
TBATE: Reborn on Earth

When a slightly unique soul finds himself in a world of Kings and Ki with one special ability Will he change the fates of his friends and family Will he become the King himself or Will he fail to do anything at all This is Alio' Beginning After the End --- TBATE belongs to TurtleMe

merlin_ · Cómic
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12 Chs


The next time the soul woke up he found himself in what felt like blankets, feeling incredibly weak, even more so than when he spent around half a year just being a shut-in since quarantine allowed him to, and that says a lot since he was damn scrawny back then, he tried to call out to see if anyone was near him but all that came out were cries, wondering what was wrong with his body the soul calmed down, or at least tried to but seemingly couldn't keep his mind on one topic for more than a second before suddenly panicking and crying, the perpetual crying and then forcing himself to think looked rather rather cute from the outside but the soul had no idea that someone had that thought at this moment and was currently walking towards him.

"Hello little one" a female voice said snapping him out of well, whatever he had been trying to do, when the soul felt himself getting picked up he couldn't help but panic and start crying but the constant lulling of the woman started to make him feel drowsy, "oh, it says your name here, Alio is it. what a cute name for a cute baby", he heard those last words and figured out what had happened, he had been reborn. Finally quenching his thirst for answers, the newly named Alio let himself fall asleep.

Olivia Wilbeck POV

A new child was added to the orphanage today, the children were quite excited to see someone so young. The child seemed to be trying to stop himself from crying but just couldn't before I found him at the front of the orphanage, it was really cute, he had a little patch of black hair on that little head of his that matched well with his same colored eyes, his pale skin really created quite quite the contrast to it. I'll have to buy some baby formula for him to make sure he grows up safely.

I wonder if we'll get any other children his age coming here soon, he'll need playmates eventually after all, well I'll simply hope he grows up safely for now I thought while walking towards the crib I plan to use for him. I put him down there and leave for now to check up on the other kids in the orphanage. Perhaps I should get one of the older kids to look after him, they could make some money if they learn how to babysit after all. And maybe they'll even have kids of there own one day, so it would be useful practice. I suppose Jessica is a good age to try to babysit, she's turning 10 this year so she should be able to try but I should keep an eye on her for the first while if she agrees so that she won't make any mistakes.

Alio POV

The next time I woke up I was alone and smelt rather, well, stinky so on instinct I started bawling my little eyes out. God, how am I gonna live with the embarrassment of remembering my infancy, well I'm a baby who cares, I can just sleep, poop and eat for a year than start sorting out where I am. As I was crying and having an incredible internal dialogue, I heard the door to my little closet? or room, well either way the door opened up and revealed a lady that seemed to be in her mid twenties walking through the door, with a young girl maybe 11, with orange hair and brown eyes. I'm getting a little scared now, who would ever bring a ginger near a baby, everyone knows they don't have souls. Maybe the woman's insane, yep that's the conclusion I've came to.

As I was monologuing I realized my thoughts have became quite a lot more erratic and childish, with me ranting on the smallest things, normally I'd think ginger don't have souls, yes, but I probably wouldn't shrug off you know, being a baby, I guess it just feels right to be a baby I'm not sure how to explain it, maybe like my soul is that of a babies again. Since I know souls exist now this should somewhat be feasible. My theories were cut off when I saw a bottle, all thoughts were gone, all I had in my mind now was that bottle, since I was damn hungry. My pleading, or crying in this case was answered when the woman lifted me up and put the bottle in my mouth, the nice warm milk calmed damn the turbulent emotions I've had ever since being reborn and I calmed down enough to think normally or at least normally enough to be embarrassed at getting diapers changed. I've gained a newfound respect for old people in diapers after this, those poor souls.

Using this brief time where I seem to be a bit more mature and calm, I planned that I should just let the baby instincts take over for the next year or so, while trying to assess my surroundings.

And act like a baby I most definitely did for the next year, getting babysat by the ginger, who's name I now know as Jessica was hellish at first with her being a bored child having no clue what she's doing, however over time she learnt from the woman, who I now know as Headmaster Wilbeck and it became tolerable, overall the year flew by pretty quickly with me learning how to crawl and even how to walk, even if I couldn't walk consistently. Headmaster Wilbeck seemed pretty happy when I showed that I could speak early, and I began looking at her like a mother over the year when she raised me with Ginger, who's more like an older sister than a mother.

I was also able to see myself in a mirror and although I'm not that cute I'm better than I was before so I can't complain about it. As I was finishing my summary of the last year's activities, I spotted a soulless monster approaching and immediately became terrified, the monster often attacks when I'm making my "cute serious face", and leaves my cheeks red for the next week. I'm of course talking about the damn Ginger, she seems to be obsessed with squeezing my cheeks, luckily it appears that I'm safe as the monster is getting watched over by the angel named Olivia Wilbeck at the moment.

"Hewwo" I said trying look like the mature kid that I am. Yes, I've started treating myself like a kid, I'm relatively certain this bodies effecting my mind to a certain extent so I believe that embracing it is the better action than fighting it. I might as well enjoy my childhood while I can after all. "aw, how cute trying to act all mature now that you can talk" said the Headmaster while breaking me out of my thinking. The ginger seemed to be having a hard time not touching my cheeks so I puffed them out to taunt her, since she can't touch them now, hehe. The headmaster seemed to realize my thought process when she said "Don't be mean or I'll squeeze your cheeks too", after I heard that I knew I'd lost, if they gang up on my I've got no chance. "Fwine" I said with a pout, apparently that was the gingers breaking point as she dove at me trying to grab cheeks only to get caught by the Headmaster. I quickly acted like the mature kid I am and stuck my tongue out at her.

I hope this type of life will last forever.

pretty light-hearted chapter, don't want crazy things right out of the gate after all

merlin_creators' thoughts