


I slowly opened my eyes, squinting against the dim light, the environment looked different. The last thing I remembered was David being hit with the butt of a gun. Opening my eyes, I found David bound to a chair. His eyes widened with relief seeing me awake, and he desperately pushed forward, trying to free himself from the tight ropes that bound him.

"Are you okay?" His asked with trembling voice. His vulnerability was obvious, as if he were on the verge of tears.

"Yeah," I managed a nod, attempting to comprehend our surroundings. It seemed the thugs had taken us to an empty, cavernous room that felt like a prison, one could tell from its eerie emptiness. It only held a lone chair in the center of the room to which David was tightly bound, woods scattered on the quarry tiles and a cell that held me captive. With no windows, the room was dimly lit, making it impossible to tell the time of day.

My legs wobbled as I rose to my feet and approached the cell's railings. My hand trembled as I touched them because it felt so cold and I strangely felt weak and tired.

"Jane!?" David called again watching my every move.

"Are you alright? What's going on?" My voice wavered, barely holding back the tears threatening to spill over.

David looked just as confused as I felt "I have no idea," he muttered, shaking his head to emphasize each word.

"Well, I do have an idea." A voice sliced through the air, coming from a shadowy entrance. It was Damian, accompanied by a thug trailing behind him. 

"Damian?" David's voice cracked as he shouted in shock "How could you?"

A sly grin tugged at Damian's lips as he responded, feigning innocence. "How could I?" He mused and gave a slight chuckle. "I had to adapt my plans, all thanks to you" He casually rested his hands on the arm of David's seat, "I needed to act swiftly, you see, to show you just how powerless you are, especially now, with your father lying lifeless in a hospital bed."

"You!" David seethed in pain, his clenched fists trembling.

"Easy there, boy," Damian chided with a twisted sense of amusement. "You have quite the temper, perhaps you should learn to control it and save it for when you'd need it". He cast an assessing glance in my direction and with a sly grin, he strolled toward me, "I didn't expect to find her here, but isn't that a delightful surprise?

I remained silent, I couldn't say a word as I had no idea what was going on. It seemed their family affairs was really grave and I shouldn't have been here in the first place but I wanted to stay with him regardless. 

"What do you want?" David asked glaring at him

"Fun, I just want to have fun, nothing much" Damian laughed with a nonchalant wave of his hand.

"You're going to pay for this" David threatened angrily grappling with the ropes that bound him.

"You amuse me," Damian taunted, stepping closer to him. "You perceive yourself as intelligent, yet you're merely a clueless kid, whose dad left to oversee the affairs of a huge company"

"And I suppose you consider yourself a wise adult, brimming with wisdom, but with little to show for it." David retorted.

"In due time, David" Damian stated cryptically. "Everything will be unveiled, every questions you have will be answered and our plans will come to light" he added, his tone carrying a sinister undertone as he turned around, his body swaying to an invisible rhythm

"How many of you are involved in this?" David asked.

"If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't concern myself with that right now." Damian retorted with a sly grin. "Your focus should be on Kings Travel Co. Who do you think would oversee its affairs now that you've gone missing?" he asked squinting his eyes.

David chuckled confidently, seemingly unconcerned by all that was happening, which caught Damian off guard.

"You find this amusing?" Damian laughed with irritation, and he grabbed a nearby wood delivering a furious blow to David's abdomen.

"Stop!" I couldn't help but cry out but it all fell on deaf ears.

"That's for assaulting me in my house" Damian declared as he struck David once more, causing blood to spill from his lips.

"Please, stop!" I begged, my voice quivering, as I fell to the ground.

"How cute," Damian said with a twisted smile on his face turning his attention to me. He reached into the cell and grabbed my hair roughly, causing a sharp pain to shoot through my head, making me whimper.

"Release her, you wretch!" David bellowed, vigorously attempting to free himself from the ropes binding him to the chair.

"Scenes like these are my favorite," Damian mocked

"You psycho, let me go!" I screamed in pain

"Quiet!" he commanded, yanking my hair even more forcefully causing me to cry out in pain.

"I'm going to kill you Damian, I swear it" I could sense the growing agitation in David.

"Release her," a voice suddenly echoed from the shadows. Our gazes shifted back to the dimly lit entrance, where an older man emerged, walking into the room. I presumed him to be Damian's dad, Mr. Vincent.

"Dad!?" Damian's voice lowered as he released his grip on my hair.

"Don't be too cocky son. Nothing is certain yet. The boss is still sorting things in his own way, and we must maintain a low profile until everything is done. So, focus on the task at hand instead of fooling around," he explained as he paced around the room.

I wondered who he meant when he referred to "the boss." Who else could it be other than Damian and himself? The situation got more complicated with every passing second.

"Uncle!?" David called out, surprised by the unexpected presence.

"David Kingsley," Mr. Vincent called back with a nod. "It's been a while. You've grown quite a lot."

David's face, now stained with blood, bore a look of disbelief as he glared at his uncle. "I never thought you would stoop so low, letting go of your integrity."

"Expectations, son, lead to disappointment." He responded "Trust can bring one down, and love can weaken a man. Do not expect specific actions from others, and set aside love when it comes to surviving as a man. Your father might have overlooked these lessons when he taught you, seeking you to be as kind as he is, not realizing that people can be disloyal and betray you." He added.

Mr. Vincent gently placed his hand on David's head and ruffled his hair. "It's time to reclaim everything that was stolen boy"

"Nothing was stolen man. It was given, to my dad!"

Mr. Vincent's eyes narrowed. "You truly know nothing."

"I may not, but I do know that you can't get it, no matter how hard you try."

"I'll leave that conversation for you and him." Mr. Vincent shrugged as he turned to walk away

"Who is 'him'?" David asked but got no response.

Mr. Vincent walked away with Damian following close behind leaving the thug who stayed back by the entrance