

Alternate reality has always been a fantasy.. for Andrea it's no more,, it is as real as it could get and you wanna know something else, she's stuck..

Sam_Kip · Fantasía
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20 Chs

6. The Might Of Will

There was a constant ringing in her head and a terrible throbbing on her back head. Her thoughts were in complete disarray due to the pain.

But then, she thought she heard someone screaming.

Her name? Who?

She struggled to think through the past events.

They were running away. But from who?

She was with.. with Ri..

'Ooh no,' she suddenly remembered why she was escaping.

"Ugh," she groaned painfully. "What happened?" she asked whoever was trying to help her sit.

"Oh my God?! Are you okay?" she immediately identified that feminine voice. How could she not?

"I'm fine," Andrea said then stood up slowly. "We need to get going. Get in the pod befo.."



Gunshots rang in the air. When the two turned around, they saw Rina's assistant down on the floor and two dead naga warriors besides her. The cause of her death was a naga elite who was currently lifting a pod to crush them.


Rina pulled A still stunned Andrea out of harms way. The naga didn't seem to have the notion of stopping soon and broke another pod from the ground.

This time, however, before it threw the pod another gunshot rang.


Together with the pod, the elite crushed Tue assistant who was either not yet dead or was playing dead.

With her mind more clearer now, Andrea proceeded with the activation. However, it seemed fate was against the two.

Just before they Finalized the settings, another naga teleported straight on top of a pod. This one must have been cleverer since instead of trying to attack the two, it chose to destroy the strange pods.

It raised its foot and stomped down hard on the pod and then took another to throw at the two, assured that the humans won't be able to do anything funny anymore.

This time, Andrea dodged the thrown pod together with Rina then ran straight at Tue huge naga.

The alien threw out a palm, intending to swat her like a fly but Andrea ducked and kicked it in the groin area.

The sudden intense pain was enough to distract it until Rina pushed the blade through its throat, ending its life.

"Haa, haa.." Panting, Andrea walked to the panel and pulled the lever, and a countdown started from thirty seconds.

"You must.. must.. go," she was out of breathe and a headache was giving her a hard time speaking.

"And what about you, Huh?!" Rina asked with puffy eyes. "I won't leave you here.. Sniff,, if you won't come then I won't go either!"


The flat tone of Midnight rang in the background.

The two friends were now seated against the platform holding each other's arms.

"You've always been selfish to yourself," Rina wiped a tear with the back of her hand. "Its time for us to do it for you too,, I love you so much, Andrea."


"I love yo.." Andrea's body went limp before she finished her words.

After checking that she didnt hit her too hard, Rina took her in a princess carry and laid her in the last pod.

She stroke her hair which felt like midnight silk curled on top of her head and moved those that hung around her face in soft curls.

'You were like the sister I never had,' Rina thought as she closed the lid. She blinked rapidly to force back the tears threatening to fall out any moment.


'I will always live on in your memory,'


At that moment, Andrea woke up and started banging the transparent lid.





"Hyperdrive system Online.."

"Destination: Ez-433. 2Bf"

"Take off.. NOW"

Before Andrea passed out, she saw Rina mouth "I Love You", with teary eyes, and her vision turned white.


There was a sudden invasion of force all around Rina's body. Without doubt, she felt pain that was unexplainable.

At that moment, another energy lifted her body off the ground, or so she thought until she saw her mangled body pasted onto a wall due to inertia.

'Astral form truly exists?!' She exclaimed but of course, no voice came out.

Just to prove it, she moved towards Andrea's pod and stuck her head inside. As expected, her ethereal body phased through the pod and Andrea's body too.

'Wait, if this is true then, won't I fade out soon?' she thought to herself. After this, she tried to see what she could do as she was already feeling somehow weak.

Sadly, she could do nothing much to affect material things. Her hands would just pass through it. After several trials she finally gave up.

She felt her "body" grow weaker and weaker as time passed. Growing anxious, she drifted around the ship looking for anything.

After another futile attempt, Rina gave up completely. She let her form sino through the ship aiming to end up in space.

When she reached the lower levels, she felt a tug on her. Having given up, she let it pull her away and after phasing through a wall she saw a white door.

A door is not appropriate since it was not attached to any wall. It just hang off the air as if the ship didn't have an anti-gravity.

'It seems that my time is up here,' she thought as she approached the door.

A few meters from the door, she felt a different pull from a smaller circle with the same white light as the door.

This "pull", however, was gentle. Even attractive to her already tired "body". Rina, as curious as she always is, was cautious about the door, which was okay.

The door was definitely creepy since it hangs off nothing and pulls you to it. The circular hole was like a candle flame I'm darkness. It gave out a radiant feeling that made Rina feel hope for.. living.

Between a mysterious door and a promising hole, Rina would crush her expectations for adventure.

'Who knows, maybe the door was to hell,' she shrugged while putting all effort to drift to the hole.

'Effort? No. Maybe Will,' she thought and right at that moment, the tug from the white door intensified.

'No! I'm not ready to die just yet?!' She screamed within herself.

'I promised Andrea I'll live on, we never launched the laser swords yet!' As these thoughts ran through her mind, sue felt the force pulling her get weaker and weaker or.. was she getting stronger?


A sudden rush of power pushed her right through the while hole which turned to blinding light. As soon as she passed through the hole, she felt cold but.. alive?!


A Few Seconds Ago..

Inside the mothership of the Naga, General Greigo was shocked when he felt the bluish ship gathering a large amount of energy.

'Such a huge amount of energy?n' he thought to himself. 'Is she planning on self-destruction or what!!'

He immediately teleported to the command room.

"€¥¥¢ ¥¢Π¥ £÷, ¢^√€!!!"( REMOVE THE ANCHOR NOW!!)

The operating Naga was stunned and was slow to react. There was a definite crash then a terrible heatwave washed all over the Naga mothership.

Greigo, not willing to die, had already teleported inside an urchin far from the mothership.

He saw the bluish ship take off at super speed right through the mothership's hull, blowing up his magnificent ship.

He was too stunned to even scream in anger. His precious ship. One he stole at a cost from the Shendran's, now a piece of space debris.


He screamed.. or screeched, one full of murderous intent.


Once again, a terrible headache was what woke up Andrea. The pod had a hibernation function which she thought would be useful for long travels, a thing she now hated.

The pod could only be opened from the outside which meant she is currently locked inside it until Midnight deemed it safe for her to come out.

'Patience Andrea,' she thought. 'You destroy the pod now, then there's no way home for you, or Rina. Wait,, Rina?!'

Abandoning her initial thoughts of not destroying the pod, Andrea furiously kicked at the glass lid hoping to break it.

'Gods! Why did I reinforce this anyway?!' She cursed at her apparent "success".

Giving up on the idea of breaking the lid, since it wouldn't work anyway considering that she made it herself with the pressure of hyper-travel in mind, She thought for a moment and suddenly face palmed.