
Tear a Path

The earth explodes in size, bringing with it great beauty and monstrosities. Wang Zhao Hui, a man singled out by the great cataclysm forges a road towards what he lost as the only trapper with a broken system (as in it doesn’t work) *Cover picture not mine *From google, just edited *https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimage.shutterstock.com%2Fimage-photo%2Fhiker-silhouette-stand-on-cliff-260nw-538549126.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.shutterstock.com%2Fsearch%2Fsunset%2Bsilhouette%2Btrekking%3Fimage_type%3Dphoto&tbnid=CsvUOLqZh_3ilM&vet=1&docid=D7U3H1YoEP9_fM&w=347&h=280&hl=en-us&safe=strict&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwiZ58609LvhAhUxTnwKHcpNAUEQMygAegQIARAa

bcrow · Fantasía
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320 Chs


Zhao Wei didn't even have the strength to hold back it's bite, pushing it's upper jaw up with the pole just to keep it from chomping down and tearing off a huge chunk of flesh.

It's top row of teeth sunk into the rock wall behind him but it's bottom row had sunken into Zhao Wei's left shoulder, pinning him to the wall as well. They had somehow reached a stale-mate as it couldn't pull it's teeth out while Zhao Wei was stuck there like a wall ornament.

His arms almost lost all strength as the chemicals in the toxins were injected deeply this time. It spread from his shoulders to his left hand and leg covering the whole left hemisphere of his body and still rapidly spreading. Because it had slanted in trying to bite Zhao Wei, the rest of it's body couldn't bend enough to end him. It's shorter fore-limbs stretched forward to try and shred his flesh.

Zhao Wei had no time, in a few seconds, his body wouldn't be able to move. He took the knife which he couldn't use to cut anything else and stabbed himself in his right thigh. The pain generated a flow of adrenaline which flushed his system of the toxins, but it wouldn't last him long. Even the pain itself threatened to cause him to faint as flashes of white filled his vision.

Looking down, he saw that the reptiles legs stood upon an uneven pile of gravel and decided to do something psychotic. Lifting his left hand up, he set his the Wrap Trap on the wall which instantly activated to tie it's upper jaw. Setting his staff against the it's upper jaw he pried it's lower jaw open. Simultaneously he lifted his legs up, causing his body to only hang from the flesh attached to it's teeth causing the flesh to tear from his weight..

Stifling his scream through gritted teeth he used both legs to kick this creatures legs, immediately causing them to slip on the non solid ground. This loss in balance caused it to be only propped up by it's top row of teeth. With this he was able to escape from it's lower jaw and slid down to the ground with a trail of blood running from where he was hanging.

But he didn't have time, as it was scrambling to regain it's balance and pull away from the wall. Getting up, he kicked it's legs apart and set a Wrap Trap next to each of them to keep it from leveraging any strength.

His left hand was just dangling next to his body now with about 6 holes going all the way to the bone on his shoulder. Using his right hand, he picked up one end of the staff and dragged it up.

"Wanna eat something?," starting a one line cliche, "eat this."

Swinging it as hard as he could, he smashed it against the back of it's skull. It's lower and upper job split against the rock wall, but it wasn't enough for Zhao Wei.

Priming himself again, he smashed it again and again. It's jaw was continuously spread further with every beating. Pity could almost be given to this creature for meeting Zhao Wei as it released howls of pain from it's stretched open mouth.

The beating didn't stop, even when it's jaw ligaments tore and even when it's teeth were smashed apart. Soon enough the Wrap Trap wasn't even existent anymore and a Pop! sounded out as it's jaw was dislocated, now being perfectly straight against the wall.

But Zhao Wei continued, it wasn't just to kill the beast, it was to let out his frustrations at this world he was forced into, against the pain he had to push through, against all the negative emotions he had to keep inside just to survive.

He didn't stop even until it's body went limp and it's head turned into putty. And his hand couldn't raise the staff anymore.


Panda had searched for hours, it was quite worried now. The jungle had signs of fights and blood here and there. And it had a hint that a particularly dangerous inhabitant has been hunting nearby.

Then it thought, "Why am I even worrying about that ass, I can just go back to my life."

Betraying it's own thoughts it circled to the hill to see if Zhao Wei had come back.

When it reached, its jaw almost hit the floor, even though it was very close to the ground to begin with.

In front of it, three reptilian bodies were stacked together. While next to it, half a boar beast was there.

Any of these beasts would have given it so much trouble or even taken it's life and yet here and now infront of it 4 were kept together in a pile.

There was only part of the boar beast here as Zhao Wei had cut off the rotten parts and sectioned it to bring it upwards.

Suddenly something dropped infront of Panda. It was a human but he seemed more grotesque than usual.

It was only the 16th hour of the day but Zhao Wei was reduced to such a state. He had to tie his left arm tightly after doing a simple stitch on his wounds. Using the reptile's toxin, Zhao Wei paralyzed his left arm into a grip. Although he could feel the pain everytime he strained it, it helped him keep his grip in the climb up.

He'd already gone up and down twice by now. Bringing ropes with him as he descended, Dividing the spoils into 7 different sections and tied a length of rope between them, this was so that while he was pulling them up, he'd at most be pulling up 3 loads simultaneously.

In fact 4 of those loads were only the parts of the boar beast due to it's massive size. Without a second glance Panda had entered his back pack, Zhao Wei didn't even notice as his whole focus was in keeping himself from passing out.

Making his next climb, he began to pull the loads up, after every load was brought up, another load would begin to pull up at the bottom due to the way Zhao Wei tied them.

Zhao Wei didn't even let himself rest, if he knew one thing it was that today he had survived by sheer luck. If the reptiles had taken him seriously from the get go, going in straight away 3 on 1 he wouldn't even have stood a chance. At the end, of the leader hadn't played with Zhao Wei, it wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.

Zhao Wei knew he was weak, dauntingly so. Although he showed a hint of his brutality in his first fight. He had already displayed the brutality in which he had deat with himself.