

Alternate reality has always been a fantasy.. for Andrea it's no more,, it is as real as it could get and you wanna know something else, she's stuck..

Sam_Kip · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Such a good pilot!

"Come on! Come on!!" Rina shouted repeatedly. They were in the atmosphere of the strange planet but things seemed awry.

The moment the tiny ship had hit the atmosphere, all the systems reacted weirdly. It was like Rina was disconnected from the ship and the ship's system was malfunctioning.

One second the engine are at full throttle and the next .. nothing.


Andrea's stomach couldn't handle the extreme rocking. She bent over the chair and puked all over the floor.

"What is happening Rina?" she managed to ask before another wave of puke chocked her.

Rina was silent for a moment, trying her hardest to get back control over the ship.

"Something is isolating me from the system!" she shouted over the ship's blaring alarms. "I can't get back in control and there's a big chance of crashing so brace yourself!!"


Suddenly, Rina managed to capture the ship. However, due to the initial disruption, the ship was headed for a head-on collision with a mountain side. To make matters worse, one of the ship's thrusters was totally blown up.



An old man was around the mountains when he saw a bright red "star" shoot across the sky and hit the other side of the same mountain he was on.

'Such bad luck I have,' he sighed. 'Now all the monsters from around will flock this hill and I can't even see what that was. Maybe I should just go, it might be some heavenly treasure fallen from the sky?!'

Full of excitement, the old man took of at a speed which screamed 'I'm no old man!'. Within a few moments, he was already gone.

"Argh!" Andrea groaned. "What happened?" she felt as if she had been hit by a truck repeatedly.

Rina was running a scan of the area to see if there was any form of life. To her surprise, the waves couldn't get as far as four meters from the ship before disappearing into nothing.

"Where the hell did we go to now?! What is this place?" Rina thought out loud.

"Rina?" Andrea called. "Any ideas of where we are?" As she asked this she unbuckled her seat belt then moved to a window.

"The trees look weird," Rina complimented.

"Of course they'd be weird," Andrea scoffed. "We clearly landed someplace other than Earth. No tree species have leaves as big as a car," she added.

"Could we have landed in a Naga planet, maybe?" Rina said with a shaky voice.

Andrea shook her head the answered, "The would never let us approach their solar system, not to mention a planet," she said as a mater of factility.

Andrea decided not to get out first. If anything, the local populace of the mountains should be on the way there, the ship had such a "good pilot".

They were yet to figure out why the scanner signals couldn't leave the ship.

In the overgrown forest, a black figure dashed beneath the huge leaves. The figure was as fast as a squirrel but one look at the person and one could see her was not at full speed yet.

Every once in a while the shadow would draw it's hand out like a blade and wind would rustle the bush along it's path.

At a glance, one would not even notice the hand as it's speed was too great for human eyes. The only evidence was the slight movement on the thick brush then a thud followed by groans.

All this happened in between a second and the movement was perfect. It didn't even slow it down. As the shadow passed under a small clearing, one could get a glimpse of a slightly wringed face and white hair.

The old man was now a dozen kilometers away from the ship. He had been running nonstop until he entered a clearing in the forest.

Sensing something was wrong, he mumbled something then something unimaginable happened.

The feet of the old man stopped midair and then he continued his race.

As soon as he reached the middle or the clearing, a plant like vine, as huge as a man's arm, shot out of the ground and tries to restrict his legs.

"Holy Ashtebah!" he cursed then increased his speed. He was now almost as fast as a horse, a floating one for the record, a speed that would shame Earth's marathon champions.

As soon as he hit the bush, the vine stopped chasing him and retreated to it's hiding place. The ground covered it neatly and no one would know what evil laid beneath.

The man slowed down after exiting the clearing and thought tu himself, "I need to be careful. If there's treasure then I bet only I saw it flying down,' he smiled with visible greed. 'Afterall, no one dares enter this place.'


"I've unlocked the latch and the door but.." Runs said to her friend. "It's been over an hour and no living thing, aside from trees are around. Are you sure you want to do this? I say we wait some more."

"What's the point in waiting?" Andrea shrugged. "If the locals are hostile then wouldn't it be better not to found in a closed ship?"

"Okay, but take me with you," Rina said. "If you are risking anything then I am too."

Andrea took the earring and attached it to her right ear. She hen pushed open the door but hesitated to step outside.

"What now?" Rina laughed. "Weren't you the one who said we should go? Why did you stop?"

Andrea could almost see Rina's smug face from her voice. She decided to stop giving her anymore reasons to tease her.

'What thick air?!' That was what came to Andrea's mind the moment she stepped out of the ship. She felt as if the atmosphere was against her very presence.. as if she didn't belong here.

The air had a certain weight and felt almost tangible. Rina was not an exception to the feeling. In fact, she felt it even more because of her state.

"Do you feel that, Andrea?" Rina decided to confirm she wasn't the only one feeling the strange pressure around.

"Like a mountain is pressing down on my chest.. definitely," Andrea answered between clenched teeth. The pressure was slowly but surely increasing.

"I didn't feel it in the ship.." Rina said worriedly. "Should we go back and figure it out?"

"It's the plasma shield keeping it out," Andrea answered. "But there's no way to create one for me, so let's just endure it until we figure out a different way to stop it."

After walking for around an hour, Andrea's forehead was glistening with sweat. She was almost collapsing due to the overbearing feeling.

"Huh.. How.. how big is.. is this mountain.. huuh?" She thought aloud in between pants for breathe.

"Andrea.." Rina wheezed. Surprising, even though she had no body, her voice was more tired that that of Andrea's.

"Why is it so adverse on you Rina?" Andrea wondered. "Spirits are intangible so I don't see why you are severely affected," as she said this, she had already stopped walking and was seated against a huge tree. She thought she should rest before continuing.

"We should go back," Rina squealed in pain, phantom pain. "I can't take it anymore!" She screamed.

"We can't go ba.."


A crack appeared along the earring's surface.

"What did you do Rina!" Andrea shouted in horror. She even forgot the pressure due to the sudden situation. She knew what would happen if Rina's soul found no "empty vessel".

"I don't know?!" Rina shouted, equally surprised. "I.. I.. I just screamed and my voice did that.. I'm sorry," her voice was full of fear.

"We need to get to the ship befo.."


"Oh no.." Andrea took off the earring carefully. As soon as she touched it, it broke into two equal halves. "No.. no.. no.."

Suddenly, while Andrea was still in shock, Rina's spirit was forced into Andrea's head by the atmosphere's heavy pressure.


Pain! Terrible pain!

Andrea's body fell on the ground in a fit of convulsions, seems like possession is painful. The poor girl couldn't handle such amounts of pain, coupled with the stacked up tiredness from the pressure, she slowly drifted out of consciousness.

The last thing she saw was an aged man picking her up then.. darkness.