

Alternate reality has always been a fantasy.. for Andrea it's no more,, it is as real as it could get and you wanna know something else, she's stuck..

Sam_Kip · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Just Asleep

"How does this even work?" Rina's frustrated voice rang. The we currently in a tiny workshop on the middle deck. Andrea as trying to make a portable computer chip for Rina.

Andrea wanted her to be by her side and Rina agreed, she would get bored staying in the ship all alone anyways.

However, the main reason they were doing this was to get a way to drive the emergency ships down to the planet. They had no agreed to leave Midnight in the planets orbit incase they met any hostiles.

The problem was that a larger part of the workshop was computer operated and that meant Rina had to do it. At first, she was doing it well but when it came to the smaller components, her dexterity proved to be insufficient.


"To hell with this! I'm tired. You should just go alone otherwise, we'll run out of raw materials pretty soon," Rina tried to sooth Andrea.

Andrea, however, was hellbent on taking Rina with her. Although she didn't say it, the truth was that she was afraid of being lonely.

"No. Keep trying, we still have four broken pods full of parts we can utilize," Andrea quickly answered. "Besides, even if we stop, you still will need to build a module to control the escape Craft."

"Argh.. alright then," Rina groaned in defeat. "Let us make me a mini-me.." she said sarcastically.

"Now that's the spirit," Andrea shook her fists. She picked up a metal part and passed it to the bench where Rina had already destroyed over five similar sheets of metal.


Three hours later, a mechanical arm dropped the soldiering gun on the bench with a non-machine like motion.

"Finally!" Rina dramatically lifted her "arms" to the sky.

"Stop your dramas would you?" Andrea laughed. "that was only one part, we still have like a hundred to go so.." she shrugged.

"Oh God?! I'm ruined!!"



The earring locked into a complete circle. The two ladies had been working nonstop for the whole day and when the final part was added, they were totally out of it.

"Let's go eat something then.." Andrea's voice dropped off when she realized her inclusiveness. The atmosphere suddenly felt heavy.

"Just go," Rina said, already getting used to her new form. "Let's race to the cafe," she said with a hearty laugh.

"What do you mean race?" Andrea laughed too. She picked her newest creation and walked to the door.

"Is mummy's girl chickening out," Rina teased. Her trick failed miserably, however.

"You rascal," Andrea chuckled. "I know you are already there."

Two happy voices echoed down the hall, one a little too girly and the other almost monotonous.

Two friends chatted happily in a dark blue ship floating in outer space, orbiting a planet similar to earth but with almost seventy more moons, quite a shocking sight.

The two women who were the only living souls seemed oblivious of the creepy world, or maybe they just got used to it.

Rina was still learning how to fully operate the ship. It may take her some time since it is a huge ship with lots of data and not to forget she's only human, or at least was human, and thus while she was talking with her friend, half of her focus was on the ship's system. She was using the AI controlled robots w.hich survived the battle to clean.

So far she could only control a maximum of three. Any more and she would start feeling something relative to a headache.

She was also making last minute checks on the tiny escape ship they had chosen. She didn't want to risk her onpy companion's life.

Andrea fell asleep the moment she finished eating. Rina looked at her feeling lucky to have her as a friend. She was too selfless.

Looking at how tired she was due to her repeated trials to take Rina with her, she could only chuckle heartily.

'For you dear friend, I'd do anything to keep you,' she thought as she controlled the robot to pick her from the table.

"Eew.. your are drooling on my.. this guy's hand, how nasty of you," she laughed.

After undressing her, she pulled the duvet over Andrea's body then moved away as silently as a robot could.



A scream jolted Rina out of sleep, even she was surprised she fell asleep.

"What?! Intruders? Nagas? Why are you screaming so loudly?" she asked.

"S.. sorry," an embarrassed Andrea sat naked in the bed. Her chest was heaving like she'd ran a marathon. Suddenly, she realized she was naked.

"Uwaah!" she ducked back into the covers. "Who did this?! I'll kill you!" She shouted from the covers.


"I'm serious Rina?!" Andrea shouted with one hand out of the covers searching for her clothes.

"Come on," Rina said. "You know it's only robots onboard so, why the drama?"

"Pervert," Andrea grumbled.

An hour later, Andrea took the earring they had made to the control room. It was where the mainframe computer could be accessed through in the ship. After plugging in the earring chip, Andrea asked once more if her friend wanted to do this.

"Andrea.. don't make this hard for me please," Rina said slowly. "I can't let you go into a possibly alien planet alone,, no way."

Andrea couldn't see the point of trying to dissuade her anymore.

"Okay," she said. "In three, two, one.."


For the next thirty minutes, Andrea just sat on the chair with red puffy eyes. Rina was screaming the entire process.

"Are you crying?" Rina teased weakly after the process. "Take the earring, it's done."

"Okay, but we'll go down there tomorrow, after you've rested enough. No discussion," Andrea said sternly. She was worried for Rina's well being.

Rina didn't reply and so Andrea just took the earring and walked out of the room. After putting it on, Andrea confirmed with Rina that it was fully functional.


".. and then the guy said tha.."

"Weren't you supposed to rest?" Andrea stopped Rina's chattering. As soon as Andrea had put on the earring she was assaulted by her stubborn friend's endless stories. She soon regretted not making a detachable speaker.

"I can't," Rina admitted. "I've tried but if I turn off the ship then we'll end up drifting off.." she said with a worried tone.

"We will find a way,, don't worry," Andrea soothed. She took an empty USB stick then plugged it into a computer meaning to transfer some files. Thay was then Rina saw something and stopped her.

"What?!" Andrea stood up quickly. "Are we being attacked? A spider on me?"

"Chill out will you?" Rina laughed. "I just noticed when you plugged in that USB, an empty space similar to the earring's appeared. I don't know.. I feel like I can move in."

"That didn't happen before.." Andrea frowned. "Could it be that.. ahhuh.. yes, it must be.." she kept muttering to herself.

"What is what?" Rina asked.

"The materials used for the earring and this USB is one type, and only this metal alloy can withstand the pressure generated by hyperspace," Andrea said.

She then continued to say, "If that is so then it means you might be able to get in, and do you know what that means?"


"Midnight isn't gone.." Andrea said with a shaky voice. She sounded happy. "She's just asleep."