
Episode 1

"I'm regretting what I did! That's not my mistake"

Dark surrounding with exclusive portraits and black backgrounds. 3 members sitting on the exotic sofas with golden borders, each holding a glass of pure wine, except one with juice.

"But you never do these mistakes. Can't believe you trusted a rebel traitor, Hoseok."

A man holding red wine said to the man with juice.

"He gained my trust,Namjoon hyung. It suggests they are fools brainwashed" said Hoseok. "He used to provide me all the direct intels of the rebel plans, so I got a feeling that he would be trustworthy. Maybe he was working with Kim Jo-eun against his will."

"Also, the weapons and imported drugs he provided were real, but little did we know at that time, they had extra dosed non visualising toxic drugs in it. It killed over 100+ people from our organisation at Tokyo and Busan" Namjoon said and Hoseok spoke up.

"Suga hyung, did you get the warranty paper from the Yonomara Company of Jo-eun? They wanted to get a deal with us, just in order to get a close look to interior of our organisation, maybe to find our weakness spot?"

One man, with porcelain skin and his black coat and hair making contrast to his skin spoke.

"Yes. Namjoon hyung, according to that agreement, the Hwang family employed members are asking us to join a major drug deal to Daegu, Busan and Tokyo. Within the import the minimum budget would be 19 lakh." Suga spoke.

Just then, they heard some footsteps coming down the stairs and the 3 men looked up at him.

"Jungkook-ah!" Hoseok exclaimed.

Jungkook came and sat down at the sofa. His position mimicking a king sitting on his throne. He held a glass of red imported GYUN HO wine.

"What are your impulsive thoughts of accepting this deal, Kook?" said Hoseok.

He took a sip of his wine and puffed his cigarette.

"Don't worry, hyung." said Jungkook. "Accepting their deal would make them so exited and try to be more attentive towards our organisation. In that case, we would turn their plan towards them, they will be thinking that we are supporting. But, we would send our backup forces to destroy their plot plan while they are search ours like fools." he took a sip of wine.

"Jungkook always had best backup plans for every problem!" again exclaimed Hoseok.

"So, Jungkook, we shall accept their at Jeon Enterprises tomorrow." said Suga. Jungkook nodded his head.

" Be extra attentive to be professional and friendly to them, so that they would not eye us as a suspect." Jungkook said. All nodded their heads.

"I heard from a ongrowing article that Jo-eun's son is gonna take over his work. So, we're gonna sign with his son?" said Namjoon.

All shrugged and went to their rooms after bidding goodnight.

At Jungkook's room. He sat down at his bed shirtless and mumbles a name. "Jimin- shii, I'll get you soon"