
Taming the Empress

Cassandra Labelle ascends to the throne at the young age of 21 because of her father, the Emperor's sudden death. She is a wise ruler and the only thing that hinder is her--- ex-lover. Alpha Gregor is the king of the Golden Moon Pack, cheated on her and married another woman! Because of this, a search for who will become the consort for the Empress has been issued! Who will she choose? The kindhearted golden boy Dietrich, Aeron the cool but super rich merchant noble, Duke Lavern of the North, or the cold as ice Alpha Lelouch? Who among them will tame the Empress? Join them in their love filled story in the palace!

Anjelicalogy174 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Word of Empress Cassandra's decision to choose a consort had spread quickly through the palace, and it wasn't long before the news reached the ears of Alpha Gregor. He had been watching Cassandra's rise to power with a mixture of envy and bitterness, and the news of her impending marriage only fueled his resentment.

He stormed through the halls of his palace, his wolf form pacing restlessly within him. He had thought that he was over Cassandra, that he had moved on with his life and his new mate. But the idea of her marrying another man, of someone else touching her and loving her, filled him with a rage that he couldn't contain.

He burst into his mate's chambers, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Did you hear about Cassandra?" he snarled, pacing back and forth.

His mate looked up at him, her expression wary. "What about her?"

"She's choosing a consort from among her suitors," he spat, his claws digging into the stone floor. "Can you believe it? After all I did for her, after all we had together, she's just going to throw herself at some other man!"

His mate watched him silently for a moment, then spoke in a quiet voice.

"Gregor, you need to let go of this anger. Cassandra is no longer your concern. You have your own pack to lead, your own mate to care for."

Gregor whirled at her, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Don't you think I know that? But she was mine, once. And now she's just going to give herself to someone else? I won't stand for it."

His mate rose to her feet, her own wolf form shimmering beneath her skin. "Gregor, listen to me. Cassandra is a wise and just ruler. She will choose the consort who is best for the empire. You need to accept that and move on with your life."

But Gregor was beyond reason, his jealousy and bitterness fueling a rage that he couldn't control. He stormed out of the palace, his wolf form howling in frustration and anger. He knew that he should let go of Cassandra, that he should focus on his own pack and his own mate. But the idea of her marrying another man was a wound that he couldn't heal.

"Damn it!" he cursed, "Send a letter to the Labelle Empire, we'll be visiting to congratulate the Empress!"

"Alpha Gregor, what are you trying to do?!" her mate asked him. She knew that he was planning something ominous.

The difference between the Golden Moon Pack and the Empire is that it is inhabited by humans. Wolves are significantly weaker than them, and they are the strongest pack. That is why waging war is hard, since humans only have weapons.

Also, they look down on humans and they can't accept a human like Cassandra as their mate.


The day of the grand wedding had finally arrived, and the palace was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Cassandra had spent hours getting ready, her hair intricately braided and adorned with jewels, her gown shimmering with pearls and diamonds. She was nervous, but also filled with a sense of purpose and determination. This was her day, her moment to declare her commitment to the empire and to her consorts.

"Today is the wedding day!"

"Our Empress deserves everything!"

"May her consorts make her happy!"

Even ordinary people are excited and wish her the best. They are included in the ceremony, as the palace has been generous and gave a free celebratory feast.

The grand wedding of Empress Cassandra and her four consorts was a sight to behold. The palace was decorated with flowers and elegant fabrics, and the guests were all dressed in their finest attire. As the ceremony began, the Empress walked down the aisle, radiating with beauty and grace. Dietrich gave her a warm smile, Aeron nodded his head respectfully, Duke Lavern bowed deeply, and Alpha Lelouch,the cold and reserved alpha, had a small but genuine smile, but merely inclined his head in acknowledgement.

As the ceremony continued, each of the consorts showed their emotions in their own way. Dietrich couldn't stop staring at the Empress with a look of pure adoration. Aeron kept glancing at her, his eyes filled with a mix of admiration and gratitude. Duke Lavern held her hand tightly, conveying his silent support. Alpha Lelouch stood stoically, but his eyes betrayed a sense of respect and awe for the woman he was marrying.

When the time came for the vows, each of the consorts spoke their own heartfelt words to the Empress. Dietrich promised to always be her light in the darkness, Aeron promised to always stand by her side, Duke Lavern promised to always be her rock, and Alpha Lelouch promised to always protect her with his life.

As they exchanged rings, the Empress couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. These four men had shown her such love and devotion, and she knew that they would be by her side through thick and thin.

As they shared their first kiss as a married couple, the room erupted in cheers and applause. The Empress looked around at the faces of her loved ones and felt nothing but happiness and contentment. She knew that she had made the right choice in choosing these four men as her consorts, and she was excited about the future they would build together.

But as she was enjoying the party, she caught sight of someone else standing in the shadows. Alpha Gregor had come to the wedding, his expression twisted with anger and regret.

"Cassandra," he said, his voice cold and bitter. "I came to offer my congratulations."

Cassandra felt a pang of hurt and anger, but she refused to let it show. "Thank you, Alpha Gregor," she said, keeping her voice even. "I appreciate your presence."

Gregor sneered at her, his eyes glittering with malice. "I hope you're happy with your new consorts," he said. "But we both know that you'll never be able to replace me."

Cassandra felt her stomach clench with pain, but she refused to let Gregor see her weakness. "The past is behind us, Alpha Gregor," she said firmly. "I have chosen my consorts based on what is best for the empire, not on personal feelings."

Gregor bared his teeth in a snarl. "You always were a cold-hearted bitch," he spat. "You never cared about me, about us. You were only interested in power and control."

Cassandra felt a surge of anger and indignation. "That's not true," she said, her voice rising. "I loved you, Gregor. But you betrayed me. You cheated on me, and then you married another woman. You broke my heart."

Gregor's expression softened slightly, but his eyes still glittered with bitterness. "I... I was a fool," he said, his voice low. "I didn't know what I had until I lost it."

Cassandra felt a surge of pity and sadness, but she refused to let her guard down. "It's too late, Gregor," she said firmly. "I have moved on. I have my consorts, and I have my duty to the empire. I wish you well, but you need to let go of the past and move on with your own life."

"Cassandra, I..."

"It's Empress Cassandra..." she smiled at him, "

Gregor looked at her for a long moment, then turned and walked away, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

Cassandra watched him go, feeling a mixture of sadness and relief. It was time to let go of the past, to embrace the future with her consorts and her empire. She took a deep breath, then turned to face her suitors, her heart filled with hope and determination. The future was uncertain, but she knew that together they could face whatever challenges lay ahead. Or that's what she hoped for...


The night of the grand wedding was filled with excitement and anticipation. The people of the empire were eager to know which of the Empress's consorts she would visit first in their shared chambers. Speculation and rumors ran rampant throughout the palace, but the Empress remained coy and kept her choice to herself.

"Empress, you must go and visit one of the royal consorts!" Count Ravio and her advisors said.

"Can't you see that I'm very tired? You want me to perform tonight?" she asked and rolled her eyes.

"It is for the future of the Kingdom! We need an heir!"

"A heir, really?" Empress Cassandra rose from her seat, "I've just been crowned, for goodness sake!"

"But if we lose you, the royal family will fall as you are the last of your blood!" Count Ravio said. "So, please understand our concern!"

And because of that, Empress Cassandra, who wanted to sleep peacefully in her chambers, wasn't able to do so.

Eventually, it was revealed that the Empress had chosen to visit Dietrich first. As she made her way to his chamber, her heart was pounding with nervousness and excitement. She had not been doing that... even with Alpha Gregor. All they did was to kiss!

"Damn it..." she cursed with her breathing ragged. "Since he is such a soft boy, I think he'll do just fine,"

"My Empress!"

When she entered the room, Dietrich was waiting for her with a soft smile on his face.

"Dietrich," and the door automatically closed. She could see that he had been fidgeting his fingers.

"Ah, I brought wine," she smirked, "You must've been nervous,"

"Uh... ah!" Dietrich looked down, "It's because the Empress visited me first. I'm so happy."

That had touched Cassandra's heart. All her life, she has been chasing Alpha Gregor for his attention, to think her consort would be this happy just because she goes to them.

"Don't be nervous," she said and touched his face. "Let's just enjoy the night," Dietrich Cassandra could feel his heart beating rapidly against hers. They shared a deep and passionate kiss, and it seemed as if nothing else in the world existed except for the two of them.

"Uh... my Empress..." he must've been panting when he was kissed and Empress Cassandra felt like he was so cute. She slowly unbuttoned his dress and smirked at him. He had been so behaved, and she could dominate him.

"You have such a nice body..." she said and kissed him again.

"My... Empress!"

As things began to heat up between them, an emergency call interrupted their moment.

"Knock knock!"

"Argh! What is it right now?" she asked, "Can't you see that I'm in the middle of a honeymoon?!"

"I apologize, Empress, but this is an emergency!" the voice behind the door told her. She could tell that they'd rushed here..The Empress was torn between her desire for Dietrich and her duty to her people. With a heavy heart, she pulled away from him and prepared to attend to the urgent matter.

"I'm sorry, we'll continue this some other time," and fixed her dress.

"You don't have to worry my Empress, as I am here and will be waiting for you..." he told her.

As she left the room, she promised Dietrich that they would continue where they left off as soon as the emergency was taken care of. He smiled and kissed her forehead, understanding her obligations as Empress.

Though their first night together was cut short, the Empress knew that there would be many more opportunities for her and her consorts to explore their love and passion. For now, duty called, but she looked forward to the moment when she could be with Dietrich and the others again.

"I apologize, my Empress, but... W-We're under attack!" the head knight told her and her forehead automatically knotted.

"Who the hell would dare attack my Empire?!"