
Chapter 1

November 12, 2014

~Sydney ~

Bile rose in my throat, my heart is pounding so loudly that I fear that he might hear it. No, he loves me, he would never cheat on me. I'm sure Tammy was just pulling my legs, .....I hope. My feet stumbled onto something and I picked it up... wait is that a thong but it wasn't mine. A sound came from the room and I dropped the thong and walked towards the room, another sound came from the room and almost sounds like a... No, that's not my Ken, I repeated this mantra while walking towards his room.

I came near the door, luckily the door was open but what I saw made me stumble backward, my very own boyfriend and neighbor are on our bed having ...No..... Ken .....No 'i will wait until you're ready ', he said to me last week . should have left but I Went back inside the room and pushed him off Suzy.

"what the f**k ", Ken said before looking up to see me.

"Syd.... uhm babe it's not what you think ", I just stood transfixed staring at him rambling with words. 'Just leave Syd ' i didn't still listen to myself. He turned and looked at Suzy,

"what the f**k are you still doing here, just leave ". She scrambled out of the bed, picked up her clothes, and ran out of the room.

"Babe I'm sorry, please listen it's just a one-time thing okay? I was just feeling frustrated about the bills and work and then Suzy came by... "

I slapped him hard on his face and he held his cheek, "you liar, you cheated on me, how could you, you... "my sentence was cut short when a slap landed across my face sending me to the floor . y head was reeling, I touched my cheek and looked up at him, he rushes over and tries to hold me, "babe sorry, I didn't mean to, did I hurt you, let me have a look "

"Don't touch me ", I said and scrammed away from him trying to get up. "I can't even imagine how many times you have done that before "

"I told you that it was a one-time thing, Sydney "he said coming closer to me "don't go away, I can explain "

"I said don't touch me stay where you are, don't come any closer "

He squatted near me and try to touch my cheek but slapped his hand away. A look of anger flashed through his eyes and it was like he wasn't even there anymore.

"I shouldn't even beg you, wait you thought that I Could wait for you ", he scoffed "in your wildest dreams . Well you refused to give me something I wanted so I got it from someone else "

"But you said you love me ", whispered. Then he squished my cheeks together

"Well, I had to say something to get what I want, but you just wouldn't give it up ". He let go of my cheeks and run his knuckle down from my throat to my arm before gripping it.

"But I'm just gonna take it anyway whether you like it or not ". I released his grip and stood up, dashed to the door but before I Could get out, Ken pulled me back into the room by my hair and pushed me towards the bed forcefully and locked the door. I picked up the flower vase and threw it at him but he dodged it and it smashed into the wall behind him. I turned to see if I Found any other thing to use as weapon, Ken rushed over and pushes me to the bed, I Fell and hit my head hard against the bedpost . My head was pounding but I Iave to get out of the room . I tried sitting up but Ken pushed me back and climbed over me. I screamed, pushed, and scratched but to no avail,

"Help, somebody please help me, please help me ", I screamed with tears streaming down my face. On realizing that no help was coming any time soon, I attempted to talk Ken out of it.

"Ken, we can talk about this, please you don't have to do this ... " I tried pleading with him but Ken seem to be a shell of himself as he was solely concentrating on getting off my clothes.

I managed to raise my leg and kneed him on his groin, his face constricted in pain and he crouched his groin. I used that opportunity to push him off me and ran to the door, on opening the door, I felt something hard crash onto my head. I fell on the floor and dragged myself towards the stairs. I held the banister and stood up, only for Ken to pull my hair back and slam my head against the banister several times, by the time he let me go I was almost sleeping away into darkness. I slumped down on the stairs and the last thing I remembered was Ken's foot connecting to my ribcage and I fell into darkness.


The sound of thunderclap woke me from sleep and I sat up and dropped my leg from the bed . Another thunderclap sounded and I looked out the window 'wow, great it decided to rain today of all day'.

There was an unquesy feeling inside me and I turned around to see my wife sleeping, leaned down and kissed her forehead but the one unquesy feeling was still there . I checked the baby monitor but Jax was still sleeping 'well after all he was awake most of the night'. I walked to the bathroom and took my bath, few minutes later I came out of the bathroom with only towel tied around my waist. Em has already changed her position in the bed she was now lying face down on the bed, chuckled, and went over to my closet to pick out my clothes . decided to wear my gray suit, after that I went downstairs to eat.

"Good morning, Mr. Night," greeted Martha, our housekeeper.

"Morning Martha, "I replied ." Sir, your coffee is ready"

"Thanks," I said as I walked across the room to drink my coffee . sat down on the kitchen stool and drank my coffee hastily. After taking my coffee, I set out to go to work, I went outside and saw that Taylor was already waiting for me in the car.

"Good morning sir "said Taylor .

Morning Taylor," I replied. Taylor drove out and towards The Night Enterprise .As we arrived, I came out and went straight in.

" Good morning Mr Night "

"Good morning sir"

I nodded at their greeting and went into my private elevator, on reaching my floor my assistant join me

"Good morning sir , I just got the paper you requested for yesterday," Stuart said.

"Okay send it to my office" I replied .

"About the document that you took home yesterday we kinda need it for the project to commence," he said 'I forgot it in the study room at home, maybe I can tell Taylor to bring it for me'

As I pull out my phone to call Taylor , a call entered my phone

"Emily , " I answered

"Hey, Babe, why didn't you wake me up before you left? I missed you , " she whined.

I chuckled softly, "oh really because you sure didn't miss me last night when you were screaming my name "

"cocky much huh, she asked.

"How's Jax doing? Is he awake," I asked. "Nope, he's still sleeping but I wish I could see you ."

"Well , I kinda forget some of my documents in the study room , so .....,"

"I'm coming over with it ," she replied .

"Tell Taylor to drive you here , it's raining and the road is slippery and ....,"

"I'm not a baby , I can drive myself"

"But "

"I'm coming by , Love you, " and the call ended. The queasy feeling him came back but I shrugged it off and went back to work.

A few hours later , Emily hasn't arrived yet, I tried calling her several times but she didn't pick up . I called home to check up on her but Martha answered and confirmed that Emily has already left the house a few hours ago and that Jax has been awake for a while. Immediately a call entered my phone and I hold Martha's call and answered the other call.

"Hello w,ho is this?"

"Hello , I'm Denzel calling from Shanghai hospital , your wife has been involved in an accident we need you to come to the hos....,"

My world stopped spinning at his words,

' she said she was coming , she was meant to here ,

"can you hear me ? We need you to come down to the hospital to confirm her body.

Sir , can you hear me sir?"

"Where is the hospital ? I need the address ."

"12 Rogues Road ," he said. I didn't know how I got to the hospital but I found myself there. "Where is the woman that they just brought in right now ? the one that had an accident, " I asked the nurse in the front desk room .

"126 sector 4 by your left ," she said after checking the register. I thanked her and ran to the room and on getting there I met the doctor coming out from the room , I ran into him and said ,

"How's she doctor ?"

"Is she okay ?"

"Can I see her now?"

"Who are you to her , " he asked and I told him that I'm her husband .

"Is she okay ," I asked but he didn't answer me. I asked him again ,

"please is she okay ".

"I'm sorry but we lost her ," he said and touched my shoulder.

"No, No! she can't leave me, she can't leave me, " i ranted .

"we're sorry for your lose sir ," the doctor patted my shoulder and left. I opened the door and walked inside, there she was lying lifeless, her face was pretty damaged but i recognized her through the locket she was wearing . I knelt down beside her , held her hand and cried ...

~Sydney ~

beep beep beep beep, ugh that annoying sound again . I hear a faint voice talking , "she's starting to come back "

I opened my eyes to a flaring light and unknown faces surrounding me . I squinted my eyes in order to see through the light.

"Miss Miss stay with me ," said the girl dress in nurse's uniform. I tried to talk but my throat felt like a desert.

"water water i need some water "

She brought over the water that was on my bedside and placed it on my lips to drink and i did .

"where am i ", i asked.

"you're in the hospital honey, you are lucky " the nurse said.

I remembered everything that happened and asked

"How did i get here "

"you are lucky, someone called the police when they heard you "

"What happened to..., "my sentence was cut short when the doctor came through the door. James .

"Hey Syd, how are you doing today " he asked while checking me

"Everywhere hurts ", i groaned out.

"you sustained internal injury and many external ones too. But I'm sure that you should be a lot better by next week . In the time being, you should rest "

"okay", i said and left back down and slept.

After two days later , i just finished taking my lunch when the doctor and cops came in and i recognized him as my father's co-worker.

"Good morning officer Pete , what brings you by? " He looked at James and nodded slightly.

"Hey Syd how are you feeling ", i looked behind him expecting to see my dad.

"where's my dad? or hasn't he heard the news " . He sat on my bed and looked at me with pity, "I'm sorry kid but .. but we lost your father , he and your sister got involved in an accident while they were on their way coming over to the hospital "

"No no daddy can't leave me , Leni and i need him " . I shook my head in denial and looked from Pete to James and they nodded .

"how's Leni " James came closer and said, "come with me, i need to show you something ".

I stood up and followed him down the hall and diverted to the section for new babies.

"your sister survived the accident but died while giving birth " , he stopped beside the room where the incubators are kept. "Due to that the baby is still premature, we kept her in here ". He opened the door and walked inside and the door closed but i was still standing outside . When he noticed that i wasn't following him, he turned around and walked towards me and opened the door for me, "Come in Sydney "

My head felt like it was about to bust open, "Dad and Leni are dead and the baby is still alive but Dad and Leni are dead, i killed them , if i had left, they will still be here "

"Syd i know you are hurting but you need to be strong for the baby ," James said.

I walked into the room and followed him till he came to a stop near one incubator , i looked at James and he nodded. I placed my hand on the incubator and stared at the baby, a single tear from my eyes dropped on my hand ."it's you and me now forever "