
TBATE - A New Start

One moment was all it took. Jack was alive living a dull meaningless life, with no one. The next he was surrounded by darkness. Eventually, a bright light shinned and soon he was being forced to it. He was in the hands of a man with pointy ears and silver hair. Then handed off to a woman who also had the same traits. It was the last one that made him realize where he was. A small girl with gunmetal gray hair and emerald eyes held him and looked into his eyes with a smile. "Hello Casma, I'm your sister Tessia." At that moment he realized he had been reincarnated into the world of his favorite novels "The Beginning After The End" as some one didn't exist in the original novels. DISCLAIMER: Everything is owned by TurtleMe.

Wolfz · Derivados de obras
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Eleanor Leywin POV:

My mom had more or less kicked me out of the room with everyone. I had never seen the look she was giving at that time. Casma seemed to have understood what was going on and was going with what they had asked of him. They had decided to let him come with us and see the city we lived in. I was kind of nervous to have someone I had just met come with us, but now they just told him to show me around the castle. I had looked between my parents hoping that they would want to keep me with them. I didn't think they would let me go.

Now though we are walking down the halls to the kitchen. Casma had mentioned a training ground that we could take food to. It caught my attention as Dad would always practice but wouldn't let me watch when he trained the guards at the actual training ground. I only got to watch him in the yard behind the Helstea's house. After hearing about my brother and seeing Dad I couldn't help but also want to join.

The only thing is I didn't form a core early like him. I never understood what they meant and how forming one works. Even when Dad tried to explain how it felt when he takes in mana I could never get the same feeling her told me. So I gave up and stopped trying. Mom had told me I didn't need to compare myself to Arthur and that I was my own person. Sometimes I feel like a side character from one of the fairy tales Mom tells me when I go to bed.

I was still following closely behind Casma when we finally made it to the kitchen. He slowly opened the door and peeked in, "Why are you being sneaky?"

"Because the cooks keep a close eye on all the food. They get mad when I come in and take food." Casma said as he slowly moved in. I followed trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Are we going to get yelled at if they catch us?" I asked. I was tempted to grab the back of his shirt like I do when I'm scared and with Dad, but I was holding back.

"Um, that's a possibility. Since you're here though they might be a little more lenient." I stopped for a second at the last word, I didn't understand what that meant.

"Lenient?" I questioned catching back up to him now at the pantry.

"They won't be mean since you're here. Everyone was told Art's family would be here and they shouldn't cause any problems for y'all." He responded. He started grabbing things out of it from bread, cheese, and a few other different types of food I didn't know, and was putting them in a basket that was next to the pantry. As he put the last one in he grabbed it and motioned to a different door than the one we had come in.

We walked out the door in time to hear the other door open and several voices filled the kitchen. We quickly made our way away from the area. We were going down hall after hall, rights, and lefts, till we opened a door that led outside. Taking in the new surroundings, I could see trees along a tall fence lining the edge. What really caught my attention was a crater left in the ground. I slowly made my way over to it.

"I'm surprised they haven't filled it in yet." Casma walked over beside me admiring it. The sun shined down on us and the crater. His hair was the same silver as the rest of his family but it seemed to glow brighter in the sunlight. His eyes looked like the green gems in the jewelry stores back in Xyrus and the smile he had made my face heat up. I shook my head and turned back to the crater.

"When did it happen?" I asked trying to hide the fact my face was burning.

"This is what happened when my mana core had formed. I guess after that it did become chaotic with Mom and Dad sending a maid to get your family." I simply nodded.

"Anyways, enough about that, we got some food to eat." He held up the basket with a toothy grin.

"Ah, I totally forgot about that once I saw the crater," I said as we made our way to part of the training area that wasn't broken. We sat down with the basket in between us. I ran my hand through the grass surprised at how soft it was.

"They take care of this place really well, since half the time someone's going to end up on the ground." He laughed at what he said, but looked at him questioningly as to how he knew what I was thinking, "Here."

He handed me a sandwich and we sat in silence as we ate. Looking around there honestly wasn't as much as I thought there would be. I thought there would be swords and other weapons but it was empty, with only nature around. You could see little bugs flying around and I watched them fly around. The sounds of rustling beside me brought me back into the moment. Casma was adjusting himself as he laid down in the grass. I watched as he let his hands fall beside him and closed his eyes.

"If you want to rest before we have to go back I recommend doing it now." He said as he then turned on his side looking away from me. So, I did the same but I turned and looked the other way. As I closed my eyes I could hear the wind blow through the trees and glass. It was peaceful like everything was okay. It felt like I was being held and calmed by my parents.

As if on cue I could hear the sound of voices approaching us.

"Wow, looks like they had their first date." The old man they called Elder Virion said.

"Yeah, yeah, your teasing on me won't work like it does with them, Grampa" I looked over to see Casma getting up. I couldn't though as I was too embarrassed by what he had said.

"It might not work on you but it did on the other little one." I felt everyone's eyes turned to look at me. I quickly pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, burying my face.

"It didn't work, I just don't like being the one everyone looks at." My voice was muffled by my legs.

I felt someone kneel beside me and poke my cheek through the gap in between my legs and arms, "Hey, you know doing this is only giving them more to use." My head snapped to Casma.

"Please do something so they stop looking," I asked with puppy dog eyes. At this I could see his hand move to his chest and clench, followed by a small chuckle.

"Don't worry, I know something." He patted my head before moving on to look at everyone who had started gathering. The only one not here was King Alduin, "Okay, so what's going to happen with sister and Art?"

"Don't think you're going to get away from this that easily, Cas." Elder Virion said. Casma seemed to wince at this. It seemed like he knew for a fact he wasn't getting out of it. He slowly turned back to me giving an apologetic smile. My face once again was burning and so I buried it in my legs again. I don't understand what's going on. Why are they teasing us? All we did was come out here and eat.

"Please Gramps, all they were doing was eating right?" Arthur said. I couldn't see his face since I was hiding my face but I could assume it wasn't a pleasant look.

"Oh, Art, you out of everyone here can't say anything if it was a date. After all, you and little Tess over there spend quite a bit of time alone." Elder Virion said.

"HEY!" I could hear both Arthur and Tessia shout at the same time.

I heard Casma laughing beside me, I glanced up at him and a smirk formed on his face. He looked over at me and mouthed, "I'm sorry." I was confused about what he was getting ready to do.

"Arthur even if this was a date, from what Grampa said, you and sis spent a lot of time alone. I was simply showing her around. If anything I should be unhappy with you." I looked over at my brother and his face was a little red. When I saw my parents, Mom was smiling at this, but Dad held a strange gaze toward Casma.

"Cas, I don't think you want to get into this with me" Next thing I knew he had crouched down beside me with his hands on my shoulders. Once again my face felt hot.

"Art, you just met your little sister and she's already scared of you. You should be trying to show your kind and caring side, so if she needs you, she'll be willing to ask for your help." He was looking at him like a hurt puppy, which made almost everyone ask except for the two who had been serious.

"Cas, I don't know if you picked up your teasing from me or just learned from being around me, but you are too good at this." Elder Virion said. This had me looking between him and Casma, only now realizing he was doing this to get at Arthur.

"Casma, if you don't mind, can you please let go of me? I don't like being involved in all this teasing." With that, he immediately let go of me but still stood next to me. He extended his hand toward me. I hesitantly took his hand as he smiled down at me.

"Once again, I'm sorry. I hope we can still get along after this." I don't know what it is but something in me is telling me to trust him and I shouldn't shy away from this. I'm only four I don't understand these feelings, but maybe if I stay around him a little longer, I can figure it out. He seems more like the adults than the other kids I've played with.

He pulled me back up to my feet and for some reason, I didn't let go of his hand immediately. I held it and he didn't let go either. I was close to him but just enough to realize even though we were the same age I could see that he was slightly taller than me. It wasn't till someone coughed, that I was knocked back into where and who we were around.

"Well, it looks like this won't be the only talk we have about an engagement." Elder Virion laughed again.

"Grampa, I don't plan on having those talks anytime soon." Casma looked towards Tessia and Arthur, "Especially as soon as those two." Both of their faces turned red looking away from each other, "I honestly don't even see me getting in a relationship till I'm old enough to know they aren't after me for status." I started to feel a pain in my chest, but I didn't want anyone to worry so I tried to just ignore it.

"That's probably for the best. We don't want someone like that in the family. That would be the downfall of our kingdom." Queen Merial said. I didn't think they were talking about our family since they had let us come, so a slight sigh escaped my lips. It made me relieved and happy that they weren't talking about us, "On that note, Cas, pack your things tonight you will be leaving with the Leywins tomorrow. They have things they need to get back to Xyrus for, so you need to be ready to leave early in the morning."

"Okay Mom, but I don't think you should be worrying about me. A certain someone likes to sleep like a log and it takes a degree of violence to get them up." Tessia and Casma were laughing.

"Why do the both of you always have to resort to violence to get me up? I could get up in a regular way if either one of you tried. I swear this is one of the reasons I know you both are brother and sister." Arthur said to the both of them.

"I believe there's something that you and your sister share as well." This caught the attention of both Arthur and I.

"And what would that be?"

"That is yet to be decided, but it's starting to look like you both like similar things." I could see the confusion on my brother's face, as it probably mirrored my own, "We'll leave that be for now though. Casma needs to pack and everyone needs sleep for tomorrow. I'll have the maids escort you all to your rooms." As Elder Virion said this maids popped up out of nowhere.

A/N: Ha, Virion already figuring out that both of them have a thing for elves.

We didn't really say bye to anyone as the maids started to lead us to our rooms.


A/N: I wonder what Casma is planning with trying to befriend Eleanor so early since he already said that he wasn't going to go after her? Have to wait till later to figure it out.

Thanks For Reading!!!