
Strange New World

"Well, between here and the endless space between dimensions, this is far better." The boy said as he got up to face the Marchosias.

"That did not answer my question." Noctis said neutrally.

He sighed, "You can read my mind, why don't you just check my memories?"

Noctis raised an eyebrow at the response but decided to comply. He almost broke contact when he sensed the other beings inside the boy. They were like parts of his soul that separated and gained their own individuality. One of them was in a constant state of change, the definition of chaos. The other was more tranquil and seemed to be in harmony with his surroundings.

The chaotic one spoke first 'What are you looking for exactly Asura?'

'Sorry about him, he's a bit moody when it comes to new people. Please, try not to look at any unrelated memories.', the tranquil one cut in before it could get any worse.

'Very well, it would be better if you could guide me to what I need to know, Mr…?' Noctis trailed off, silently asking for their identity.

After a brief pause, the tranquil one answered. 'You-like the boy, can call me Vetus, the grumpy one is Alterum. '

'Alright, Vetus, I am Noctis Marchosias, now will you guide me to what exactly brought you three to my universe?'

'Certainly.' Vetus said, making contact with Noctis' mind. A tether was formed between them, and memories flashed through Noctis' mind.

He took a moment to process the memories, before finally speaking, 'And am I to assume you three need to find a way back to your own universe?'

'Not really, no. A 'friend' of ours generally pulls us back at some point, so we just need to wait.'

'Alright, you're done here. Leave.' Alterum spoke after being silent throughout their conversation.

'Alterum, play nice', Vetus chided.

'Tch' He made a sound akin to clicking his tongue and remained silent after that.

Noctis, having seen what he wanted, left the boys mind. "It appears they are stranded here," He said to the others.

"They?" Fayden repeated, "As in multiple beings?"

"Yes, Fayden, they." He said, turning to face his disciple, "There are two more beings inside his mind."

Fayden blinked in surprise, and turned to face the boy, "How are you not insane yet? I have enough with one mind linked to mine."

"How are you sure I'm not insane?"

"Touché," He said, extending his hand, "Fayden Eralith, ex-prince of Elenoir."

"Ashton Leywin," He accepted the gesture, "you don't exist in my world."

"Nor do you exist here," Fayden quipped, "Anyways, this is Nathan Ambers, and-"

"Elijah Knight, I know," He interrupted, a strange undertone to his voice, almost like guilt.

Fayden raised an eyebrow, "I take it, he exists in your world?"

He nodded, "Mine, and another I've been to. Arthur and Elijah exist in every universe, but we do not."

"'We'?" Fayden repeated, "As in you and me?"

"And that Phoenix kid over there."

"Phoenix kid?" Fayden asked, "You mean Nathan?"

He nodded "Yeah, he reminds me of a phoenix- or at least the idea of one."

Fayden turned to Noctis, eyebrow raised, "Did you know that?"

"I cannot say anything about that matter," He replied, stoic as ever.

"With his control over Fire and Wind mana, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case," Elijah said, "Although whether we can prove it or not is an entirely different topic."

"Wow, you're smarter than I remember, or did the horns do that?"

"I'd say that's because I have more memories than the 'Elijah' you know." He said, casually fixing his glasses.

"What do you mean?" He asked, carefully noting their expressions. He had to be careful not to say something he wasn't supposed to, he had already messed up with the phoenix kid.

Elijah shared a glance with Fayden, and sighed, "Nothing you should be worried about."

"Mhm, sure it's not. So, is Arthur around? And how about Tessia?"

"Arthur is in epheotus, being trained by their Asuras." Fayden answered, "And Tessia, well she's back on Elenoir. Shouldn't you know this though? Or did things happen differently in your world?"

"Well considering three out of the four of you don't exist in my world, nor does this place. If it's not epheotus or vile thorn." Ashton answered, glancing at each of them as he spoke.

"I don't know what vile thorn is, but you're in Losvillion, the realm of the Marchosias that exists in a different dimension than the real world." Fayden explained.

"Well, vile thorn is similar, however it's more of a pocket realm that was created by the first dark Lykaios. Which is a wolven Asura." Ashton nodded, explaining what he could.

"Wolven Asuras?" Noctis said, "And you say Marchosias do not exist in your world. Interesting…"

"Yeah, there are two types: the darks and the lights. The lights have sided with the Vritra while the darks are alone, like you all."

"Unlike these 'Lykaios', we Marchosias stuck together, both sides of us." Noctis said with what sounded like pride.

"What can I say, the Lykaios are descendants of Vritra and Indrath, pride and trying to get ahead is in their blood."

"They are descended from the Vritras?" Noctis asked rhetorically. "In our world, the Vritras descended from us."

Ashton hummed for a moment looking over Noctis. "With how you've been talking you're a wolven type of Asura right?"

Noctis replied by turning into his wolf form, "Really? What makes you say that?"

"Probably the scales you have." Ashton joked back.

Turning back into his human form, Noctis changed the topic, "Either way, I'm going to need you to come with me to the council."

"So the council shall decide my fate?" He quipped, silently snickering at the reference.

"Yes," Noctis answered, unaware of the obscure reference Ashton had made. "Follow me."

After Noctis had left with the newcomer, Fayden sighed and turned to the others,"So, what now?"

"Do we continue sparring?" Nathan suggested, their battle was interrupted after all.

"A free for all?" Fayden said they could not duel with three people.

"No," Elijah said, "Two on one."

"Wait a minute, wha-"

"No time to waste," Elijah lunged at him, his skin turning paler by the second. With a sigh, Nathan joined the fray.




"You have told us an interesting tale, young man." Korzag, the leader of the council, said after hearing Ashton's story, "And with Noctis vouching for you, there is little place for doubt."

Half the council was missing, unable to convene so abruptly, but the ones who remained listened with rapt attention, even Faran who was used to sleeping during their meetings.

Korzag sighed, "We have known of the existence of other universes, and we have heard of a dimension traveler like yourself. But his world was similar to ours, not as different as yours."

"Of course his world was similar," Faran said with slight annoyance, "One of his variants literally exists here."

"Faran, careful of what you reveal," Azrul warned. The Marchosias just shrugged in response.

"Nevertheless," Korzag said, taking over the conversation, "We shall agree to host you for the time being unless you would prefer returning to the surface?"

Ashton raised an eyebrow, before speaking in mild sarcasm, "The surface as in outside?"

He nodded, "Yes, the dimension holding Dicathen, Alacrya, and Epheotus."

"Depends. If I was to stay would you train me or simply let me live here?" He asked, glancing between the council members.

The council fell silent, and Ashton had a nagging suspicion they were talking telepathically. After a while, Korzag spoke, "You may join the others in their training but do not reveal anything unknown to them."

"And if you remain here when their training ends, you may go to Dicathen with them." Noctis finished.

He nodded, "Sounds acceptable to me. But I do have a few questions before I get into this." He paused for a brief moment before asking, "So, in this world how long until the war begins?"

"Officially, the war has already begun," Noctis said, "Our champion deemed it fit to declare war on Alacrya at Agronas face."

Ashton let out a whistle, "He now has my respect."

Noctis sighed, he didn't know if he could deal with the two of them, but he continued nonetheless, "The actual battles have yet to start, our predictions say they will begin in but over two years."

That sent Ashton into deep thought, "Two years, that means the attack on Xyrus happened recently? But then, why is Elijah not thirteen?"

Noctis shared a glance with Korzag, the leader of the Marchosias shook his head subtly. Noctis nodded in understanding, and spoke, "A lot of things are different here than they should be. Why that is so, is beyond us at the moment."

'They're lying to us brat.'

'They thought we wouldn't notice the head nods.'

'Yeah, even for gods they seem to look down on us a bit too much.'

"Any other questions?" Korzag asked, breaking his line of thought.

Switching back to speaking Ashton asked, "Can you tell me anything that might be wildly different from most worlds?"

"Well, for one the elven lance is still alive," Noctis began, "And the dwarf traitor has been dealt with."

"The Dwarves had a traitor?" He asked first before quickly adding, "Alea's alive? What state is she in, is she able to stand?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to ask Fayden for the details, he was the one who found out the traitor and saved the lance from certain death."

"I see, I'll remember that when I get some free time." Ashton muttered

"If you have no more questions, you can leave right now." Noctis said.

"Then, that's all from me." He answered.

Nodding, Noctis unlocked the door, and the otherworldly boy left the room. Noctis sighed, walking up to his seat, "Now then, we have much to discuss."

Fayden panted in exhaustion, the combined might of Elijah's soulfire and Nathans's red lightning proving to be too much to handle for him in just his acquire phase. He watched warily as the duo merged their spells for one final attack, Nathan's red lightning pulsing over Elijah's black spike.

He could feel its gravitational force wash over him as the infernal lance got closer to him, soon he would be ripped off the ground.

I didn't want to use these spells without mastering my control first, but I have no other choice. Nacht coalesced into his hand in a dark orb, the black texture flashing lavender for a moment. The orb shot out of his arm, hitting the lance head first and suspending it in place, freezing time for that area.

Before they could recover from the shock of seeing their spell freeze in place, Fayden cast his next spell. And their shadows rose up to bind them, dark sinuous ropes mummifying them from the neck down. A sudden feeling of lethargy hit them with the force of a truck.

"Do you yield?" Fayden asked, warping in front of them, "Answer fast or these bindings will literally suck the life out of you."

Nathan yielded first, not willing to take the risk of dying for his pride. Elijah on the other hand glared at Fayden for a few minutes, before calming down and nodding in defeat. With a snap of his fingers, the bindings dissipated, freeing both his opponents.

"Good spar,"

"Yet you never entered your integrate stage," Elijah noted.

Fayden shrugged, "The fight would have ended in seconds had I done that."

Interrupting them Ashton said, "Perhaps, I could test out my new limits against you since you're so strong?"

"I don't mind," Fayden said, turning back to face him, "That will have to wait until I get some breakfast though."

With a chuckle Ashton nodded, "I can't blame you, I haven't had any either."

"We can all get some together." Nathan suggested.

"If we knew where the dining hall was, that is." Elijah said.

"Eh, who doesn't like a bit of exploring?" Fayden asked rhetorically, walking out of the room, "You guys gonna come or not?"

Sighing, Elijah followed him, Nathan close behind. Ashton shook his head at their antics, deciding he would ask Fayden about Alea while they eat.