

Alternate reality has always been a fantasy.. for Andrea it's no more,, it is as real as it could get and you wanna know something else, she's stuck..

Sam_Kip · Fantasía
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20 Chs

3. Primitives!!




Beams shot through space as the Military Rescue team engaged the Naga ships. An imaginative person would probably see urchins fighting sparrows.

The military fighter ships uses the same shape as the outdated fighter jets. They were all painted Jungle-green with an orange flag near the thrusters.

The battle has turned into a tug of war,, inverted tug of war maybe, with the Naga pushing the military and the military pushing back.

This, however, changed when a certain black Megaship joined the fray.

The ship had more than seven Cannons, each shooting high energy beams compared to that of the military, and what made it more amazing was that it shot all at once.

Sure, the military ships we're also AI operated but still, seven cannons? That would surely overheat the drives.

Use two different AI's? If it were possible then no crew would be needed onboard.

The only possibility here was a more advanced AI, and having such an ally, the soldiers' morale got boosted.

The soldiers turned from defensive to offensive in almost an instant, shocking the Nagas and putting them in a defensive position.

At the moment, the Naga ships are forming an arc which covers most of the station but the back is open, not that there's anyone crazy enough to try going through there..


"Full blast Midnight!" Andrea's voice commanded.

"You are running a big risk captain," the AI warned but still performed the command. "They clearly see us as a bigger threat and are with no doubt watching our every move. I don't know if we'll make it."

"We will," Andrea answered while pacing up and down the cockpit. "They said they have the escape docking tunnel ready, so we only need to stop for less than a minute.." her voice drifts off at the end.

"It doesn't take a minute for a lazer turret to fire, Captain," the AI spat out the truth. If it wasn't for its monotonous voice, that would definitely be a joke.

Andrea sat on the leather seat and observed the display terminals.

Just as Midnight had predicted, the mother ship sent around twelve urchins to cut their way.

"How many thrusters are online, Midnight?" Andrea asked.

"Currently three, and five more are ready as backup in case any of the others fail," she answered dutifully.

"Add one more thruster," the captain commanded. "We are gonna need it to outrun them if we don't want to fight through," she added as a matter of fact.

"As you say, Captain."


A black ship pulled over under the main bridge of the Station and docked.

A docking tunnel connected it quickly and soon enough, it took off at incredible speed.

A few moments after it left, the whole station started buzzing and sending shockwaves through space.

Inside the Naga mothership, a creature sitting on a throne made of white slimy chalk like material wore a crestfallen expression.

It seemed worried about something and when a black stone set on a stage buzzed, it shrieked incoherently.


An angry voice, accompanied by a flickery image boomed in the hall-like throne room.

The Naga sitting on the throne was already prostrating as soon as it heard the voice.

The projected Naga stood and walked towards the prostrating one, making it shiver in total fright.

Truth be told, any living creature would be shaken at the mere sight of it. The Naga had a physique almost similar to humans, save for their weirdly bald heads, which is also extremely large in comparison to their slim body.

Their skin seemed to have no fixed color, with green being more common.

That, however, isn't enough to scare anyone senseless, unless it is a first timer.

The pressure the image of this Naga gave off was already too much, not to mention its size.

A normal Naga reached a towering height of three meters, which is a gigantic height compared to humans.

This one, however, had a height that could easily measure up to six meters! Its body too was as wide as a school bus!

The other Naga warriors in the hall immediately ran outside when its red eyes met theirs. It seemed to peer right through ones soul.

"¥££¢ `¢^ €^€^ °^¥?!"(I told you not to toy with those primitives and you clearly didn't listen!) its voice echoed once more, making the vent over naga to fall face first on the floor.

"~~¥¥€ ~~ ¥¥,*"(Mercy.. have mercy your holiness.) The smaller Naga managed to squeeze out a few words through clattering teeth.

"##$&%?," (I'm quite sure he won't repeat it again, Majesty,) the terrible pressure suddenly vanished and the voice of the giant Naga too. The smaller Naga sighed a silent relief. Besides the giant Naga, a feminine Naga shows up with a soothing voice.

"%%&$$,"(Greigo greets her Holiness) the smaller Naga, Greigo, got back to his prostrating position.

"@@#, €¥¢ €^£¥ |€•£. ££^¢€," (Your Majesty, it is common for anyone to make mistakes. Just let it go this once, okay) The female nodded at Greigo who, still in his prostrating position, grinned happily, which came out hideous with his flat face. He was saved.

"#&%$5¢₱ $& #$%, ^¥¥?*" (Finish this mess now!) With this final order, the image of the giant flickered to light particles and Greigo got up.

"#$¥€°€€£,," (One day I'll be as big as you then we'll see,) he grumbled to himself and called the Naga chief below him.

Greigo was one of the many Generals sent to search for new planets to colonize. There were over fifty such generals and the one managing them was the Major General, Vladrim, the giant from earlier.

Greigo and the Major's wife were lovers, the only reason he was alive despite failing twice. Failing meant death, but this was his second time failing to stop humans from advancing against his race.

What made Greigo bitter was that he always got the hardest tasks. Of all the missions he'd ever been given, only one was easy. The other seventeen had given him a hard time, with this one as the hardest of all.

When he was sent here and failed to find traces of the inhabitants around the edge of this galaxy, he became happy as he knew they would be easy to crush.

What he didn't expect was for them to be too good at adapting and "potential thieves". He was astonished today when he saw that black ship.

Although the soldiers took too long to realize, he knew that the shield was harvesting the Aluthron shots the moment he saw it. He wasn't stupid to not realize the shield wasn't growing even a tiny bit, not with his enhanced body.

What made him curious was how the locals managed to get mana to seal the Aluthron. No other energy could do that unless..

'Damn! They are using the tank remains from our ships?! How dare these primitives covet the Empire's fighters?' he suddenly realized that the ship's sensors clearly said there was too little mana in this universe.

Too little that it can't be discovered by the local species.

It was a shame the locals didn't know of this. They are missing out on a whole lot of things.

'Not that I feel pity for these primitives! Hahahaha!! If only they could open up portals..' He rolled his eyes at his own joke.

How can they open portals if they can't even feel mana? Ridiculous?!


The urchins flying after Midnight were suddenly pulled backwards by a strong suction force.

No matter how hard they tried, the force only grew stronger and stronger. Luckily, midnight was already too far away and broke away easily.

As for the urchins, they only had two thrusters each and thus less force, they all got sucked to the centre of the suction and all blew up in brilliant fireworks as a bluish halo bursted from within the center.

Andrea, now together with all her crew from the station, cheered in victory.

The shield was already set up and would only allow humans to pass through, a complex set up made in cooperation with numerous gene discoveries.

Their celebration was cut short when Midnight suddenly stopped and activated her shields before..



A sudden shockwave threw everyone against the walls, followed by a booming sound.

When Andrea got up and look outside, she almost fell from shock.

The mothership which was over a hundred kilometers from them was right infront of Midnight, a mega sized laser turret aimed at the cockpit.

Behind Midnight, the shield walled at them. They were trapped.

The ringing in Andrea's ears made it hard for her to think. It took almost a minute for her to calm down.

This, however, only made the situation tougher. When she looked at the terminals a second time, she felt helpless.

The urchins had already began to close in on them and the military ships were too far behind them.

She doubted the enemy would be so patient to allow them to arrive in time.

And to her surprise, the enemy actually did, a big declaration of how lowly these graylings thought of humans. Andrea could only smile bitterly at her own thoughts...