
A shocking surprise

"They just got home Reynolds. Let the boys rest" My mother tried to stop us but to no avail.

"Its fine Mom." Arthur said trying to reassure her.

"Besides, I kinda do want to know  how much Dad  has improved, I'm sure he wants to know as well." I chime in.

"Men! Always trying to find an excuse to fight. Right Ellie?" My mother shook her head at our antics.

"Papa and bruhders are Men!" Ellie said trying to mimic mother.

This earned a laugh out of the three of us.

Man, it feels really good to be back.

When we got up to go to the backyard the door opened.

"Rey! I just heard your sons were alive. What the hell is going on?" A man with glasses and parted hair wearing a suit with his wife and daughter running in soon after.

"Vincent, I would like you to meet my sons Arthur and Fayden. They really are back Vince!" Dad said wrapping his arms around the mans shoulder.

"Arthur, Fayden, this is Vincent Helstea, my old friend and now  the person I work for. So introduce yourselves before we start wrecking his house." He said grinning ear to ear.

As we bowed to them my brother spoke introducing us, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Arthur Leywin and this is my brother, Fayden Leywin. I'm not sure as to what my family has told you about us but we were in contact with them a few years prior and had told them not to reveal it to anyone until our return, we apologize deeply for the confusion and thank you for helping my family during during this time."

Can't help but agree there, this man has my utmost respect and gratitude for helping my family out in their worst time.

"Y-yeah. Its not a problem really. I'm just glad you're both alive and safe." He said adjusting his glasses, as if he couldn't believe he is speaking to 8 year olds, " Meet Tabitha, my wife and Lilia, my daughter."

"A pleasure to meet you ma'am, Lilia." I say with Sylvie introducing herself with a 'kyu' and Zeke coming out of my shadow and yipped at her wagging his tail.

In response I received a smile, " Its great to have you in our home Fayden and Arthur. Lilia! Say hi to them so I hope you can be friends."

The girl, now named Lilia spoke up pointing to Zeke and Sylvie, " What's that? They're so cute!"

"They are mana beasts that bonded with us. Sylvie go say hi." Arthur explained to which Sylvie came down and mewed.

"You too Zeke." I say.

Zeke comes forward and waves his paw at her, his tail still wagging.

Lilia squealed at their apparent cuteness.

"Rey, what did you mean when you said 'wrecking his house'." Vincent spoke after tearing his gaze from the two bonds.

"We were planning to have a spar in the backyard. Wanna come and watch." My father replied chuckling.

"A-are you serious Rey! They just got home and you want to fight them? Besides they don't seem to be older than eight, so what are you going to fight for." Vincent sputtered out incredulously.

"Don't be fooled by their age. They are already at the light red stage." Dad bragged, puffing his chest.

"You're telling me both your 8year old sons have already awakened and reached the light red stage while the snobby noble brats that attend Xyrus at 11 or 12 years are barely in the dark red stage. Don't be ridiculous Rey." Vincent shook his head in disbelief

"You'll see, besides I have a little surprise myself."

"You should go first Art." I whisper to him.

When we got to the backyard Dad asked, "So who's first?"

Arthur stepped up and stood a distance away from Dad.

Sylvie stayed with us in the audience.

"Ready when you are" Arthur spoke with a grin.

"Be careful Art, you may be at the light red stage but your pops is still a stage higher." He said pounding his fists together.

Meanwhile Vincent was still shaking his head not believing we have awakening much less that we're light red core mages.

"Come" Dad taunted Arthur getting into a stance.

Instantly Arthur was in range for a fist, this earned a few gasps from the others.

Heh, there much more coming just watch.

He feigned a punch and went for a high kick.

Which was blocked by Father whose arm was flung back by the momentum, leaving him open for another strike.

But he reacted fast enough and executed a right chop.

Arthur managed to block it and kick the back of his knee, before seemingly sending him off balance.

But he gained it back almost immediately forcing Arthur to jump back and make some distance.

"Well, I have to say that you're better than all of the mages I've trained. But I'm going to get serious now be careful.

Alright lets see what his trump card is.

His fists ignited first, the fire spreading through his body forming a scarlet cloak over him. Although some amount of mana was being wasted judging from the steam being emitted by his body.


But we have a better version.

"Impressive Dad....but now its my turn." Arthur unknowingly voiced out my thoughts.


In my previous world elemental augmentors didn't control the elements, no. There were merely practitioners of different sects.

The Wind, Earth, Fire and Water sects each had individual techniques that utilized their respective elements.

One of the reasons that allowed me to attain such a high position was due to my mastery over Fire, Water and Wind sects and integrating them into ky fighting style, the three elements gave strength, fluidity and speed respectively which truly made me one of the fiercest fighters there. Although I did learn Earth to some degree but it wasn't anywhere near my prowess in the other three.

Translating that I'd be a tri elemental mage, maybe even quadra-elemental, although then my Earth affinity would be abysmal.

Moving on, during my training with Gramps I found out that I had quite the talent for conjuring but augmenting? That was a big no. I mean I almost exploded when I first tried it. Talk about denial. Sheesh.

Looking back what I had said really was insensitive, "Don't worry princess I won't drench your backyard in blood."

I guess I deserved that slap.

Virion had asked me why I wasn't afraid of death. I only shrugged at that.

After all experiencing death one time really takes away the fear of dying again.

Anyways we're moving off topic. Soon after I learned that I was indeed a quadra-elemental mage with my earth aff6the lowest. Like seriously I couldn't conjure an earthen wall to save my life.

And after four months of trying deviant magic I got an acceptable result. While Arthur, also a quadra-elemental mage, got a bit less than acceptable result.

"Try not to be too surprised." Arthurs voice brought me out of my inner monologue.

Crackling noises permeated the air as electricity started to form a cloak around my brother.

The rest of the audience froze in thunderstruck silence while I had a barely noticeable smirk on my face.