
Taste of Love.

"I've had a taste of love, and now I never want to stop loving you." My smile faltered slightly, and a tear dropped from my eyes. "No, we can't be together. I can't put my baby in danger." ---------------------------- Kehlani is a 20-year-old woman from England. She finds out that the man she called dad wasn't who she thought he was but she doesn't let that deter her from loving her family with all her heart and letting people who she thought would not be in her life anymore back in. But what will she do when letting certain people in her life causes someone to hate her and their goal is to make Kehlani's life miserable? Liam is a 22-year-old man who lived in England most of his life but originated from Italy. To others, he seemed like a man who had to do what was necessary to get whatever he desired but he only wanted one person who he thought he couldn't get. Kehlani. She brought out the best in him but he made a mistake that caused them to part ways. However, Liam is determined to get her because she was the one who gave him a taste of love.

peentaker · Adolescente
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40 Chs


Chapter 2.

The next morning, I woke up with a jolt as I heard my ringtone blaring.

I rubbed my eyes sluggishly and decided not to answer the phone since I had other things to do and it probably wasn't anyone important. I quickly glanced at the time and realised it was 6.30.

Fucking hell!

I needed to hurry if I wanted to go out for dinner.

I scrambled out of bed nearly bashing my face on the floor and went my bathroom.

I took the quickest shower I'd ever taken and wrapped a towel around myself. Then, went to my closet grabbed a navy dress from the hangers, cream heels, and my purse. After that, I opened my jewellery box and slid a ring on, and wore my earrings.

I couldn't be bothered to do anything fancy with my hair so I put it in a bun. Who cares anyway we're probably not even going to see any fit lads.

Damn, I look good. I thought as I checked myself out. I adjusted my earrings while looking at myself in the mirror.

I could be so cocky sometimes. I couldn't help it. I got it from my mum. Once she said she wanted to go to Africa so her family in Africa would worship her. She meant it as a joke but a woman close to her gave her a dirty look.

I stopped reminiscing about the old times and walked down the stairs to see Grace and Kaiden conversing.

"You ready?" Grace stood up while removing the creases in her dress.

I nodded while Kaiden just stood there staring at his phone.


I gaped at the extravagance oozing from the Italian restaurant.

"Lani come on, let's go. Stop staring." Grace whined.

I slowly looked at her and saw her heading to the entrance while Kaiden was already sitting down at a table.

I sat next to Kaiden, and Grace was sat opposite us with a menu in hand.

"What are you guys ordering?" Kaide questioned.

"I fancy Chicken Parmigiana with some WKD." I nearly drooled just imagining the food I would eat soon.

"I'm getting Pasta Alla Panna with a Piña Colada." Grace replied

"I'll get the same as Lani." Kaide muttered while staring at the ass of a waitress that just walked past us.

"Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress that Kaiden was gaping at came back and smiled at us.

We recited our orders to her, and she left to get our drinks for us.

"If you will stare at someone Kaiden, do it subtly." Grace guffawed.

"That was subtle." A faint blush appeared on Kaiden's cheeks.

I stared at Grace thoughtfully.

Suddenly, Grace turned around and looked at me like she could feel me staring at her. "You want to know don't you?" Grace sighed

"Know what?" I laughed nervously.

"How my mum is only 9 years older than me." she shrugged.

I took a glance at Kaiden and I saw him listening to our conversation intently.

"My mum raped my dad when he was 17 and she got pregnant with me." she gave an embarrassed smile

"And before you say why didn't he stop her.. well, he didn't know because he was asleep." Grace continued.

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