
Tears of Guilt

Rake Ignicius is the number one hero of the kingdom ‘Ardjestyn’. He is powerful and is also incredibly young, the youngest out of the other ten heroes. Despite the short length of age, he has been living with a pain in his chest, the feeling of loneliness and the need for his father’s attention. In the face of such emotions, a dark path awaits. Receiving an impossible ‘holy mission’ and committing the greatest sin known to mankind. Genocide, to the enemy race that had been battling his kingdom for several centuries. All that was left for him was his physical body, where not a shred of sanity and soul was left. His father’s abandonment, and the guilt rapidly eating his heart. But, the survivor of the very race he greatly took part in slaughtering suddenly appeared. Elicia Velborn, the last surviving ethelen and the crown princess of the Velborn kingdom. As such, Rake found a way. A way to remove the pain from his chest, a way to turn his mind away from the guilt. He protected her, and their journey for vengeance began.

FinnAlfi · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Crystal Sphere (part 1)

Ch. XII - Crystal Sphere (Rake)




Man, how simple.


It's like the very definition of overthinking and overworking. I hate it.


Of course naturally people should go look for the item at the spot where it is most likely placed. Why would anyone look for it in any other places?


And why the hell did I have to rely on that ethelen noble to find it for me?


Everything is just so funny. I don't even know what to do anymore.


Well… not really.


Now that the object is right below me… 


I know exactly what I have to do.




"Tyland, get away from him!!"






The energy slash was sent directly towards me and exploded when it impacted. But, I already protected myself long before he even fired the slash.


It didn't even touch me. How was this guy the highest ranking knight?


Was my father like this…? A kingdom's highest ranking knight?


I doubt it. The difference is definitely huge.


As smokes completely envelopes the area, I began to make my way towards the stupid general. He attacked me first, so it is only fair that I attack back.


I arrived in front of him easily. And since he couldn't move due to my pressure tying him down, he simply couldn't do anything.


So, I placed my hand on his chest.




Officially… you are the first ethelen to die by my hands. Knight general.


I pulled the hand away, and his body fell powerlessly to the floor. I whipped my hand to get rid of the blood, and I took my sword out from my storage bracelet.


The beautiful white and gold scabbard appeared right on my hips, and I unsheathed the sword beautifully.


The general must've noticed the color of my scabbard, because he immediately became more shocked.

"You are… the human… strongest hero…


Rake… Ignicius."


Oh? So this old man knows who I am.


"I am honored to be known by my enemy."


I said while bowing slightly, but the general is already dying very quickly down there. I ignored him and turned around, but then I found a pair of crying eyes staring at me.


"James… why?"

His eyes were so dazed out from confusion, that it probably doesn't even realize it is crying. His mouth spoke so powerlessly since his mind couldn't process all of the things that were happening.


The pure feeling of betrayal.


I'm sorry to have to do it to you, Tyland. You are a good person.


But, as my dear friend Jack once said…


"Become too kind… and people will use you. Become too soft, and people will step on you.


Become too trusting, and people will betray you."


Tyland's eyes grew much larger as he began to slowly stand up. His eyes are still opened wide, but his mouth is already curling angrily.


"So you were… my enemy the whole time…"


"Don't forget. I'm a human, and you're an ethelen.


Isn't that right, 'my favorite ethelen'?"

I said with a grin, and I lifted my left hand up. I flicked my finger, and the ground below me shone.


"See you next time… if you're still alive, that is."

The shining ground grew brighter, until finally the light disappeared. My body suddenly got pulled by gravity as my legs lost their footing.





The floors below me kept on getting destroyed again and again thanks to my magic I conjured below my legs. As a result, my body kept on falling peacefully without crashing to anything.


Until finally, I arrived at that floor level.




Pieces of rocks are still falling from the ceilings, and some dust even fell on my hair. Not that I care about my looks, but it is still pretty annoying.


"Where is this…? The basement?"

I looked around even more at the things around me, and I can't help but notice that this is indeed a basement. The brick walls, dense soil floor, tight air, and torches placed on the pillars. This place is definitely a basement.


I began walking, following wherever this dim hall was taking me. I saw the stairs that lead even deeper, and that is where I wanted to go.


I walked deeper and deeper underground without meeting anyone, but then I suddenly heard commotion from somewhere at the end of the dim hall.


"What do you think is happening?"

"It could be some idiot with the kitchen gas."


The conversation can be heard from the two that are inside the room at the end of the hall. As I get closer, I can hear them even better.


"Do you think there's an attack happening?"

"Well… chances are very low. But in case it is indeed happening, the general will take care of it. Even if the attacker does come here, the guards at the entrance will be the one dealing with it."


Guards at the entrance, huh?


Means they will be coming down here very soon. I have to be quick.




The sound of my footsteps echoed on the gigantic room that I just entered, and all the attention turned to me.


But, I paid none of those attention any care. Instead, my own attention was turned towards the gigantic crystal sphere at the center of the room.


The massive crystal sphere is about ten meters in diameter, and it is perfectly floating in the center of the room. It is glowing light blue and is the main source of light in this torch-less room. Anyone that has used magic before can tell that there is a butt ton of mana being stored inside this crystal sphere.


What was the purpose of the energy inside the crystal sphere? Very simple.


The barrier that protects the capital city of Velborn.

My holy mission's very goal.


"A-A human!?!?"

"Guard the barrier's sphere!! Guard it with your life!!!"


The person on the most front quickly stood courageously in front of the sphere, with the others right behind him. They all unsheathed their weapons, and five out of seven of them seemed to be mages.


Tier fours… and one tier five, must be their leader. The knights are… Well, knights. Nothing to be cared about.


Too bad because even with seven against one, it is still very unfair. After all, not even a hundred tier fives can take me down.


For I am… at the tier that no one has ever reached.




"No!!! Gahkk!!!"




Within a split second, all of them got sliced into pieces. My sword easily sliced through theirs, all the way until each of their bodies got sliced in half. It was that easy.


Now then…


I turned my gaze upwards, towards the sphere. There is indeed a very dense form of mana being stored right within the crystal sphere. If randomly destroyed, it can cause a massive tier ten explosion that will kill everything at a hundred meters radius.


Now, what to do about it…?






Lots of footsteps coming from multiple pairs of metal boots can be heard right behind me. I turned my gaze to the entrance, and found a whole squadron of knights flooding into the room.


But, everyone stopped when they realized who I am.


Or specifically, what I am.




"Why is a human here!?"

Their leaders seemed to be a tier six, a few of elite tier fives, and the rest are below that. Even when they have over thirty knights, they are still not worth my time.


So… to make things a lot easier…


Without even turning my gaze to it, I lifted my left hand towards the crystal sphere and conjured a powerful light bomb. The insanely condensed light magic was then fired into the crystal sphere, but it didn't explode.


Instead, it got absorbed by the crystal sphere.


Which is indeed what I wanted to happen.


If I set the light bomb to explode right there and then, I would've died from the massive blast at point zero. And I know that the sphere will absorb magic or mana when given some, so I simply gave it a ton of them.


And of course, there will be side effects. Not just any mana can be absorbed by the crystal sphere. 


Now then… If the said mana was unstable…




Such as my light bomb…




It will absolutely… without a doubt…




"It's going to explode!!!"


Yep. Pretty much.