
Tbate : A Journey Through Worlds

The protagonist, once blessed with unparalleled strength, riches, and influence in a realm controlled by dungeons and monster gates, has been reborn in a society where magic reigns supreme. With a fresh lease on life, he embarks on a quest to comprehend his purpose in this unfamiliar world, forging new connections along the way. Notably, his twin brother has also been reincarnated, adding an intriguing dynamic to their journey. Embarking on this incredible odyssey, brace yourself for an Adventure filled with boundless Joy, exhilarating Thrills, and a captivating sense of Wonder. As we traverse through diverse worlds, prepare to be immersed in the enchanting tapestry of sights, sounds, and emotions that will ignite your passion for exploration. Let the AJTW experience ignite your soul and leave an indelible mark on your heart... [WARNING: Storyline is the same as the novel, but with a nice twist. My twist.] [Also Please comment and share your thoughts, so I can improve myself and my fanfic]

Daoistn1i8mh · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter Four


A few weeks passed without any incidents and we finally made it to the foot of the grand

mountains, which were... grand and mountaining.

All the way the four of them kept trying to master the feint step, as Alistair had nothing better to do, so he kept watching them try and fail. Jasmine was the first to do it and demonstrated it to Arthur, he just applauded at her.

The rest weren't far behind on mastering it, so by the time we reached the foot of the

mountains all of them had mastered and altered it to fit their fighting style. Alistair would help them out but he didn't want any more attention than he already had.

Next we had to ascend the mountain to reach the teleportation gate. Whoever thought it was a good idea to make the teleportation gate atop a mountain.

The front carriage consisted of Durden who was holding the reins in the front, with father besides him to keep him company. This carriage was carrying our luggage.

Helen was currently seated on the top of the second carriage, the one Alistair was riding in, scouting

for any abnormalities. Angela sat in the back carriage with my mom, Alistair and Arthur, while

Adam walked behind them, keeping guard. While Jasmine steered the carriage, she kept staring

back at Arthur as if wanting more techniques.

During the journey, the twins turned four years old. Their mother managed to produce a cake, somehow and the boys thanked her. Hugs and pats were given around, and unexpectedly Jasmine gifted Arthur a curved knife and Alistair an extra pair of if dual knife.

Alistair was listening to Arthur talked his theory on improving mana and its manipulations. Both where non-verbally discussing techniques from their 'past' that they can used to fast track their development.

Then suddenly Helen shouted.



At least 30 men surrounded them.

Helen casted a protection spell around the four of us.

If the twins had been ordinary four year olds, they would not be able to make out what was happening.

Their mother pulled them towards herself. She was shaking profoundly, the boys couldn't understand why though. She and father had been adventurers before and had face problems probably bigger than this.

Father then yelled out, "There are only four mages and none of them seem to be conjurers!

The rest are normal warriors"

Gone, the silly, laid-back father Reynolds Leywin. Now stood a former A-Rank adventurer, taking charge of the battle even as unprepared as they were. Pride filled the boys chest.

Everyone in the Twin Horns was busy, outnumbered but not out-strengthened.

Alistair couldn't stop comparing himself to his past self, he was an embarrassment. This body was too weak, it was nothing like his own body: strong, fast, flexible, durable. It was the perfect body, now he has to start over with this useless body.

Arthur clenched his fists with enough force to draw a bit of blood. He couldn't do anything, against a fully grown augmenter he'd lose fairly quickly. Maybe together with his brother, but they weren't used to fighting together so it would be a disadvantage to them.

Beside them, their mother's hand kept reaching for the wand in her robe, until she decided to

draw it. She kept looking around wary of anything that can harm them.

While they all three were self hating, something crashed into our carriage. Reynolds Leywin, laid there bruised with

blood dripping down his mouth.

All three jumped to him, without thinking, letting their emotions control the situation.



In front of them was a big bandit, Arthur

seemed ready to charge against him but Alistair pulled his shoulder and shook

my head.

"We aren't strong enough yet, we'll die for sure if we try to fight." he whispered loud enough

for him to hear, Arthur nods.

Alistair absolutely loathed those words, no matter how true they are. They left a sour and bitter taste behind, he ingrave this moment forever in his mind.

"Mom you have to heal dad, hurry!" Arthur says in a panic,

Suddenly everything starts to move slowly for Alistair. Something was wrong, with their mother. She was hesitating healing her husband. Something was wrong.

Alistair decided to use he's brain, how can they tilted the odds into their favor. With he's mother crying, brother panicking, and father bleeding, he was getting desperate. Something was wrong.

Alistair was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts, "Alai, Art, listen carefully, once your mother finishes healing me

those bad men are going to try and harm her, I'll be able to manage their leader but not if I have to protect you three, so take your mother back down the path we came through and don't


Something was wrong.

Arthur wanted to argue but Alistair cut him off. "As soon as the healing finish, we will run but I will cast a small spell in the process. Everyone we be at a stand still, but it should buys us and all of you time."


entrusting your mother to you, don't worry I wont die I'll catch up to you soon so until then

protect her ... and protect the baby inside her"

'Now that explained mom's skittish reaction'

"Of course!" and "I'll protect them" they answered simultaneously.

The healing process was now almost finished, both the boys got ready to run.

"Get ready," Rey said as Alice finished healing him, "They've got four mages on their side"

"Sonova- They have a healer! Don't let her escape" the leader roared.

Arthur grabbed her hand and ran. Alistair overloaded his mana output and-


-there was a large explosion that disrupted everyone, except The Leywins who knew about the plan. Reynolds Leywin got up and immediately charged to the leader catching him of guard. The rest of twin horns, seemed to get the signal and fought with their everything. Arthur and the mother ran ahead of Alistair, he was a bit tired and his chest was burning becoming of what he did but-

'Something was wrong!'

"Damien! Forget the plan, just kill them!" the leader barked out.

'The last mage!'

"...respond to my call and wash all to oblivion!" a faint voice finished chanting.

From the cliff one of the so called archers conjured a large sphere of pressurized water.

Alistair was too far to reach them, but Arthur knew what he had to do.

Arthur pushed his mother out of the range of the attack, Arthur had planned to protect

his mother in exchange with his life. Alistair was too far to jump for him or to pull him back in..

was what he sent through they link and all Alistair saw was he body fall.

"ARTHUR!" he screamed, unconsciously letting out another mana explosion. This time it was to much of the four year older body and he fainted. 'Idiotic little brother'

While Arthur was falling, he heard his brother call out for him. It was nice, it felt nice, but sour. His brother chose his name as he's first words, the first ever thing he heard from his brother was his name and now the last thing he would say to him was his name, the last thing he would hear before dying was his older brother calling out of him. 'I'm an idiot'