
The duel

Cherry blossoms trees lined the inner Palace Road. Petals kept falling off the the tree making the environment feel peaceful.

In this shower of petals stood two swordsmen.

One of them was Choi Jung Soo who was completely dressed in black and other wore a read kimono.

They stood staring at each other In complete silence, only chirping of birds could heard in the background.

After what seemed like eternity both of them drew their sword from their scabbards. A huge gust of wind blew across them and chirping of the birds was silenced.

It was completely quite only the pink petals continued falling around the two swordsmen who had drawn their swords.

Both swordsmen took and step forward and began running towards each other.

When their swords touched Choi Jung Soo was blocking the other samurai's swords from the left and the samurai doubled down on from his right.

Choi Jung was pushed down he somersaulted backwards to doge the sword which struck the empty ground.

The Smaurai cursed as he rushed forward to throw another slash at Choi Jung Soo.

However before the Samurai realised he saw a sword with white flames heading straight for his face. He leaned back and slide in the ground on knees to narrowly escape having his head chopped off.

Choi Jung Soo raised his sword Slashed down at the Samurai. The Samurai who was one knees by this time managed to block it.

Choi Jung Soo and the Samurai were stuck in a stalemate. Each trying to push the other back and neither gaining any ground. Only Choi Jung Soo was on the top and the Samurai at the bottom.

When both realised that no one was gaining any ground they both retreated back.

This time they again stood still. Cherry bosom Petals falling in the background. Both Choi Jung stared at each other. They both bent down and raised their swords into the position of a spear pointing right at each other.

There was moment of silence before they both rushed towards each other.

There was quick clash of swords before both of them stood with their backs tuned to each other.

It was complete only a slow and light breeze.

A single drop of blood spilled out the Samurai mouth.

Blood seeped out across his body in a neat line .

He coughed blood and fell to his knees.

He looked at the sky and said

"I have lost"

And he collapsed on the ground, unmoving. Red blood seeped into the earth.

After a few moments of silence a a gust of wind blew by and the birds started chirping happily again.

Standing among the shower of petals Choi Jung Soo placed his sword into his scabbard

He said

"It was a good fight"

And he walked away.