
TASTY life with the Shepperd System

Rowan Pendragon Transmigrated in to an unknown novel with ambiguous technology. the world perished to mana and beasts. The only chance for a poor man like him to live well is to become beast tamer. However, look at this ... he became a master of a shepperd system. At this point, it is natural to pump your fist in to the air declaring you will save the world ! World can take care of it self just fine. He will only care for his dinner, his little sister and the next animal he is going to raise !

miu_hozuki · Ciencia y ficción
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17 Chs

Shoot a Video

One good thing about the technology these days is that one can use the smartphone. 

Though the bandwidth outside the base is not what it used to be, one can record a great amount of video inside their smartphones. 

Rowan has set up a camcorder which recorded three sixty degrees views, which when his smart phone is near, recorded video on his smartphone. 

He did this to study the slime's behavior in the natural environment, and spot any outliers as fast as possible. 

However, now, he has the one and only footage of the natural disaster. 

Rowan hoped it could at least sell for some and fill up his pocket. 

He is not quite sure the slimes are lost, so first, he will send out a call for them to come back. 

Even if they didn't, he will get the oil slimes and could restart his dungeon, but it irked him that he has to suffer a loss.

At this point, he got a system message.

[ Congratulations !!! ] 

[ You fed all the cattle with in the designated time. ] 

[ Fed 1000 living organisms successfully. ] 

[ Basic feeding reward awarded. ] 

[ you have received 10 skill points. ] 


[ Fed 20000 living organisms successfully. ] 

[ Advanced feeding reward awarded ] 

[ You have received 10 skill points. ] 

Once more, he received forty reward points. 

However, surprisingly, messages continued. 

[ Congratulations !!! ] 

[ You have fed a rare beast with S-class feed. ] 

[ Feed rating system feature is rewarded. ] 

[ Rare beast pen is unlocked ] 

[ Congratulations !!! ] 

[ You have sorted and fed an unique beast with necessary feed. ] 

[ feeding ground map is rewarded ] 

[ Minimum limit restriction is removed ] 

[ You can now raise any number of beasts in a pen from one to infinity. ] 

The rare beast is the diamond slime. It ate nothing but diamonds. 

The unique beast is the lava slime. There's only one. 

At this point, his cell phone rang, not a call but a disaster warning. 

After all, since the volcano exploded, all the beasts in the jungle will run. 

It seems a beast tide is happening at the base. 

'Mina'! He thought desperately, but he remembered. 

The school building is in the center of the first circle. 

The children would not even come out. 

This kind of beast tide, the base would be able to protect against. 

After all, the beasts fled outwards in a concentric circle, so he will be running behind the beasts. 

For a moment, Rowan pauses in indecision. He has already cut off the gas to the engine, leaving the car in neutral drive mode. He is manipulating the driving wheel manually, adjusting the direction. Without the addition to his stats, he would never be able to do such a thing. 

Right now, he is moving parallel to the base, the car's speed is slowing down. After about ten to thirteen kilometers of distance, the car came to a stop. It's not hot here. 

He could wait here till all his slimes came back. 

Or, he could follow behind the beast tide, picking up their leaks, either as tamed beasts, or just plain kills. 

The blood slime and the flesh slime are still inside the dungeon, given they are well fed, and there's no point in not feeding them when so much feed is available. Slimes are not like other animals, where they get sick if they overeat.

It is only then he remembered. 

He has a feeding ground map. 

It shows all his slimes. 

Once he looked at it, Rowan's eyes opened in surprise. 

All his slimes are alive. 

And they are eating different stuff. 

Half the earth slimes are eating volcanic ash. 

Some are eating rocks, some pebbles, and some just cooled lava. 

All the plant slimes seem to be feeding on the forest, or they are just rolling around in lava. 

Lava slime is in a 'Feeding frenzy' state. 

Diamond slime is in 'hunting' state. 

Seeing that they are having a good time, Rowan decided to just follow behind the beast tide. 

He drove slowly this time around. 

Just after he drove ten miles, the first of the beast tide victims appeared. 

Rowan just let the blood slime in the beasts that are on the last breath to kill them. 

Once they died, flesh slime ate their bodies. 

Rowan is shocked at the state of the forest. 

Gigantic trees are broken. 

The earth in front of him is flattened like a freight train sized bulldozer ran over it. 

There is a dead body of some or other animal every ten feet. 

Only, all of a sudden, he saw there's a little bunny. 

[ Category : horned demon rabbit cub ] 

[ Eats : grass, edible plants ] 

[ Traits: can eat three times its weight in a single sitting. Horn forms crystal nuclei in adults. Can give birth from three months age. ] 

[ This beast could be tamed. ] 

[ Tame the horned rabbit cub ? ] (yes) ( no) 

For now, rather than tame the animal, Rowan held it in his hands. 

If he finds a male, then he will tame it. 

Otherwise, he just has to make rabbit stew out of it, he thinks. 

Something white flashed by him as he walked. 

Rowan thought he saw something similar to pegasus. 

He couldn't believe his eyes for a moment. 

Only, the white flash seemed to be in pain, and it fell down after its desperate dash. 

Rowan ran after it and he caught up with it with great difficulty. 

It is indeed a pegasus. 

Its wings are broken in more than one location, and its body is full of ash. 

No prompt is displayed. 

However, Rowan knew this can't be tamed with the shepherd system but tamed normally with his beast taming skill learned from the school. Only one such beast is allowed. 

He bit off his finger lightly, drew the extremely familiar magic circle in the air, and stuck his finger in the cut on the forehead of the little pegasus. They are notoriously difficult to catch, with escape level max. 

It stopped struggling. 

After a moment, the tame succeeded, and Rowan could feel its irritation with the burning ash on its body, pain in its wings. 

He immediately left the van, washed the pegasus carefully using his water slime. Then mended its wings following the directions from the shepherd system. 

Its wings are still not very well developed, but the little colt is extremely fast on its feet. 

Rowan smiled like a parent looking at the white horse. 

It does not have great fighting power, but it's a flying animal. 

Only, it takes almost three years for a non-demon pegasus to mature. 

And it needs high quality feed.

Almost every predator's favorite food is pegasus cub. 

But.. I will look like a charming prince flying a white horse with white wings! 

[ System reminds the owner to be a little less delusional. Even if a pig flies, it's still a pig. ] 

"Nobody asked for your opinion." Rowan snarked at the system. 

He let the colt settle on his shoulder, and first he used up his skill points. 

[ Name: Rowan Pendragon. ]

[ HP : 100 ]

[ MP : 100 ]

[ Strength : 10 ] 

[ Agility : 30 ] 

[ Intelligence : 30 ] 

[ Stamina: 19 ] 

[ Dexterity : 20 ] 

[ Vitality: 10 ] 

[ Current structures: ]

[ Slime Dungeon (F) ]

[ Available skill points : 0 ]

[ Sixth sense ( passive skill ) : You can sense the upcoming dangers before they happen ] 

[ Perfect balance : You have the grace of a ballerina, you do not miss your steps no matter how difficult the movement. ] 

It's important he doesn't lose the little horse, and he has enough stamina and speed to keep up with it. 

From now on, he will raise his strength and dexterity first. 

First of all, he has a thousand or more slimes which could manipulate many natural elements. 

All he needs is the balance and hand skill to direct their elements. 

The horned rabbit is still in the bag. 

He returned to the track, blood slime and flesh slime cleaned up. 

It's a perfect clean, save for the mud on the road, even the bloodstains were not left. 

Thankfully, both these slimes are not aggressive. 

They are scavengers. 

Had they been predators, even Rowan would have been scared with them. 

Suddenly, the flesh slime stopped, wiggled, and in a minute, there were two flesh slimes half the size. 

Rowan stared at them in surprise. 


That's how they reproduce? 

Isn't this too scary? 

The colt on his head shuddered along with him. 

"Don't worry, James. They are tamed." Rowan comforted the horse. 

The blood slime and flesh slime moved forward. 

Rowan started the car, drove a kilometer forward, looking at the surroundings for any new uninjured animals. 

Finally, after three kilometers, they found a male horned rabbit. 

Immediately, Rowan tamed the rabbits. 

[ Create a pen for the rabbits ? ] ( yes) ( no ) 

Rowan chose yes. 

After all, little new rabbits will not be born if they are not together. 

It seems somewhere here the beast tide dissipated, but the beast concentration in the forest will be higher from here on. 

"System! Could you recognize any of the plants here? " Rowan asked. 

[ Of course, I do! I am the most intelligent AI in the universe. ] 

[ If only I have a connection to the starnet, I could even tell you the exact biological status of each and every organism, nanometer to dinosaur size. ] 

The system snarked back. 

Rowan caught the key word there. 

"Starnet? Is this something similar to the internet ? " Rowan asked curiously. 

[ Internet? How could you compare to the measly internet which could only read ones and zeros? ] 

[ Starnet is the biological mana network that connects all beings. ] 

[ It is the backbone of the universe. However, you need a lot of spirit energy to make a connection to starnet. ] 

[ For you, It will probably only be a dream in this life. ]

"Fine! Fine ! I get it. Where do we get this spirit energy? " Rowan asked. 

[ You can find it by hunting demon beasts or in spirit crystal mines. ] 

"Hey! Wasn't there a spirit crystal mine just a little bit off from the base? " Rowan wondered. 

Hmm.. Seems it's time to upgrade his network connection.