
Tbate : A Journey Through Worlds

The protagonist, once blessed with unparalleled strength, riches, and influence in a realm controlled by dungeons and monster gates, has been reborn in a society where magic reigns supreme. With a fresh lease on life, he embarks on a quest to comprehend his purpose in this unfamiliar world, forging new connections along the way. Notably, his twin brother has also been reincarnated, adding an intriguing dynamic to their journey. Embarking on this incredible odyssey, brace yourself for an Adventure filled with boundless Joy, exhilarating Thrills, and a captivating sense of Wonder. As we traverse through diverse worlds, prepare to be immersed in the enchanting tapestry of sights, sounds, and emotions that will ignite your passion for exploration. Let the AJTW experience ignite your soul and leave an indelible mark on your heart... [WARNING: Storyline is the same as the novel, but with a nice twist. My twist.] [Also Please comment and share your thoughts, so I can improve myself and my fanfic]

Daoistn1i8mh · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter Three


A *clang* resounded throughout the room as Alice dropped her fork onto her plate.

"What? Rey! They aren't even four yet! No! Besides, you said if any of them become an augmenter, you'd be able to teach them!" she said, her voice filled with panic.

"I didn't think they would be this much of a prodigy in mana manipulation. Arthur awakened at the age of three and let's not forget Alistair, he hasn't awaken yet and he can control his mana better than anyone I've ever seen" Reynolds responded calmly.

"But that means they'll have to leave home! They are only four, Reynolds! We can't have our babies leave home at such an early age!"

"I understand where you are coming from, but I've observed them training. All of this is natural to them. Alice honey, I'm holding my sons back by trying to teach them something they can do sleeping."

Thus began their quarrel. They went back and forth, basically repeating their initial points; mother kept saying that we were too young, and father saying that we are currently being held from tapping into our full potential.

In the meantime, the twins were having their own discussion, but none verbal.

Arthur asked,

Alistair said, quickly returning to his plate

"Boys, this is concerning you, so you have a say in this as well. How would you feel about going to a big city and having a teacher?"

The twins look each other, Arthur looked at bit worried but Alistair gave him a nod.

"Can we at least try meeting some mentors and have them see if we need to be tutored or not?"

Alistair quickly spoke up before anyone said anything, "We, of course want the both of you to come with us. We don't have to be separate, we aren't leaving the nest yet."

What Alistair said seemed to ease their mother's worries and she quietly muttered, "We'll at least formally have their mana core and channels tested. We can figure out what to do from there."

They night ended with them having on agreed on them visiting the grand city Xyrus, much to the twins surprise. They talked about the preparation for the following day because their trip was three-week-long.


Their parents took care of packing all of the necessities, Arthur packed his wooden sword and two books for the journey, while Alistair only took his wooden sword.

By mid morning, all packing had been finished and their parent's ex-party members had arrived.

The twin have heard about them occasionally from father, they never visited home while they were rebuilding it, so it would be my first time meeting them.

From the information the twins learned from my father about the party members of Twin Horns consisted of the following:

Helen Shard: Female augmenter, specializing in magic archery.

Adam Krensh: Male augmenter, whose main weapon was the spear.

Jasmine Flamesworth: Female augmenter, who specialized in speed with dual daggers.

Angela Rose: Female conjurer, specializing in Wind Magic.

Durden Walker: Male conjurer, specializing in Earth Magic.

My father, after hugging his ex-party members, exclaimed, "Everyone, I want you guys to meet my sons, Alistair and Arthur."

Giving a slight half bow while looking up at them, Arthur introduced himself.

"Hello. I am Arthur Leywin. My father has told me great things about his fellow Twin Horns members. Thank you for traveling with us to Xyrus. We'll be in your hands."

Alistair just did a quick wave and a showed a mischievous grin identical to his father, "Hey! My name is Alistair, i'm the oldest."

"Alistair!" his mother scolded pulled his ear,

"HAHAHA, what is this? Such manners! Is he yours Rey?" stepping forward with an energetic laughter, was Adam, the spear wielder.

'He was just like the stories dad tells us : Loud and Bright' Alistair thought, looking at the bright red hair tied in a messy poof at the end, almost like a flame, and a couple of bangs escaping from the hair tie. His eyes were bright and almost seemed like they were always laughing. Then was the scar across his nose, reaching both cheeks.

Arthur was picked, while I got out of the way, fast. "Awww...Isn't he just too precious? You should be glad that he doesn't look like you Reynolds."

Looking at Arthur suffocate in her mountains, he told himself it wasn't worth it. Beside that, he looked at her, she was pretty. Princess pretty with her long blond hair that came to a curl at the ends and radiant green eyes that drooped slightly.

Beside her came a gigantic bear, "Angela, you're hurting him," a deep voice grunted.

He effortlessly picked Arthur up, from where I stood he looked more than just a bear, he was a mountain.

'I would if he's body is cuddly?' Alistair wondered as he placed Arthur next to me.

Someone then caught my eye. Much younger than the rest of the party members was a girl.

Straight black hair that was half-tied at the back with a ribbon complementing her red, half-open eyes and curt-looking lips, making her seem very brusque.

"Mhm" she slightly nods and before I could return the gesture or anything, she turns away.

My eyes fixed on her as she walked away towards the stable, I spotted two short daggers strapped to her lower back, just above the hips. Dual daggers, good for short range. She was an in-fighter, but she could be als-

The last member of the Twin Horns was Helen Shard. She patted my head lightly and flashed a charming smile at me.

"I see Rey has corrupted you already"

The word that I would use to describe Miss Helen would be sharp. Sharp eyes, sharp, perky nose, thin red lips, and a flat chest, almost boyish with her shoulder length hair tied tightly at the back. She was definitely the leader.

The carriages was soon loaded with travel necessities, and their luggage. Arthur sat furthest back, while Alistair sat by the opening of the carriage.


Both twins were excited to get out of the tiny outpost that was their hometown, Ashber. They could no longer see the last house in Ashber.

Eventually it was time for a stop and to set up camp. It was near a couple of blouders, that hide them from any danger, and it block of wind and had a lot of scrap wood for campfire.

Alistair was still sleeping despite being asleep for most of the journey. Arthur was very much annoyed by his body and decided to stay away, ignoring his heavy eyes.

"I heard your pops say that you're some kind of genius mage… Is it true you've already awakened?"

This is not how Arthur wanted to spend the night, because he could already see trouble brewing and Alistair was sleeping for there to be any trouble.

Arthur decided to answer honestly, because they were going to find out somehow during this three week journey.

Adam suddenly asked, "Hey Reynolds, do you mind if I test little Art?"

All heads turned to Adam. Arthur wanted to say no, because of the power unbalance between the two, but mainly because Arthur still wasn't used to this body.

Both parents hesitated, but Rey trusting their old comrade, just replied, "Alright, but be careful. I haven't had the chance to teach him how to properly fight yet. We've just been doing the basics, light strength and mana exercises 'til now."

"Come here Kid. Haha, let's see what you're made of!"

Arthur looked towards his older brother, who was still sleeping for help.


Immediately as Arthur's mana flared up, Alistair woke up : tired and annoyed. This wasn't the first time, Arthur had used he mana in secret, trying to train himself how to control it. Alistair helped him learn a technique, he was using. Mana circulation, where he would unconsciously move his mana through his blood veins, mana tunnels and nerve system, until he could do it consciously. It still woke him up.

Now Alistair would like to state that for once he was not the wild child between to two. Yes, he liked to disappear of exploring on his own, only to return hours later or have his father fetch him. But did he blow up the house - yes he knows it was just the office room that was only affected - but did he do it? No, it was Arthur and even now, he knows Arthur could have said no to this spar, but he didn't. Arthur was the troublemaker between them! Not him.

And don't ask him if he was in Arthur's shoes want would he do! He would definitely not ask for a hand to hand combat, nor would he ask for first back tap. No, he would respectfully decline. 'Liar'

Adam's voice cuts through his thoughts, "Haven't taught him how to fight, my ass! What

kind of Hellish training did you make them go through?" he groaned, rubbing his head.

"I didn't teach them that", my father managed to speak.

He shook his head and went to Arthur, asking if he was okay. Arthur just shook his head.

He picked Arthur up and walked towards his wife and son, Alistair, who by instinct faked his sleep.

"Art, where did you learn to fight like that?"

"I learned by reading the books and watching you dad" Arthur replied non-chalantly.

Alistair on another day would have laughed, 'Books my ass, although we can't just say he is reincarnated'

"Sorry for roughing you up there, little guy. I didn't expect I would need to use that much

strength to get you off me."

Adam apologized to Arthur.

Alistair did want to punch him a bit for even, sparing with his baby brother.


"Your fighting style is... unique. How did you do that step after the feint?" a faint voice said,

"She speaks?" Alistair accidentally said, wincing under the blanket.

Everyone looked at the supposedly sleeping boy, but Arthur quickly ignored him, already used to his crazy brother and awkward responded with "Thank you?"

to Jasmine.

"Can you also fight like that?" she, Jasmine continued to speak, looking at Alistair.

"No" Alistair answered cooly, trying to kept a neutral face. 'I'm not lying though, our fighting styles are completely different from what we usually do during our rare spars. I'm an all-round fighter and Arthur is more of a swordsmaster.'

"But you can fight" she continued to press,

"Dunno." he answered, as truthfully as he could, which wasn't much. 'Not in this body, I definitely would not call fighting. Perhaps arm swinging.'

Everyone was now intrigued by the oldest, even Arthur himself, despite having sparred with his brother a couple of times, all those times he's lost. They still don't know where they stand with one another, or who's stronger.