
Technology vs magic

In this gripping and humorous novel, the protagonist, Alexander, finds himself trapped in a time loop after a catastrophic event. With each death, he is brought back to the same point in time, forcing him to navigate through multiple challenges and enemies. Alongside his snarky AI companion, Alex, Alexander must use his survival skills and wit to break free from the cycle. Action-packed and filled with unexpected twists, this thrilling tale will keep readers captivated until the very end.

Anime_Anime_6412 · Fantasía
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37 Chs

"Unforeseen Circumstances part 1"

Isabella was also very grateful and gave Alexander a big hug, thanking him for saving her mother's life. The old man then suggested that Isabella should accompany Alexander to explore the city and discover all the wonderful places it had to offer. Isabella was excited at the idea, and Alexander felt happy to have a companion to explore the city with.

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As they walked through the city, Alexander and Isabella chatted about their interests and their lives. Isabella was fascinated by Alexander's gadgets and asked him all kinds of questions about how they worked. Alexander was happy to explain and even showed her how to use some of them.

At one point, the AI chimed in, teasing Alexander about his lack of knowledge about certain things in the city. Alexander laughed and replied, "Hey, I can't know everything, that's what the AI is for!"

Overall, Alexander felt a great sense of satisfaction at being able to help the old man and his family. He also felt grateful to have made a new friend in Isabella and was excited to explore the city with her. As they continued their adventure, Alexander felt a renewed sense of purpose and a newfound appreciation for the power of his gadgets and his own ingenuity.

As Alexander and Isabella were exploring the city, a sudden and deafening explosion shattered the peaceful atmosphere. People were screaming and running in panic as thick black smoke rose from the direction of the city center.

Alexander's heart raced as he heard the deafening explosion. He froze for a moment, trying to process what just happened. Fear gripped him as he looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. Isabella was equally stunned, and her eyes widened in terror. The once lively and cheerful atmosphere of the city was now replaced by chaos and destruction. Smoke billowed up from the center of the explosion, and screams could be heard in the distance.

Alexander's mind raced as he realized that they needed to get out of there. He grabbed Isabella's hand, and they started to run towards the outskirts of the city. They could hear the sound of more explosions . Alexander's mind was filled with questions: who was behind this attack, and what was their motive? As they ran, they passed by injured people lying on the ground, and Alexander's heart sank at the sight of the suffering around him.

He turned to Isabella, and with a shaky voice, he asked her if she was okay. She nodded, but her eyes were filled with fear and tears. Alexander felt responsible for her safety, and he knew he had to get her out of the city as quickly as possible. They ran for what felt like an eternity, and finally reached the city gates. However, things did not go as Alexander had hoped.

"AAAH,F**k I DIED,SH*T,I COULDN'T PROTECT ISABELLA " the man said with a sad and pained expression, feeling a pain that stopped him from getting up and causing him to uncontrollably fall asleep.

(5 hours later)

The man opened his eyes.

"SH*T, SH*T, SH*T, WHY THE HELL DID THE CITY EXPLODED!? ", the man screamed in confusion.

[What are you talking about? Explosion ? Did the black hole mess with your brain?], asked Alex.

"this again", The man spoke with a mournful expression, "After everything I've done, all the struggles I've endured, and all the memories I've created, they are all disappeared ."

[Are crazy?], the AI exclaimed

Alexander ignored the AI, he felt a sense of urgency to prevent the explosion he knew was coming. He quickly went to his spaceship and summoned Alex, the AI, to help him figure out the possible causes. "Hey, Alex, what are the possible causes of an explosion in a city?" he asked, looking at the holographic interface projected from the AI.

Alex appeared on the interface with a smirk and teased Alexander, "What's the matter, buddy? Did you forget to bring your crystal ball with you?"

Alexander was very serious and replied, "This is not a joke, Alex. Lives are at stake."

Alex, sensing the gravity of the situation, started listing the possible causes of an explosion in modern society. "There could be a gas leak, a malfunction in the power grid, a terrorist attack, or a natural disaster."

Alexander refused them all and asked about causes that could be applied in the 15th century. Alex was confused and mentioned the possibility of a civil war or other things caused by humans. "It could be a civil war, or an invasion from a neighboring kingdom. Or perhaps it could be a sabotage from someone within the city," he said, looking for any other possibilities.

Alexander nodded, "Yes, that could be it. Someone might be trying to assassinate the king or cause chaos in the city. We need to find out who is behind this and stop them before it's too late."

As Alexander was in the midst of his conversation with Alex, he suddenly heard a loud, alarming sound. The AI's voice boomed through the spaceship, [Warning, warning! There are meteors approaching the spaceship.]

" SH*T THOSE F*CKING METEORS AGAIN ", the man screamed

"Aaah," the man exclaimed, his body writhing in pain. This time, however, he managed to push through the pain and shout,

"ALEX, START RECHARGING THE F*CKING ROCKET!" With those words, he lost consciousness.

( 5 hours later)

The man woke up with determination etched on his face. "Okay," he said in a low voice, "I have to fully prepare myself this time. I need to follow the same steps I did before: land near the city, sell to the old man, register for the competition. But maybe I can change it up a bit hehe ," he chuckled to himself. "I'll still win the competition, though. I know their abilities now, so I'll be better prepared. Then I'll claim the prize hehehehe," he smiled slyly.

(after 22 days and 6 hours )

The man was filled with excitement and ambition, thinking of all the different ways he could win the competition. But his elation turned to shock as he gazed out the window and saw that the rocket had landed in the middle of a dense forest. Frustrated and confused, he turned to the AI and demanded, "Why the hell did you land here? "