
TASTY life with the Shepperd System

Rowan Pendragon Transmigrated in to an unknown novel with ambiguous technology. the world perished to mana and beasts. The only chance for a poor man like him to live well is to become beast tamer. However, look at this ... he became a master of a shepperd system. At this point, it is natural to pump your fist in to the air declaring you will save the world ! World can take care of it self just fine. He will only care for his dinner, his little sister and the next animal he is going to raise !

miu_hozuki · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Slime Dungeon

Rowan returned to the warehouse. 

The guard stopped outside, so all he had to do was go in, and accept the taming. 

[ Do you wish to tame the slime ? ] (yes) ( no) 

Rowan pressed yes. 

[ Tamed 23, 498 slimes. ] 

[ Open a slime dungeon to station the slimes ? ] (yes) (no) 

Rowan chose yes. 

All the slimes in the bin vanished. 

Rowan walked out, and locked the warehouse, left the keys on the wall, where the security guy could see them. 

He could feel the hunger of all the slimes he has accepted. 

Most of the slimes get thrown out of the biofuel plant because they do not eat, or because they do not squirt oil any more. 

Now that he has these many slimes, all he could feel is hunger, and stomach ache. 


No wonder people only tame less than ten beasts! 

Imagine being bombarded by the hunger, anger and lust of those animals… 

If this is how a soul connection feels, then they will go mad in no time. 

[ System advises the owner to stop deluding oneself. Owner does not have a soul connection to the beasts, only a soul impression feedback from the system. Owner's little soul will implode if you make more than one soul connection.] 


The damned system is choosing now to use needless sarcasm? 

Even with all the drag of being hungry and constipated, Rowan went to the adventure station first. 

He needs to register himself as an adventurer. 

If it's any later, he won't clock in enough days to claim ownership of his plot smoothly. 

Thankfully, many of the students seem to register and create an adventurer card as soon as graduation is over, so there's a ready template of forms to fill and a receptionist specifically on standby for this purpose. 

She gave him the form and the app, then she took his fingerprints and a picture, just like that, he got an adventurer card. 

The grades are divided into standard G,F,E,D,C,B,A and S. 

A G adventurer will lose his adventure card if he does not hunt any animals for six months. An F adventurer, a year, like that the time limit increases till C. 

Once an adventurer reaches the level C, the card becomes permanent, and they become eligible for the special treatment given by the base. 

For now though, he just wanted to go to the plot of land he inherited. 


 ▬ ● ◘ ◘ ● ▬ 

Rowan felt like cursing when he found the plot of land. 

The outer wall of the city is built through the mountains. 

The two mountains are situated side by side, the curtain wall in between the mountains is built about twenty meters high. 

Rowan's plot existed smack in between two mountains, containing the rising slope on both sides, and dipping land of a valley in the middle. 

Simply put, there's not a single foot of leveled land. 

Entrance of the land from the road is at height compared to their plot, which dips to form a small pond like depression, which would have been valley mouth had there been no curtain wall between two mountains. 

On the other side of the curtain wall, it's a swamp, so though water did not reach into his land, it pooled against the curtain wall, keeping this area full of moisture in all seasons. 

Given no one's there, the residents who built the residences around seem to be using this plot of land as an unofficial garbage bin. 

So, he has two rising slopes full of stones and a garbage pond in the middle. 

For now, he dug in the four sides of the plot with the right dimensions, and tied a rope around the area, and posted notices announcing his ownership, and his intent to build his home here. 

The worst part is he only has three days left to build a sturdy structure within this area. 

The base sold these plots at a cheap price hoping they would be occupied within a certain time. If they did not build by that time, land ownership reverts to the base government. 

For now, Rowan decided to survey the land by walking up the mountain. 

When he found a place that's far enough from the eyes of the residents and the patrol guards, he sat down in a meditation position and closed his eyes. 

The moment he did, the system screen popped up in front of him. 

[ Name: Rowan Pendragon. ]

[ HP : 100 ]

[ MP : 100 ]

[ Strength : 6 ]

[ Agility : 3 ]

[ Intelligence : 10 ]

[ Stamina: 8 ]

[ Dexterity : 4 ]

[ Vitality: 8 ] 

[ Current structures: ]

[ Slime Dungeon (F) ]

[ Available skill points : 0 ]

That's all he has. 

It's the most common awakener's stats, Rowan knew .

He moved to the next page, which is buildings. 

[ Name : Slime Dungeon ]

[ Category: Slime Dungeon ]

[ Capacity : 23498 / 25000. ]

[ Status: overcrowded, underfed, and sickly. ]

Please sort, feed and cure your slimes or you will receive a penalty from the shepherd system. 

This is news. 

"There's a penalty? " Rowan was surprised. 

"What's the penalty? " he asked curiously. 

[ Owner must sort, organize and vaccinate any and all tamed creatures with-in a day. A Penalty of experience reduction occurs for every hour of delay. A penalty of canceling rewards applies if the owner crosses the forty eight hour mark. ]

[ A penalty of lightning tribulation occurs if the owner crosses five day mark. ] 

"Lightning tribulation ? like the cultivation novel's lightning tribulation? Will I get a martial body if I go through it? " Rowan asked interestedly. 

[ Would the owner like a sample experience? This system will be quite happy to help. ] 

Those are just words, yet, the system's overflowing happiness and anticipation is conveyed in those words. 

"No. " Rowan rejected ruthlessly. 

[ You meanie! It's quite a nice experience! This system is quite proud of being the first system to carry the lightning tribulation. It's even free! Aren't freebies the best in the world? ] 

The system tried convincing him to go for the tribulation. 

Looking at the over enthusiastic response of his system, it must be more than just painful... 

[ Fine. Be that way. *sulk* *sulk* ] 

"Open slime dungeon." Rowan said, with his eyes still closed. 

He was taken to a cave-like place where the slimes are stuck on the walls crawling on each other and all over the place. 

"If only I had baskets or something! " Rowan said conversationally. 

The next moment, baskets popped up in front of him. 

"Oh! Can I label them? " he asked again. 

A white bar was created on the basket. 

Rowan picked up the first slime. 

[ Category : Earth slime. ]

[ Eats : soil after rain. ]

[ Trait: Enriches the soil. ]

No wonder this slime doesn't eat anything in the plant. He threw it into the nearby bin. 

The next one. 

[ Category : plant slime ] 

[ Eats : only the young leaves of Jatropha tree ] 

[ Trait : can make pure diesel ] 

Oh! This is a treasure… that is if there were any Jatropha trees around. Rowan does not even know what a jatropha tree is. 

After five slimes, he gave up making sarcastic comments. 

After ten slimes, he stopped exclaiming over the special traits. 

Finally, by the time he finished sorting, he had hundred different types of slimes, among them, most, that is about ten thousand are plant slimes, eating very specific plants only. 

About seven thousand more eat a multitude of similar types of plants. 

Together, only ten types of slimes made up the majority of 23,000 slimes. 

Remaining are true gems, which ate anything ranging from soil to diamonds. 

The most notable among them is the stone slime, which could create stones of specific shape. 

[ Category : Clay slime ] 

[ Eats : Any soil ] 

[ Trait : Creates clay from earth. ] 

What is this but living earth wall spell ? 

Then there is this slime. 

[ Category : Stone slime ] 

[ Eats : boulders ] 

[ Trait : Creates stone bricks. ] 

Thankfully, he had these slimes, otherwise, it will be impossible to create a sturdy living structure within these walls. 

But first, he needs to cure the slimes that are sick. Now that he has opened his eyes, it's already midnight. 

Even if he had stopped sorting the slimes individually, it has taken till now. 

[ Have you finished sorting the slimes ? ] ( yes ) ( no ) 

Rowan answered truthfully. 

[ Congratulations Owner! ] 

[ You have sorted more than thousand animals correctly ] 

[ You have received a newbie sorting package ] 

[ You have received 10 skill points ] 

[ You have sorted more than five thousand animals correctly ] 

[ You have received an Beginner sorting package ] 

[ You have received 10 skill points ] 


This way, he has received an intermediate and an advanced sorting package. ] 

However, that's not what he's most excited about. 

He's most excited about the skill points. 

Now he has forty extra skill points, which could literally make him as strong as an intermediate awakener. 

It means he could go out hunting without any party. 

Sure, he would have to stick to the surroundings of the base. 

He could find most of the ingredients needed for feeding most of the slimes. 

He could fight off any and all small monsters and could run away easily from the intermediate monster, unless it's also speed type. 

Rowan left for his home first, to reassure his sister. 

He reorganized his skill points after he had his dinner. 

Ideally, he should sleep in the night, and leave the day after, given how dangerous it is to wander out at night. However, Ideal had never been his style. 

Just like a game, in life also early stages are the most important time. 

He has twenty four hours, and he already wasted two hours here. 

If he loses sleep, he could make up for it with food. However, if he loses the opportunity, it will be impossible to get it back again. 

Worst of all, there is a lava slime within the group of slimes. 

He had no idea whether he could reach a volcano, or at least a hot spring in time to feed it if he did not start on this very night. 

Rowan did not lie to the biofuel plant owner. 

He did know the location of the volcano. It is within one day's distance. 

Only, he knew no adventurers who would take him there. 

To do it himself, he needs to be able to pay the deposit for renting the turck and the cash for fuel. 

So, his first choice was to go out and hunt. He rearranged his profile accordingly. 

[ Name: Rowan Pendragon. ]

[ HP : 100 ]

[ MP : 100 ]

[ Strength : 10 ] 

[ Agility : 15 ] 

[ Intelligence : 20 ] 

[ Stamina: 10 ] 

[ Dexterity : 14 ] 

[ Vitality: 10 ] 

[ Current structures: ]

[ Slime Dungeon (F) ]

[ Available skill points : 0 ]

[ Sixth sense ( passive skill ) : You can sense the upcoming dangers before they happen ] 

With the skill of sixth sense awakening, Rowan felt confident enough to go outside. 

Even so, he rented the best crossbow he could get for his money, and bought six crossbow bolts, just to be safe.