
TBATE : Reborn Scientist

Due to Agrona's negligence and the unpredictable nature of aether, a scientist's soul from earth slipped into dicathen without anyone's knowledge. Follow him on his journey as he unveils the mysteries of mana and aether. *************** Schedule:- One chapter every Mon/Thu/Sun *************** It is a Tbate fic, so most of the characters will be from the original novel except Mc and some other important ones. So, you must know that I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS of any of the characters from the original novel. Now that is out of the way, I wish you happy reading. -Several Initial chapters are not written very well, as I was really bad at writing, a month or two ago, but the new ones are top-notch, I guarantee that, at least according to me.

roninhawk · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs


Next morning, At the dining table.

"NO! Absolutely no way! AL! Do you know how dangerous it is to become an adventurer? You are not even 12 years old, you haven't even completed your studies at the academy. There is no way I'm allowing you to go on adventures" My mom shouted in a commanding voice.

"But Mom, I'm.....already at the solid orange stage and you know how I always.....wanted to become an adventurer, I only want to go for a year or two,  and then I'll rejoin the academy. I already got their approval" I said to my mom in a pleasing tone while holding her hands. Though the latter part of the statement was a lie.

"Al, son, your mom is right. It's not safe for you out there right now, I promise we will let you go after your graduation." My father also said, agreeing with my mom.

I sighed, looking calmly at both of them and said, "Mom, Dad, Do you remember the announcement they made about the discovery of a new continent several months ago? What if a war were to break out between them and dicathen? At that time, Would we be able to protect ourselves?"

Their eyes widened in shock at my words and tone It was the first time I was speaking to my parents so seriously.

"Al, I believe you are not old enough to think about those problems, it's up to me to protect our family. And children have no place in a war." My father said resolutely.

"Dad, what if we both had to fight in a war then, will you be able to protect me at all times?" I asked him, not backing down in the slightest

His brows furrowed at my question "That's not possible, even if we were to go to a war, royals would never allow the future of dicathen to be harmed." He replied.

"Father, we are not talking about the war between countries here, it is a war between civilizations, it's either we or them. What if their army were to be bigger than ours or stronger than ours? Do you think royals would care about age, even if they do, it would be Noble children or children of their own, we, however, would be thrown into the battlefield to fight for our lives in the name of dicathen."I said seriously not lowering my voice in the least.

Silence followed the room as I finished my speaking.

After a minute, My father finally spoke, "Al, if you wanna go, you have to prove to me that you can protect yourself." He said with a grim voice.

"But -- My mother wanted to argue but before she could complete herself, Father stopped her.

"It's ok darling, I can tell from his face that he has already made up his mind." He said with a serious tone.

Mother still wanted to say something but noticing his tone, she nodded hesitantly.

"But father how can I prove I can protect myself.? I asked my doubt.

He grinned at my question, "Come to the backyard."



So here I was, standing in front of my father. While My mother was sitting at a distance, watching curiously.

"Ready when you are," I smiled at him

"Be careful, Al. You may have reached solid orange, but your old man is still at a higher stage than you. But I'll limit my mana usage to your level to not be unfair to you" He said with a smirk.

All these years, My dad was also not idle in his training as He was already at a dark yellow stage.

I also decided to limit my mana usage to the solid orange stage, but my advantages were still obvious.

We took a fighting stance as we readied our swords, A weapon we both were best at.

Mana flowed through my dad's body, covering him in an armour of a vacuum.

My response was much more aggressive, As I propelled myself towards him, using his body as a reference point for attraction.

In an instant, I appeared right in front of him, and swung my sword downwards, making it hundreds of times heavy in mid-attack with gravity magic.

My dad seemed surprised by my speed but responded immediately. Sensing a vital threat from the sword, he sidestepped, dodging it.

Taking advantage of the opening, he augmented his sword with air mana, making it much sharper and faster as he stabbed towards me.

But just as my sword was about to touch the ground because of its extremely heavyn weight and the build-up momentum, I cancelled its inertia, changing its direction mid-air and met his attack head on.

Our swords collided with a clang, creating an erratic wind current in the surrounding, as we both were pushed back.

My father immediately stopped himself by creating a gust of wind on his back and stretched out his hand as 10 extremely sharp blades of condensed wind came out of it at an astonishing speed, targeting my vitals.

Mana flowed through my foot into the ground, raising a 5ft tall wall of the earth right in front of me.

On collision, it shattered with a boom, but also stopped wind blades from advancing any further.

Noticing that his spell has failed, he outstretched his sword and Bullets composed of compressed air came out from the tip of his sword in succession.

With attraction, I lunged at him with a burst.

Using thunderclap impulse, to speed up my reaction time to 0.05 sec, I dodged every wind bullet nimbly, changing directions with gravity magic, completely disregarding inertia.

My father's eyes widened in shock, looking at the way I was dodging his attack.

Just as I was about to reach him, he dropped his sword in a surrendering manner

"You passed." He said, followed by a sigh.

Hearing his words, I stopped my charge by cancelling my momentum and sheathed my sword. Then I noticed that my father was looking at me with a complicated expression

"When did you unlock gravity deviant?" He asked.

"Just some months ago, at the academy," I replied casually as if unlocking a deviant was the most natural thing in the world.

"Son, unlocking a deviant at your age is an amazing achievement, you should be proud of yourself," he said letting out a chuckle.

"You can go on adventuring but I will come with you and stay for a month to teach you the basics. Son, remember, beasts aren't the only thing to be wary of in the wilderness." My father said seriously.

I nodded in understanding at his knowledgeable words as we walked to where Mom was sitting.

ANNOUNCEMENT - The novel will be on hiatus till the 7th of May due to my exams. Though I might release some chapters occasionally. And I'm not gonna drop it so don't worry.