
Teen Mage in Teen Wolf

A teenage boy moves into a relatively small Californian town alongside his mom and younger sister. His name is very unique: Myrddin Wyllt. Moving around from place to place isn’t anything new to the Wyllt family. Spending anywhere from a week to a year in a single place. Myrddin arrives at his new home at the age of 15, the end of summer 2010. This will be the start of his first year of highschool. And he might be able to finish a year of school at a single school for a change, but neither he nor his sister are holding their breath. They both attended 5 schools in different states to finish a grade in the past. He has a good relationship with his mom. An ok relationship with his dad. And a decent relationship to his sister. Decent being an extremely nice and exaggerated way of putting it. He is just a normal kid wanting to have something break the mundaneness of his life. Moving doesn’t help, it only makes it worse. At least his name is very unique, but it causes more trouble than it’s worth. What happens when his mundane life gets cast to the wind? How will he adapt to his ever-changing view of the world? Will he finally be able to make some true friends? And how will he shape the future for not only himself, but possibly the entirety of Beacon Hills or the whole world? —————— This will start a bit slow as I try and get the story started and get certain events sprinkled in before the main plot starts. The timeline for Teen Wolf is an absolute mess, so there will be some changes to how things go in sequence. I’ll try to stick to how events went in the original, but there just isn’t information on some. An example would be that Laura Hale will still be dead, but it’s not said how long she was dead until her body was found. Or how long it took Derek to get back to Beacon Hill. Obviously things will change with an OC in the mix, but certain events will still happen and some won’t happen. It’s hard to explain this, so just enjoy reading it. Along with Teen Wolfs supernatural creatures there will be others added in as well. Some examples that may or may not be included are: phoenix, dragon, unicorn, centaur, fairy, devil, demon, angel, etc… As a heads up: Myrdinn won’t know anything magic related at the start. He would only have an average person’s knowledge of it and only believe it to be fiction. He also doesn’t even know about the supernatural side of the world. Another Heads Up: Myrddin will start weak and become stronger. He will start relatively small but there will be something later on that will change him so we can get our 6’ athletic man. I’ll do my best to make it not seem forced but I haven’t written that far yet. (Think of Captain America how he went from weak to absolutely buff, but our MC won’t be looking that buff) The romance partner has not been decided upon at the moment of writing this terrible synopsis. (I promise this fanfic will be written better than this random thing) —————— Everyone knows I don’t own anything related to Teen Wolf or MTV related. And if I did I likely wouldn’t be writing this. I hope you can turn your brain off and enjoy reading this fanfic! Please comment! And point out any plot inconsistencies for me, I’m human so there’s bound to be something I’ll forget! Or tell me what you enjoy and don’t enjoy so I know what everyone is reading this for!

Quade_The_Unknown · TV
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40 Chs

Ch. 22 The Night Before

Notice from Author!!!

People are worried this will be a harem. It won't be.

But Myrddin will be testing the waters. I don't want to write a hundred sex scenes. But the relationships is what this Fanfic is about. Not only the romantic kind. Teen Wolf is about friends and coming together to overcome challenges. (Although it is also very much so about the romantic kind as well) (And Myrddin is very straight. So not 'that' kind of testing the water)

I don't want to give away a major plot hook to keep everyone interested until it comes into play maybe in season 2. Just know there are reasons why Myrddin has a high libido besides being a teenager.

Also, Myrddin will eventually find 'the one'. But he has to find her first. And maybe he's already found her? Who knows.

Reminder!!!!: Do Not Swear in comments!! It deletes them. And I hate for some of these great comments to be deleted. So please don't swear on your comment



"God damnit McCall" Myrddin mutters as he steps out of his car and into the slightly chilly night air.

The challenger is parked along the entrance of a dirt road that leads deep into the Preserve. And Myrddin thinks he's at the right place because there is a bend where the car will come around. But there are a few of those bends along this road. Myrddin doubts Scott would be farther down the road though. If Scott made his way to the further bends he would have had to try and get there with how the road cuts through the Preserve

He isn't too far away from the town right now. But if a person were to walk through the preserve it would probably take them a while to get here. Along the road it would nearly be a straight shot.

Myrddin gets out of his car and plants his boots on the muddy ground. He's wearing his black leather jacket over a white shirt and black jeans. There's also a pair of glasses hanging drum the collar of his tshirt.

After locking his car he goes onto the side of the road. Looking around, he doesn't recognize much until further down the road towards the bend, away from town.

He finds the spot where he was looking at the scene from his vision. Along the side of the road and across from where Scott appears from.


Rain begins gently falling.

"You have gotta be…." Myrddin looks up. He doesn't have any way to stop himself from getting rained on. Not even his magic would be able to fully cover himself. And he would look weird if someone saw only a part of him was wet from the rain.

Myrddin stops complaining when he begins to hear panting off in the distance. He also sees the headlights of the car.

Something is different from his vision already. It wasn't raining and the headlights are brighter than they were as well.

Then it hits him. A very strong and distinct metallic smell. The smell of fresh blood.

He was distracted for a few seconds but he manages to get moving when he sees the car come around the bend. He spots a person stumble out of the woods with a red hoodie on.

Myrddin watches as Scott stares into the headlights of the car like a deer.

Scott throws his hands in front of his face like that would stop a car driving over 30 miles an hour. "Ahhh! Noooo!"


Myrddin grabs Scott by the collar of his hoodie and was about to dive off the road but he sees the car swerve out of the way at the last moment and continue driving on.

"Wh- *Huff* who?" Scott shakes his head and his messy wet hair moves out of his eyes. He looks up and sees a man holding him by the collar and looking after the car that nearly hit the both of them.

Myrddin lets Scott go but then he smells something else. He turns his head to look in the direction Scott was running from and sees two blood red eyes looking at him… or Scott. "Get out of here"

"Huh?" Scott pulls his hoodie down to fix it after Myrddin pulled it up from grabbing it.

"I said get the FUCK outta here!" Myrddin turns Scott down the road leading back to town and gives him a push.

"Where is-!" Scott turns around after stopping himself from falling over. He expects to see the guy but only sees his side as he runs off into the woods. "-here…"

Scott winces and pulls his hoodie up to reveal a big bite mark. Before hearing a howl off in the distance.


Myrddin runs towards the eyes as he grabs the wand from his back pocket.

The beast is up on a hill off in the distance quite a ways away from the road. The eyes of the beast look down at Myrddin's green eyes and seems to recognize him.

Myrddin stops running halfway between the hill and the road and waits for the beast to charge him. If he can manage to use its momentum against it he could deal some decent damage. At least more damage than throwing a fist sized flame at it. It's raining for Gods sake. And he hasn't exactly figured out how to create lightning with his magic yet. He's got just the basics of the basics. But a lot of creativity to use those basics.

Against Myrddin's expectations, the beast howls up into the night sky and then runs off over the other side of the hill.

There was something different about this howl from the howl when he first met the beast. It was like the howl had a purpose behind it this time. Myrddin couldn't put his finger on it exactly.

He looks around and doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. And after going back to the road he doesn't see Scott anywhere in sight.

From what Myrddin saw and smelt, Scott must have been hurt by the beast. At least it wasn't as bad as having his lower back nearly shredded to pieces. Considering Scott was able to run and was fine enough to ask questions, he was going to survive.

But Myrddin did wonder if Scott would show up at school tomorrow. That would be… interesting… to say the least.

"Let's not stay around here longer than needed then" Myrddin puts his wand in his back pocket before returning back to his car.

The sound of the rain hitting the roof and windshield of his car was rather relaxing. Myrddin was sitting inside his car while waiting for Scott to get further down the road. He would have been worried the beast would try and attack Scott again but Myrddin knows that Scott should be nearing town and there are a few other reasons why the beast won't be trying to attack Scott again tonight. One being that Scott was going towards one of the more populated areas in Beacon Hills at night time. And no, not the 'red light' part. It's one of the main roads in and out of Beacon Hills is why.

Inside his car Myrddin thinks about a few other things.

The first being his wand. He should probably find a better way to carry it around than sticking it in his back pocket.

Secondly, how he should progress with his magic. He's able to manipulate water, air, fire, and earth. He feels a little like the Avatar. But he can't do more than one at a time. And they're rather lackluster currently. Just a flame the size of a fist. A gust of wind. A tiny amount of water that's more like a low pressure shower head. And a small disc of earth. He can shape the different elements and move them with Venire which gives them more versatility. But even Venire can only move small objects currently. He's done so much already, but it feels so small.

Third, he's looking forward to tomorrow. School should get very interesting now. He wonders how Erica will react. Aside from his physical appearance, he can finally run faster than her!! And Lydia… he wonders how that interaction will go. I'm the end it depends on who is around her. And Jackson? Jackson is fucked now. Myrddin isn't only smarter than him, but now he's physically better. And the best part is, he didn't need to use steroids!

Fourth, he wonders if his teachers will let him just be passive in the back of the class again or not. This year he still has to take the core classes. Next year, wherever he will be, he can take as many electives as he wants. Or he can probably graduate from high school early. But that would be counter productive on many of his future plans.

Fifth, he needs to figure what the hell that hulking beast is. It hasn't moved out of Beacon Hills so it has a purpose around here. And he wonders just how long it's been here. He also needs to make sure it hasn't and won't hurt Caval. He also doesn't want to wait until that thing fatally wounds someone close to him.

Sixth, figuring out what the hell his visions are. Currently they are being a little hit or miss. And this one was very misleading. If his vision had continued for a few more seconds he would have seen the car swerve around Scott. Or maybe him running across the road saved Scott? Either way, his vision was too short and didn't give him the full picture.

Seventh, he needs to figure out ways to defend himself. And yes, different than learning magic. This is weaponizing what he learns. And it also includes strengthening his body. But he's not wanting to take and king-fu or karate classes since he doesn't have the time for those things. Maybe something will pop up at school? And he could always get into fights just because. Last year he was in a fight on the first day of school.

Eighth, trying to figure out ways to avoid his sister at school. So far his mom hasn't asked him to drive her to school. But he knows it's only a matter of time until it happens. His mom is gonna get stuck designing or something for work and he will be forced to drive Gwen. Or she can take the bus? Or…. walk?

Wow, he almost made himself laugh with that one. Gwen actually walking somewhere? Yeah right. She's the embodiment of the sin of Sloth sometimes.

Ninth, which cat is the cutest at the clinic? Almost all of them are tied. But surely one must be better right? And the dogs are mostly taking second. Although that magnet eating iguana has begun to grow on him.

Tenth, he should plan a little surprise party for his mom's birthday. Does that require discussing it with Gwen? A little. But if it's for his mom he doesn't mind dealing with Gwen's bs.

Eleventh, he should see if his healing is because of his magic or if it's separate like his visions. But he also needs to confirm his visions aren't a result of his magic either. And he should see if he has any other powers while he's at it. But he won't hold his breath for that. Magic is pretty awesome already.

Twelfth, he needs to study more about humans and animals biologically and medically. He knows a lot, but Deaton still knows so much more, animals wise. Myrddin doesn't know if Deaton knows as much humans wise. But he I guess Deaton does, to a very high degree at least.

Thirteenth, figure out what the highschool, clinic, bank, a mental hospital, the large stump, and certain other spots in the Preserve, all have in common. He found himself at certain locations without realizing he was going there and wants to know more about it. But he can't connect the dots no matter how much time he spends on it. And he can't spend much time on this since he's got so many other things to do.


Once Myrddin finishes running his inner monologue he starts his car and heads back to his house. The rain sucks to drive in, but he loves driving his car so it equals out.

He gets back to his house and goes around to the side. He climbs up to his window and as soon as he slides it open:


His lamp turns on and his mom appears sitting in his seat in front of his desk.

"Holy fu-! Mom?" Myrddin nearly fell back down but he managed to catch himself.

"Yeah, mom. What the hell were you thinking? Did you think I wouldn't hear you drive away?" Ada crosses her legs and looks at her son outside her house.

"Kinda?" Myrddin was fairly certain he was quiet about doing this. And he has done this before successfully.

"Well as your mother, I just know a few things. Now care to tell me what you were doing out there and why you're climbing through your window?" Ada narrows her eyes.

"Can I come inside?" Myrddin doesn't really want to figure out the damage his body would receive from falling at this height.


Myrddin slumps his shoulders. "But mom~"

"Funny. Do you see me laughing?" Ada asks at her sons attempt at a joke.

"Fair" Myrddin then looks directly into her eyes. "I was out helping a friend. He was lost near the Preserve so I helped him become… un-lost"

"I don't suppose you'll tell me which friend?" Ada asks knowing that the Preserve is off limits, especially tonight.

"Do you promised not to tell his mom?" Myrddin counters her question with his own.

Ada taps her arm in thought. "Fair"

"It was Scott McCall" Myrddin immediately throws him under the bus.

"What about Stiles? From what I hear if you find one of those two the other isn't far behind. And I can't believe you chose tonight to get dragged into those two's shenanigans" Ada shakes her head.

"If Stiles was there he was hiding Damn well. And what's wrong with tonight? School tomorrow? I'll be fine" Myrddin looks down the outside of the house. "And Gwen is still up"

"She's what?!" Ada picks her head up and looks through the walls at Gwen's room. "No, that's not important right now. And the reason for tonight being a bad night is because they found a body in the woods"

"Wooaaa-!" Myrddin's grips slips after hearing there was a body found.

"Myrddin!" Ada runs to the window and looks down expecting to see her son sprawled out in the front garden.

But Myrddin is actually holding onto a ledge just under his window. "Uhm, NOW can I come in? Please?"


That night was a rough one for Myrddin. Partly because he was remembering the dead body from a month ago that he couldn't find after the first time. And the fact that the body was only half found.

Somebody cut her in half.

Myrddin is mostly sure the beast didn't eat her body because the beast didn't immediately eat her that night. Myrddin stumbled upon the body and then the beast.

And after a month the beast could have eaten her entire body.

So what gives Myrddin the chills is that somebody found the dead body. Cut it in half. Moved both halves. And didn't bother burying the halves.

He also wonders what Scott was doing out there. Did Stiles really eavesdrop on his dad, learn about there being half a body in the Preserve, decide to look for the other half, rope Scott into going out, and then the two idiots actually went out.

Was that why the smell of blood was so strong? It wasn't all Scott's? And that the other half of the body was close by?

Did Scott and Stiles actually end up finding it?

And which half of the body was it?

2,523 words without notice at the beginning

Spent quite a while on this chapter, hope you enjoyed!

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts