
TBATE | Lucifuge

A very narcissistic and arrogant woman named Pandora has been Reincarnated into the world of The Beginning After The End. (I got motivated to create this after realising the severe lack of Yuri Stories in TBATE

YaGurlEden · Cómic
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4 Chs


Pandora POV


My name is Pandora, And before you ask yes.

I have been named after the woman that not even God has dared to touch, The All Gifted Woman, Pandora.

Though I believe that I am superior to her, in every aspect.

A disgusting barbarian who's name is only known because of Myths and Legends could never compare to me!

Me, The one who killed millions by just ordering my useless servants and had the world in my hands, Is named after a measly myth?!

Outrageous, Henious.

And frankly, The woman who gave me that name deserved the painful death she has gotten.

I am the greatest of all, unreachable like the stars, No.

I am even greater then the stars, So then how?!

How is it that I have been killed by mere poison?!


Those disgusting ants should be honered that I even tasted their food, They should grovel before my feet for tolerating their presence!

Before Pandora could finish her rant, The void she was in suddenly had... An earthquake?

3rd POV :

*Clank* *Clank*

??? : "Are you sure about this Seris?"

Comes a majestic voice from a creature that's only been mentioned in tales of old, A Dragon!

Seris : "Don't worry about it, Sylvia. Run away with your child to Dicathen, I'll deal with Agrona."

Says the Scythe named Seris with determination in her eyes.

Sylvia : "..."

The Dragon, Now known as Sylvia, Sighed in disappointment knowing that she won't budge.

Suddenly, Purple sparks started to gather before taking  circular shape, and finally completing the spell, It turns into a portal.

??? : "Thank you."

The Dragons gives one last great full look before entering the portal that has been newly created.

Sylvia POV :

I felt my claws land on hard ground as immediately attempt to find a place to rest, My eyesight has started to waver from exhaustion afterall.

Luckily, I spotted a cave nearby which didn't seem to be inhabited by anything as of yet.

I walk over and enter it, Immediately after entering the cave I've felt my child moving it's egg around alot.

"Ah, Nebula must be exited to see Mama."

I smile at my own words.


Pandora POV :




Not even thinking about why I'm able to see the Lizard through the Void, I just kept on chanting the same thing over and over.


I kept on attempting to crack this void which sealed me before I saw it, Light.

A smile morphed on my perfect face.

I burst out the egg catching the Lizard by surprise, before aiming my claw right at its neck.

Wait.... A Claw....?

Lizard: "Awww, Little Nebula is excited to see her Mama?"

Meanwhile i was just there looking at my claws with a blank face.

This thing dared to turn me into a Lizard?

No, No, No, No, No!

I will not let my perfect self be soiled like this!

Give me back my body!

Give it back! Back! Back!

I was throwing a tantrum like a child, But I was unconsciously denying it the fact that I am a different species altogether now.


*Boom Chika Wow Pow*

A light started to surround me before I Regain my original form.

Well, Atleast a small version of it, It doesn't matter afterall.

I am perfect at whatever form I have!

Now for the Lizard.....

"Did you think you'd get away after what you have done to me?!"

I say to the dumbfounded looking Lizard.

On instinct, I utter two words that would forever be on this

wretched Lizard's mind.


I say as a giant antique clock appears behind me, while A Saber materialises itself on my perfect and smooth hand.


Space-Time gets cut through as I dash towars the Lizard at unhuman speed, Perhaps because of sheer shock, It couldn't dodge in time.





A sound of flesh getting ripped resounds throughout the cave.