
Chapter 3

Ugh where is that stupid car key, i swore that i dropped it on the bedside table last night when i came home late or did i forget it in the study room or did miles take it again . Miles is my lab dog that i got for Jax on his 3rd birthday , yeah i know funny right, how the dog is named after me. Wait.... where were we again , yes keys. I can't find my keys, i rushed towards the study room but on getting to the room i saw miles sitting down and chewing on something. Suddenly the car alarm started sounding , i slowly walked towards miles , sensing me it raised his head and looked at me before running towards me barking and wagging its tail happily , i bend down and run my fingers through its back.

"Hey boy , give me the keys okay, " i said tugging at the keys. After a few seconds later, i managed to get the keys, i took my phone, checked up on Jax and left.

On getting to my company, NIGHT CORP, i parked my car and walked in.

"Good morning sir, " my receptionist greeted.

I just walked towards my private elevator and boarded it to my office floor . I came out and walked through my double mahogany door , Stuart who was leaning against my table stood up straight .

"good morning sir"

"morning "

"sir, here's the file that you asked for yesterday, just sign "

"Drop it in the table and where is my coffee "

"ugh....The Starbucks down the street is still under construction and the nearest coffee shop is 20 minutes drive from here "

"okay you know what just leave it, i can survive a day without coffee . so when is my next appointment arriving ? "

"Actually, sir your meeting with Mr Russell has been rescheduled for the afternoon, so your appointment is the interview "

I groaned internally, "so are they all set for it? "

"It's already time , so yeah," he said.

"send them in ," I said.

I sat up and unbuttoned my suit jacket , adjusted my chair and then the first knock came in .

"Come in"

The door opened and the first person who walked through it was obviously not dressed for interview. The skirt was too short and the first two buttons of her shirts was open . I'm sure she thinks that I'm checking her out because she sashayed to the chair and sat down. I picked up her file and looked through it before looking up at her .

"Samantha Parker, " i looked back at the file .

"You majored in accounting, " i said looking back at her.

"yes, " she answered me with a sultry voice while batted her fake lashes at me .

"So if i were to hire you, what would you do for the growth of the company ?"

And just one question was all it took to turn here into Miss seductress into a blabbering mess . I decided to exercise patience and wait for her to finish but our little miss made a big mistake by offering a total different thing .

I stared at her in disgust and cleared my throat, "that's the end of the interview, thank you, you may now leave ."

She stood up and left and i press down on the intercom, "Stuart please can you send anyone with inappropriate clothes home cause if another one comes in , you will lose your job too," i released it and sat back. By the end of the interview, i was able to hired three people ; two men and a woman . Right now, Stuart and i are inside my office and i was briefing him on what to do next.

"Make sure to send notification to these three people and don't forget to inform their different departments of the arrival of these new interns and make sure their cubicle is arranged . What time is the meeting with Mr Russell happening? "

"12:30 pm ", he said. I checked the time again and it was 12:26 pm.

"I guess it's time to go, don't forget to come with your note pad for taking notes " i said and left the office. The meeting lasted for about two hours and by the end of it, i was exhausted, i was still sitting in my office when my phone rang. I checked the phone and it was Mom and i answered

"Hey mom how are you "

"i am good, you? "

"I am fine mom "

"what of Jax "

"he's good "

"can you come over for dinner tonight. we're having one "

"sure mom. what's the occasion? "

"Damien said he wanted to say something "

Damien is my sister's boyfriend for over two years now .

"Okay mom, we will be there by seven "

"Bye honey, kiss Jax for me, see you soon ."

"okay i will, bye Mom. "

As i dropped my phone , it rang again and i answered.


"Hi daddy, " i heard Jax voice at the other side of the phone.

"Hey buddy , how are you ?"

"I am fine. Where are you Daddy ? When I woke up I didn't see you ."

I sat back and said , "I'm sorry but I had to leave for work , I'll be home soon I will go over to Grandma's house".

"Will Shelly be there ?"

"sure he will ".

"and Grandpa ?"


"what of Syd? "

Sydney is the name of that girl with red hair and gray eyes that found Jax in the airport , the girl who made me feel something that i haven't felt for the last four years. I have spent the last four years around women who want to get in my pants but i did not even feel a twitch but one look at her , just one look and my whole body hummed. When i got home that day, i fell asleep for the first time .God..... she may be some angel.

"Daddy will she be there "

oh Jax is still on the phone.

"I'm not sure , she might be busy "

"oh, " he said sounding sad.

"Don't worry, i will bring her next time we go to grandma's house ".

"okay bye daddy, " he said excitedly and ended the call.

I dropped the phone and run my hand through my hair ,' oh boy , what did i just do now, i just promised him to bring Syd .' Maybe he'll forget but there's one thing about Jax that is that he never forgets a promise . I run my hand down my face and picked up my phone, since i promised i might as well start looking for her.

"Hello Xander, i need you to search up someone for me. "

"okay what's the number ? "

" I don't have one but I can say her first name and also describe her "

"Okay I can work with that. "

"Her name is Sydney , she's 5'2 feet tall with red curly hair and gray eyes. She has a daughter about four years of age , black hair. that's all. "

"Okay , I'll send you anything I find"

" okay," I said and ended the call and checked the time and it was 4:57 pm. I stood up , packed up and went home.