
Taming the Queen of Beasts

[COMPLETE - Bronze $2,000 Winner WSA 2021] Elreth is a Princess in the world of Anima—where humans can shift into the form of their animal ancestors. As the Lion King's daughter, Elreth breaks a thousand-year tradition when she challenges her father for dominance—and wins. But as the first known dominant Alpha Female, she faces a lonely, and dangerous Rule. Aaryn, Elreth’s best friend, has always secretly loved her beauty, and her strength. But as a member of the wolf-tribe, and unable to shape-shift, he is not viewed as the right Mate for Anima's first Dominant Queen. When events force Aaryn to admit his feelings, for the first time, Elreth's eyes are opened to Aaryn not just as a friend, but as a male--and her True Mate. But Aaryn also has secrets. Secrets spanning decades, that open Elreth's eyes to the threats against her people, and threaten to tear down the royal family, and the Anima as a whole. Can love really conquer all? Can Elreth convince a prejudiced people to accept Aaryn as her mate before these secrets threaten not just her rule, but her life? [Mature Content: No sexual violence] ***** Then, as Aaryn stared at Elreth, his scent changed. Which only confused her more, until something flashed behind his eyes. Something she’d only ever seen in her father’s face when he was staring at her mother. Desperation. Joy. Hunger. But that was crazy. Why would—? And suddenly, like a cub tumbling down a grassy hill to land on its feet, everything fell into place. Everything. Her mouth dropped open. She blinked. And blinked again. And for the first time in a very long time, she looked at him. Not at her confidante. Not at her closest ally. Not at the friend who’d been present for every major milestone in her life. She looked at Aaryn. The male. The wolf. She stared at his silver-white hair, that scattered over his ice-blue eyes, fixed on her, and created a barrier between them. She looked at the strength in his jaw, shadowed because of the late hour. She let her gaze drift down the cords of his neck, and his broad shoulders and the wide, smooth expanse of his chest that rose and fell rapidly. And she let herself remember the ladders of muscle that painted his torso—hidden by the white shirt he wore. She swallowed. She’d seen every inch of him at some point. Well, almost. Her mouth went dry. (Cover Art used by paid copyright permission. Illustrated by Aenaluck--see more gorgeous art and support them on DeviantArt and www.patreon.com/aenaluck)

AimeeLynn · Fantasía
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636 Chs

Staying for Breakfast


He walked slowly into the market, weaving between the tables the next morning, looking carefully up at the stage. He'd forced himself to come to the meal even though his mother wasn't going to brave it this morning. He was worried Elreth would be alone on the stage and looking shaky, like she had yesterday. He'd been determined to help her if she needed it.

But he should have known.

At first when he saw her up there, he softened. She was sitting very tall, looking down on the market, speaking with one of the staff who was down on the floor. She looked… very Queen-like. Then she nodded and the Sheep moved on and Dargyn leaned into her ear, and she burst into laughter.

She looked like she was about sixteen.

That was the thing about Elreth, she was such a mix. There were parts of her that were still a child. Charming, excitable parts of her. And there were parts of her that had been old and wise from the moment she'd entered the world. It was just… how she was. He wasn't shocked by it anymore.

But now… with Dargyn on one side and Gwyn on the other, he'd wished he hadn't come. Dargyn was leaning into her ear again, whispering something, but speaking with his hand that kept brushing her upper arm, very close to her breast. Aaryn's teeth clenched.

He knew that move.

But of course, Elreth beamed.

Gwyn watched them both but didn't seem bothered by the public display of… whatever that was.

Aaryn snorted the air from his nose.

Dargyn had always been a friend, and he'd always had something like a crush on Elreth. But he'd never pursued her before now. Was he stepping forward out of concern for her? For what she needed with the new pressures around her? Or was the male purely selfish, seeking to be close to power? Aaryn didn't know. And he feared he couldn't ask without his feelings bleeding through, so he was going to have to leave it in the Creator's hands.

The thought burned.

He should find a seat. He should sit down. But every hair on the back of his neck stood up when Dargyn leaned in, not just his head to whisper to her, but actually leaned closer, his arm on the table so he boxed her into her seat. He had turned from the rest of the market so Aaryn could only catch him on profile, but Elreth's smile faltered.

She went from beaming and confident to very, very uncertain. Then she blinked and her spine snapped straight. She rolled her eyes at him and shook her head, pushing on his shoulder like she was joking, but it was so very obviously her trying to get him to give her space.

Aaryn growled in his throat and almost started towards them when Dargyn didn't immediately give her space. But then a server arrived with a platter and they both leaned back to give the male room to place it down on the table.

He waited, but Elreth kept eating, and kept one elbow on the table—on Dargyn's side.

And she was smiling. And she laughed her real laugh at something he said.

And he was standing here staring at her like a love-sick puppy.

Growling at himself he turned. He was close to a table full of other disformed, who all smiled and waved. He waved back. He should join them, and eat. Sit with his back to the stage and ignore what was going on up there. But Elreth's words the night before haunted him…"What do you know about Dargyn, though? Is he… I mean, I know he's a flirt, but he seems like a good male. Is he… gentle? Do you know?..."

Aaryn shuddered. One more glance at the stage and the way Elreth had just rested her hand on Dargyn's arm and pointed at something for him to see and Aaryn turned on his heel and stormed back out the way he'd come.

He shouldn't have come.

He wouldn't make the mistake again. He wouldn't have to, actually. Tonight she'd name her Cohorts and then she'd always have someone to talk to up there. And he could just… not be there.

That would be better for everyone, he told himself.


AUTHOR NOTE: Want to talk to me off of Webnovel? Or read my other books? Go to linktr.ee/aimeelynn and find me on Facebook, Instagram, or discord, or links to my FOUR other books!