
Tech king in another world

Nerón traveled to another world and became the king of a small country, but at the very beginning, he was in danger of destroying the country. Nerón, who holds the Industrial Revolution system in his hand, said he was not panicking at all. The giant dragon soaring in the sky screamed and was shot down, and the Quinjet fighter jets escorted the huge space carrier sailing in the sky. The proud knight was crushed by the steel body of the apocalypse tank and roared impotently. The noble magician fled in the sky in a panic, and a V3 rocket roared past behind him. Technology crushes another world! Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! "Do you choose the left or the right?" Facing the gods of another world, Nerón smiled, with a two-way foil in his left hand and an anti-matter annihilation cannon in his right. ~I am not the owner I only translate:) Get the latest chapters faster on my patreon. Support me on patreon to keep me motivated patreon.com/Elreycoronado18112

ElReyCoronado18112 · Cómic
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92 Chs

76-A Mere 20,000 Troops... How Is That Possible!

Rose soldiers captured the city wall very easily, the city gate opened, and other troops outside the city poured into Hal directly!

Because most of the troops were taken away by Gor, there are only a few thousand defenders left on the city wall of Halma at this moment. , submachine guns, machine guns, they collapsed directly!

"Hurry up! We must defend the palace in the city!"

Fox Adson roared loudly in the palace and castle. He had already received the news that the city wall had been breached. At this moment, he was preparing to defend the palace and castle with the last 1,000 defenders.

"Back then, the millions of troops of the Gustav Empire did not capture this castle. We will definitely be able to defend it. They are just a group of mortals!"

The fox strategist roared loudly with a long sword in his hand.

At the same time, he also had to accept a bloody fact in his heart, that is, the 500,000 army of Gor has been defeated!

But he couldn't say that to the soldiers in the castle. He knew that if this fact was revealed, the morale of the soldiers in the castle would probably drop to the extreme.

"His Majesty is leading an army of 500,000 people and is definitely on his way to support! They are just a group of humans sneaking up on there is no need to be afraid, as long as we defend the castle, His Majesty will definitely come to support!"

"The time will be for those humans to die!"

Fox Adson deceived the soldiers, he boosted morale.

Although it was a deception, it really boosted morale. The morale of the orc soldiers was high. What's more, they shouted: "Let's attack directly! A group of tiny humans who can only sneak attack have nothing to fear!"

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Rose are advancing by leaps and bounds, and the defenders blocking the way are not their single enemy at all.

Halma, the capital of the orc empire that has been quiet for decades, is now full of gunshots, screams, and explosions.

"What weapons are they holding in their hands!"

"It's terrible! We've already lost!"

Many collapsed orc soldiers retreated steadily, and soon they retreated to the gate of the castle in the center of the city.

"My lord! Open the door and let us in!"

"Open the door!"

This group of broken soldiers kept knocking on the gate, but the defenders on the castle just watched with cold eyes.

To them, failed soldiers have no value at all!

A series of bullets came, killing all these rout soldiers at the city gate.

The orc soldiers on the castle looked at this scene and felt a little shaken. The weapons used by this group of humans were too terrifying. An ordinary human soldier could kill so many orc warriors so easily.

Will I survive if I get hit.

Such thoughts began to spread among the orc soldiers in the castle.

But on second thought, these human beings couldn't possibly come in!


Hundreds of years ago, the Gustav Empire's million troops besieged the castle and failed to take it down. How could this mere group of humans be able to take it down.


The remaining ten orc wizards in the castle began to maintain the magic array that guarded the castle.

But usually this large formation needs at least a hundred orc wizards to work together to activate all the defenses. Before Gor took most of the wizards away, there were only a dozen wizards left in the castle.

Therefore, the castle formation can only be barely maintained.

And Neron looked at such a majestic castle in front of him, and sighed in admiration. This castle is at least fifty meters high.

Under the protection of a huge magic circle, there are countless grains and treasures stored in the castle. No wonder the siege of millions of Gutongsi Empire troops was not defeated a hundred years ago.

However, Gustav is Gustav, and Neron Rose Kingdom army is not a cold weapon army.

There were not many magicians in Gustav army back then, and in terms of firepower, it was impossible to compare with Neron army now.

"Get all the mortars up and blast me at the castle!"

Neron waved his hand and gave the order.

The mortars in Neron army are not the usual small tubes in the previous earth.

But the caliber of 120 mm!

It is as powerful as a normal cannon!

The firepower configuration in Neron army is even more luxurious. After a while, hundreds of 120mm caliber p-38 mortars were mobilized to bombard the castle from four angles!

"No matter how busy this group of humans are working, it is futile."

Under the protection of the magic circle, an orc royal warrior on the top of the castle looked at the army of the Kingdom of Rose below and sneered.

"A hundred years ago, the Gustav Empire's million-strong army failed to defeat it. I don't believe that the firepower of the human armies on both sides will be comparable to the Gustav Empire's million-strong army.

Another orc royal warrior looked at the busy Rose soldiers in the distance with a sneer on his face.

"It's a pity that the magic circle is open, and we can't attack, otherwise, I would have gone down and killed them all.

"These humans look so weak, and the armor on their bodies is only on the upper body. They are a bunch of poor ghosts."

"Hahahaha, I think I can kill them all by myself."

A group of orc warriors wearing heavy armor and being airtight all laughed out loud.

They thought that the defense of the castle was impregnable, and that the 20,000 troops of the Kingdom of Rose could not even capture it in their dreams.


A Los officer shouted loudly.

At the same time, a row of 120mm p-38 mortars is neatly placed next to it.


With an order, all the soldiers put the shells into the muzzle, and then immediately turned around and covered their ears.

"Bang bang bang bang"

A series of dense sounds sounded.

Under the shocked eyes of the orc royal warriors, hundreds of explosions sounded from the magic circle of the castle defense!

The flames of the explosion instantly covered the defensive barrier of the entire magic circle.


The orc soldiers fell to the ground one by one in a state of disarray after being shaken, and they struggled to get up.

Suddenly, an orc soldier shook his ears as if he heard something. He thought he had heard something wrong.

But when he turned his head, he saw a scene that terrified the others!

On the defensive barrier above his head, cracks are constantly appearing!

"Very well, let's play another round."

Neron nodded and gave the order again!


"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

It was another round of bombardment, and this time the defensive barrier of the magic circle couldn't even withstand half of the bombardment, and it shattered!

Countless pieces of magic power fell from the sky in an instant, and then turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

More than a dozen orc wizards in the castle who maintained the center of the magic circle were instantly backlashed by magic power, vomiting blood and died on the spot!

The Fox Adviser looked at the countless magical light spots falling in the sky in shock, opened his mouth wide in horror, and let out an unbelievable roar: "How is that possible! There are only 20,000 human beings!!"

A hundred years ago, a million Gustav Empire troops failed to capture the magic circle, but it was broken by a mere 20,000 human army!

He knew that these humans were powerful, but he didn't expect them to be so powerful

There is no way, a hundred years ago, this magic circle was maintained by three hundred orc wizards, but now, they have less than thirty orc wizards, and most of them have been taken away by Gor, how could the strength be as strong as one hundred Just as strong as it was years ago.

But even if it is really a magic circle presided over by 300 wizards, it is just a matter of a few more rounds of shelling. .

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