
Taming the Alpha play boy

Anicki_Melan · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter six



It was a bright day,the sun was shining brightly.everywhere was boisterous in dynamic company,workers could be seen running Helter skelter trying to accomplish their tasks,some post holders could be seen too walking stealthily with different documents and files.

"What's happening"Mariana managed to ask Collins the secretary of Hector."The boss is coming back today."he replied his eyes fixed on the documents he was going through,beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead."oh"Mariana replied.Taking a mere look at him,one would know that he was worried like he was trying so hard to finish his work.staring at him,Mariana didn't ask him more questions again.she kept all her questions to herself.

Mariana Peters is a beautiful woman in her early twenties.she is an upcoming actress and model.currently she signed a contract with Dynamic corporation to endorse for them.Endorsing for a company like Dynamic was a dream come true to her.

"is everything set"Luke asked as he adjusted his tie."yeah,we have a meeting now with the dior "Hector replied."What about the face of our new collection, have you worked on that."yeah"Hector nodded,it wasn't hard to get one and she is the best,she is an upcoming actress and a model,she ....."he stopped immediately when Luke gave him a signal with his hand."I don't want to know about her, what matters is the problem is solved."ok, Alpha"Hector replied bowing his head as a sign of Luke's supremacy over him.

The Lamborghini he was driving in stopped in front of his company.Men dressed in black with guns stepped out immediately from the other cars escorting him.they rushed and opened the door to his car.

He stepped out like a gentleman he was.he straightened his collar, taking in the view of the surrounding,he inhaled the fresh air and exhaled.Nothing much has changed after four years.he walked into the company with his guards escorting him.seeing him with the guards ,one would think that a raid was going on.by the time he arrived at the company , everywhere was now serene ,workers were busy performing their specific duties.

As he walked into the company,all the women workers were drooling over him,he was a pure definition of a god.his first three buttons were left open showing a good portion of a sexy wolf head tatoo he drew on his chest.he changed his hair style into a spiky style and he dyed it gray giving him the vibe of an artist.

Many women tried to seduce him but he never spared them a glance,he was every woman's dream man.He was rich,He was young,He was Handsome.That was what he was in their eyes but they never knew he was a ruthless Alpha.Only supernatural creatures understood who he was.

Luke went into the elevator pressing 18 to be taken to the 18th floor where the meeting would take place.he knew he was five hours late to the meeting but he didn't care,no one would dare go against him,besides the diors were the one who needed this business deal more.

Mariana was in Collins office"Hector's secretary"when he received her phone vibrated indicated that someone was calling her.she opened her purse and took out her phone ,she tapped answer and put her phone to her ears."hello"she answered.

After the call ended, tears rolled down her cheeks,she put back her phone in her purse wiping her tears with her handkerchief.Her little act caught the attention of Collins who was busy working since she stepped her foot into the office."Any problem"he asked."No it's nothing"she replied standing up to leave.

"Are you going somewhere?"Collins asked her."yeah,I will see you later"she replied."But you have to Meet my boss today so the contract would be finalized."Collins informed her."That can wait,I need to be somewhere right now"she replied .

Collins was surprised,seems like this woman doesn't know his boss well,how can she decide by herself on when to meet him and when not to."Hey do you know what you are saying,your meeting with my boss has been scheduled today ,you can't leave just like that,do you want to get me into trouble,I see you plan on killing me before my time.

"I'm really sorry but I have to go now, this is more important for me,if he doesn't accept me meeting him later,he can cancel giving me the contract."she replied."do you know what you are saying,do you know how many famous celebrities who are praying to endorse for dynamic company,am really surprised that you were the one chosen ,you are just an upcoming actress."he said accessing her with his eyes.

"I don't really have time for bickering,am leaving now"she announced leaving in a hurry.

Collins mouth were left wide open,after some minutes,he realized himself,he cursed himself for letting her go,he would be the one in trouble now because she was left in his hands by Hector.he started to think about the excuse he would give when he was asked about her whereabouts.money can really land one into trouble.he thought to himself.he would have resigned a long time ago but he continued to stay because the pay he got was really good.it was times three of what other companies pays.he had to put up with working with the devils because of money.his boss Hector was scary let alone his main boss Lucas Cage.thinking about them gave him goose bumps.he sighed helplessly.

Luke stepped out of the elevator with his bodyguards,his phone vibrated and he picked it,he was still on a call when Mariana bumped into him."I'm sorry"she muttered without looking at the man's face,her face was bent low making it impossible for Luke to see her face clearly.

Luke was not interested in knowing who bumped into him ,he cared less, maybe it was one of the women trying to seduce him,he let it slide because he was on a call and he needed to be in a meeting.

He was not interested in her but something caught his attention,for the first time in his life,he felt something unsual,that scent which made him feel at peace,he wanted to be with her,he needed to see her again and inhale her scent.this new feeling he had didn't feel wrong to him ,he love the feeling but why ,who was this lady? why did she make him to feel this way?

His wolf was excited.he was wondering why his wolf was so excited.his wolf whispered"mate" and Luke's face darkened.so this was it,this was the reason he felt this way,the mate bond.

He never knew the moon goddess would gift him a mate despite all the despicable things he has done.he didn't even expect to meet her soon.There is no way he is accepting her as his mate.his wolf was restless,he hated this feeling where his wolf was restless.

He turned back to see the lady,his supposed mate but he was disappointed because she had disappeared into the elevator.

"Any problem, should we bring her to you?"Hector who noticed what happened asked immediately."No,it's nothing, don't bother,let's go"Luke ordered and he walked away from the scene followed by his guards who were clad in black to where the meeting would to take place.