
Lee Soo Hyuk Character Origin story

Lee Soo Hyuk Character Origin story ( fanfic )


POV:- Lee Soo Hyuk

I always wanted to be an actor from an young age. From a young age I could, n t make a genuine smile.

Acting was a way for me to be able to act out happy emotions in hopes of one day being able to actually feel happy.

I wanted to show the rest of the world how happy I was. while I knew I was broken on the inside.

Before my parents died they told me to always help other people. They died saving people and I wondered whether I should follow in their footsteps.

I always loved superhero films. I would always feel especially insipred by Noir and dark heroes.

After my parents died I lived with my grandfather who lived alone. He thought me the way of the sword.

One day he had a stroke and I took him to the hospital. While laughing he told me to die Saving people. Not die like him.

After burning his ashes I left the crematorium. The sky suddenly was filled with black holes and hideous creatures emerged and stared devouring people around me. It was like hell on Earth.

I started panicking and tried to runaway. From the corner of my eye I saw a family of three a mother, a small girl probably the daughter and their father.

They were huddled together in fear as a huge monster similar to preying mantis raised its claws to slash at them.

I don, t know what came over me but I suddenly found myself running forward. Before I knew it the preying mantis lay dead bleeding profusely in front of and a sword as black as the night sky appeared in my hands.

I turned around and looked at the family of three while smiling and extended them my hand toward them.


POV of family

Park Tae and his wife had been defending their daughter from the huge nightmarish creature.

They though they would died. However before they knew the monster lay dead before them and man stood in front of it.

He turned around and flashed a smile at them. He looked handsome and had a well