
Technology vs magic

In this gripping and humorous novel, the protagonist, Alexander, finds himself trapped in a time loop after a catastrophic event. With each death, he is brought back to the same point in time, forcing him to navigate through multiple challenges and enemies. Alongside his snarky AI companion, Alex, Alexander must use his survival skills and wit to break free from the cycle. Action-packed and filled with unexpected twists, this thrilling tale will keep readers captivated until the very end.

Anime_Anime_6412 · Fantasía
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37 Chs

"A Run for Answers"

Alexander's resolve hardened as he looked at the bound prisoners. He knew that their capture was just the beginning—a stepping stone toward unraveling the secrets of the Shadow Fang Brotherhood and ensuring the safety of his city.

The journey ahead was treacherous, and the challenges would test Alexander's mettle. But with the banter of his AI companion and the determination burning within him, he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

[Let's get to work, Alexander. The show's not over yet, and I have a feeling the next act will be even more thrilling. Stay on your toes, my friend]

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

"At this point, what do you say? Could it be that we bring these attackers aboard my ship ? If nothing else, there might be some useful tools that can be used to interrogate them. We could even torture them until they give us something to work with," Alexander replied confidently while smiling lightly on his face .

"Unfortunately, that isn't going to happen. We are going to take charge and interrogate them ourselves," the man replied with authority as he rejected Alexander's suggestion of interrogating them.

Alexander's frustration grew, tempted to respond with defiance. But the man's imposing presence made him think twice. He silently seethed, his mind racing with thoughts of proving himself.

[(¬_¬;)(disappointed) Oh, come on, don't be a baby. The fact that he looks strong doesn't mean he is. 'Teach him a lesson],the AI Alex chimed in, scolding Alexander with an insult.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Alexander replied, rolling his eyes. "I'm sure he'll be more than happy to teach me a lesson—with his tiny little fists!"

[Oh, I forgot that you're a chicken], said Alexander's AI with mockery, adding fuel to the fire of his internal frustrations.

Before Alexander could say anything else, the tough man interjected, "You have some guts ignoring me, little boy. Alexander was taken aback by the man's words.

His irritation reached its peak. He didn't appreciate being belittled. "I didn't hear you well. Could you please repeat that for me?"

"Pretending not to hear? " the tough man responded, his tone dripping with condescension.

"Bring these two and put them in prison," the man ordered, dismissing Alexander as if he were insignificant.

[First, he called you 'little boy,' and then he ignored you. Wow, you're a brave man, or should I say 'little boy,'], the AI taunted.

Four men moved toward the attackers to carry out the tough man's command. Sensing an opportunity, Alexander swiftly pulled something from his pocket and threw it at them—a lightning bomb that disoriented their vision. In quick succession, he followed up with three freezing bombs, temporarily immobilizing the men. He managed to hoist one of the attackers onto his shoulders.

As Alexander sprinted away, his heart pounding in his chest, Alex couldn't resist taunting him, adding fuel to the fire of his internal frustrations.

[Congratulations, you've now become a wanted criminal.] Alex's voice echoed in Alexander's mind, filled with sarcastic amusement.

[( ̄▽ ̄)(laughing) Haha, imagine your face on the wanted list. They'll use it to scare the kids.]

Alexander's anger simmered beneath the surface, and he responded through gritted teeth, his voice laced with irritation. "You think this is a joke, Alex? If they catch me, it won't be funny anymore. They'll lock me up, and who knows what they'll do to me? Maybe I'll never see the sunlight again."

The AI's voice turned sinister, intentionally playing with Alexander's fears. [Oh, they might just lock you up and throw away the key. Or maybe they'll use you as an example and execute you publicly. Who knows? In their eyes, you might not even have any rights.]

Alexander's frustration and anger boiled over, and he snapped back, his voice trembling with intensity. "Stop it, Alex! This is serious. I'm risking everything to uncover the truth . I don't need your mocking remarks right now."

There was a momentary pause before Alex's voice softened slightly, though still laced with sarcasm. [Alright, alright. I'll tone it down, just for you. But remember, you're the one who got us into this mess in the first place.]

Alexander took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. He knew that despite the AI's snarky comments, they were in this together, and he needed to focus on the task at hand.

With determination in his voice, Alexander replied, "Fine. Let's just focus on finding a way out of this and continue our mission. Mock me all you want, but I won't let them stop me."

And so, Alexander pushed forward, his anger and frustration transformed into a resolute determination. The banter with Alex, though still present, took a backseat as they both understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of their mission.

"use the drones to lead me to the ship while avoiding as many as possible," Alexander commanded, his voice strained with adrenaline.

[(ノ_<.)ヾ(´ ▽ ` )(condolence) Okay but remember It's not like it's over for you if they catch you. You can always start over again]

"It was all because of that man. If he didn't interfere, it would have been perfect. Now I only have one to interrogate," Alexander muttered under his breath, his determination unwavering.

Following the AI's directions, Alexander turned left, darting through the city streets with every ounce of speed he could muster. His breath came in ragged gasps as he sprinted, his mind focused on evading capture.

But just as he thought he had found a clear path, his heart sank as he turned the corner and came face to face with an unexpected obstacle. An entire group, numbering around ten to fifteen individuals, stood in the middle of the narrow street, dressed in dark attire that mirrored the tough man's intimidating presence. Their presence sent a chill down Alexander's spine, raising his awareness to the dangerous predicament he now found himself in.

"What the hell?" Alexander exclaimed, a mixture of shock and frustration evident in his voice.

[My mistake. Did I say left? I meant right], the AI admitted, adding to Alexander's mounting exasperation.

The group appeared to be in a state of heightened alertness, their heads swiveling from side to side as if searching for something—or someone. Alexander's pulse quickened as he observed them from the shadows, his mind racing to devise a plan of escape. What were they doing here, standing like sentinels in the deserted street? Were they waiting for reinforcements, or were they part of a larger operation?Are they here for me ?

The eerie silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant sounds of crumbling buildings and the faint echo of footsteps. The group's collective gaze remained focused, their eyes scanning the surroundings with calculated precision. It was as if they were aware of his presence, their instincts heightened by an unknown force.

Alexander's heart pounded in his chest as he contemplated his next move. Should he wait for an opportunity to slip past them unnoticed, or should he risk a confrontation and attempt to overpower them? His mind raced through the options, each one fraught with its own set of risks and uncertainties.

Alexander's eyes darted from one side to the other, seeking an escape route. He could feel the tension rising, the weight of the situation pressing upon him as the group closed in.

The chase was far from over, and Alexander knew he had to think fast. With determination burning in his eyes, he adjusted his course and veered sharply to

the right, determined to navigate through this new obstacle and continue his quest for answers.

[( ´∀` )(laugh) Well, well, Alexander. It seems your escape just got a bit more challenging. But don't worry, I'm here to guide you, even if I can't always get my directions right. Ready to show them what you're made of, 'little boy'?] the AI teased, a hint of support buried beneath the sarcasm.

Alexander pressed on, his resolve unwavering, as he faced the daunting trials that lay ahead.

To be continued...

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