
Taming the Beast Within: Girl by Day, Wolf by Night

Maya hates her new life. Stuck in a creepy town with her grandma, boredom is the least of her worries. Under the glow of a full moon, a monstrous secret claws its way out. Grandma isn't just her grandma; she's a werewolf! Now, Maya is caught between two worlds – human and wolf. But a bigger threat emerges, forcing Maya to join forces with a mysterious boy who might not be who he seems. As Maya wrestles with her newfound wolf form, a shocking truth surfaces, turning everything upside down. Can Maya control the beast within and save the town, or will she succumb to the wildness of two worlds?

Princess_3286 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Secrets of the Stacks

The walk to the library was slow and arduous. Dawn had broken, painting the sky with streaks of pink and orange, but the air still held a lingering chill. Agnes hobbled along, leaning heavily on Maya for support. Finn, despite his exhaustion, walked a few steps ahead, scouting the way with a wary alertness.

The remnants of the attack weighed heavily on them. The quiet streets, usually bustling with morning activity, seemed ominous, every rustle of leaves and chirp of a bird making them jump.

The library itself, a quaint, two-story building with ivy climbing its brick facade, looked like a beacon of safety in the unsettling morning light. As they approached, a creaking sign above the entrance announced it as "Henderson's Haven."

Agnes pushed open the heavy oak door, ushering Maya inside. A wave of warmth and the familiar scent of old paper washed over them. The library was quiet, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight filtering through stained-glass windows. Rows upon rows of books lined the walls, their spines whispering stories waiting to be unearthed.

Behind the large oak desk at the center of the room sat a woman with silver hair pulled back in a tight bun. Her sharp green eyes narrowed as she peered at the trio from behind a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles.

"Agnes," she said curtly, her voice a husky whisper. "What brings you here in such a state?"

Agnes winced. "Trouble, Ms. Henderson," she replied, her voice strained. "And Maya…" she gestured towards her granddaughter, "needs your help."

Ms. Henderson's gaze shifted to Maya, taking in her shredded clothes and the raw fear that still lingered in her eyes. A flicker of understanding crossed her face, followed by a deep sigh.

"Come in, come in," she beckoned, gesturing towards a back room hidden behind a heavy velvet curtain. "We have much to discuss."

As they followed Ms. Henderson through the curtain, Maya felt a strange sense of familiarity. The back room, cluttered with books overflowing from shelves and strange artifacts lining the walls, looked like a haven for the curious and the unorthodox.

Ms. Henderson led them to a small, worn sofa and bustled around the room, gathering various items – bandages, a steaming mug of herbal tea, and a large, leather-bound book.

"Let's get you patched up first, Agnes," Ms. Henderson said, her voice softer now, devoid of its earlier curtness. "And then," she added, turning to Maya with a knowing smile, "we can delve into the mysteries of your… awakening."

Relief washed over Maya as Ms. Henderson began tending to Agnes's wounds. The warmth of the tea and the soft chatter between the two women soothed her frayed nerves.

With Agnes settled on the sofa, Ms. Henderson finally turned her attention to Maya. She placed the leather-bound book on a nearby table, its worn cover adorned with strange symbols.

"This is the 'Moonborn Chronicle,'" Ms. Henderson explained, her voice dropping to a low murmur. "An ancient text that speaks of your lineage, Maya. It details the history of the Moonborn, their connection to the wolves, and the prophecy that binds you to this town."

Maya's heart pounded with anticipation. A prophecy about her? This was all too much to take in.

Ms. Henderson opened the book, revealing pages filled with archaic script and detailed illustrations of what looked like human-wolf hybrids.

"The Moonborn," Ms. Henderson continued, pointing to a particularly intricate illustration, "are a rare breed of werewolves. They possess a unique connection to the moon, granting them enhanced strength and abilities during its peak phases."

"But why me?" Maya blurted out, her voice filled with confusion. "There's no history of werewolves in my family that I know of."

Agnes winced, a flicker of sadness clouding her eyes. "There is a history, Maya," she interjected, her voice low. "But it's a history we kept hidden, a burden we passed down in whispers rather than words."

Ms. Henderson placed a comforting hand on Agnes's shoulder. "There's time for explanations later," she said gently. "Right now, Maya needs to understand the weight of her transformation and how to control it."

For the next few hours, Ms. Henderson became their teacher, her voice weaving tales of ancient pacts, of hunters and protectors, and of the delicate balance between the human world and the supernatural realm.

Maya learned about the control a Moonborn could exert over their transformation, the ability to shift at will and channel the power of the wolf without succumbing to its primal instincts.

She also learned about the threat they faced – the Shadowfang pack. These were werewolves," Ms. Henderson finished, her voice grave. "But not just any werewolves. Shadowfangs are a twisted breed, corrupted by dark magic. They are driven by insatiable hunger and a ruthless cunning."

A shiver ran down Maya's spine. The image of the creatures' glowing red eyes and ravenous snarls flashed in her mind.

"And why are they here?" Maya whispered, the weight of the situation settling on her shoulders.

"That," Ms. Henderson replied, her brow furrowed, "is a question we need to answer. Shadowfangs are rarely seen outside their own territories. Their presence here suggests something… sinister."

A tense silence filled the room, broken only by the rhythmic tick of an antique clock on the wall. Maya exchanged worried glances with Agnes, the gravity of their situation sinking in.

Suddenly, the front door of the library creaked open, shattering the quiet. A young man with windblown hair and a backpack slung over his shoulder burst in, his eyes wide with panic.

"Ms. Henderson!" he gasped, rushing towards the back room. "You have to see this!"

The newcomer, his face a mask of alarm, brought an abrupt halt to their conversation. Ms. Henderson straightened, a flicker of concern crossing her features.

"Calm down, Tom," she said, her voice firm but laced with a hint of urgency. "What's wrong?"

Tom took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "There's… there's been an attack," he stammered, his voice trembling. "Down by the old mill. They say… they say it was a werewolf."

A collective gasp filled the room. Maya's heart hammered against her ribs. Another attack? So soon?

"What did it look like?" Agnes asked, her voice sharp with urgency.

Tom shook his head. "I… I didn't see it," he admitted. "But there were bodies… mauled, torn apart. It was… horrible."

A grim silence descended upon the room once more. The news of the attack cast a dark shadow over their newfound hope.

"We need to go," Agnes declared, her voice resolute. "We need to see what happened and find out if this is connected to the Shadowfangs."

Ms. Henderson nodded curtly. "Indeed. But be cautious, Agnes. This might be a trap."

"Then we'll face it head-on," Agnes replied, her eyes flashing with a fierce determination.

Maya looked from her grandmother to Ms. Henderson, then back to Tom, his fear mirroring her own. This was no longer a theoretical threat; this was real, and it was happening now.

Taking a deep breath, Maya straightened her posture. Fear was a luxury she could no longer afford. She was the Moonborn, and it was time to embrace her destiny.

"I'm coming with you," she declared, her voice surprisingly steady.

Agnes and Ms. Henderson exchanged surprised glances. "Maya," Agnes began, her voice laced with concern, "it's too dangerous-"

"No," Maya interrupted, her voice firm. "I may not be in control yet, but I won't sit back and do nothing while people are being attacked."

A flicker of pride, tinged with worry, crossed Agnes's face. Ms. Henderson, after a moment's hesitation, nodded slowly.

"Very well," she conceded. "But you stay close. And remember, Maya, control is key."

With a newfound purpose coursing through her veins, Maya squared her shoulders. The library, once a haven of knowledge, now felt like a staging ground for a battle.

They emerged from the back room, a ragtag group united against an unseen enemy. The morning sun, once a symbol of hope, now cast long, ominous shadows on their path. As they stepped out into the bustling town square, Maya knew their lives, and the fate of the town, were about to change forever.

Who is Tom? Is the attack by the old mill connected to the Shadowfangs? And how will Maya fare in her first encounter with a werewolf in its natural form?