

( Ash )


*Ash get out of the way*

( Mark )

Well, that didn't work.

( Ash )

It just goes right through it with ease!

*At monde grande*

*Truck devil stop*

( Ash )

Its spot?

*atlast people come out*

( Shigo )

Don't worry we will be there.

-to be continued-