
Taming my arrogant boss.

    Anita Elliot is an attractive young lady, a business student who has lived her life trying to fend for herself. Laid down by all the bills she has to pay, she decides to go for a job opening in William enterprise. Her life takes a new turn when she starts working for him.     Christian William is a rich, playboy with no sense of responsibility. After the death of his mother, his relationship with his father becomes sore.                                     _ Excerpt. _ Anita gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at his words. She closed her eyes and slowly inhaled. When she opened her eyes, Christian was right in front of her.     "Ahh." Anita screamed in shock and pulled away.     Christian frowned. Was he a ghost? Why did she had to scream like that? "What?" He questioned.     "What kind of question is that? Your face was so close to mine." Anita screamed.     "So?" Christian asked feigning ignorance.     "So since I am your personal assistant, our relationship should be professional. You should not get so close to me." Anita warned.     Christian chuckled at her words. His eyes looked at her with amusement. "Professional, huh? Says the person who just screamed at her boss. You know I can get you fired for this." He said.

brighteststar_17 · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Unexpected visit.

    When Sharon returned to her home, she freshened up quickly as she was late for work. She couldn't believe how stupid she had been, she had left both her phone and her bag at the bar. Her friends from work must be so worried about her.

    She went to the park so that she could board a cab. Sharon kept on panicking while she was inside the cab. What was she going to tell her friends? The responsible girl had suddenly turned irresponsible because she got promoted?!

    When she got to the company, she made her way to her new office while greeting several people who glanced in her direction. When she got to her office, she met her friends there. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought of what to say.

    "Oh my God, Sharon!" Benita exclaimed, Sharon smiled at her awkwardly.

    "We were so worried about you. We even tried to file a missing person's report but the policeman on duty told us that we have to wait for twenty four hours before we could file a report." Andy said.

    Sharon felt the hairs in her body rise up in shock at what Andy said. Were they seriously so worried about her? This warmed Sharon's heart. Although, she felt bad for making them worry about her, she was also happy to know that they cared so much about her.

    "I'm so sorry." Sharon said with a slight smile.

    "I fainted at the restroom since I drank too much and a young man was nice enough to bring me to his home. I left my bag and phone at the bar." Sharon said. She decided not to tell them the full story.

    "It's good to know that you were safe. I could not sleep very well last night, I was so worried." Joseph said. He drank little yesterday, seemed like he was the most responsible one out of his five friends.

    "I'm sorry that I made you guys worried." Sharon apologized.

    "It's alright, I'm just glad you had fun. I brought your bag and phone." Benita said and pointed at the large table in Sharon's office.


    "We will leave you to do your work now." Andy said and they all left leaving Sharon alone in her office.

    Sharon heaved a breath of relief as she sat down, she picked up her phone and saw that she had a lot of missed calls from Anita. She called Anita immediately.

    "Oh my God, Sharon. Where have you been?" Anita gasped. She had been trying to reach out to Sharon for a long time. She had been so worried because no matter what dangerous situation Sharon was in, she would always pick up her calls.

    "I'm so sorry, Ani. I got really drunk yesterday." Sharon apologized.

    Anita sighed, "Are you okay now? How was the party?"

    "I slept at a stranger's house." Sharon blurted. It was impossible to keep secrets from her best friend so why delay telling her what transpired.

    "What?" Anita asked softly. She didn't want to get the attention of her boss who was seated with her in the study room. He was texting someone in his phone so fervently.

    Sharon explained all that had happened with Micheal. She heard Anita gasps in between her story.

    "Don't even try to get drunk next time." Anita warned.

    "Oh, come on. Everything was unexpected."

    "I don't care. Do you know what could have happened to you if that Micheal guy was not around." Anita said sternly.

    "But he was."

    "What if he wasn't? I've told you several times already, you..."

    "Oops... I have to go now, I have a lot of work to do." Sharon said and hung up quickly before Sharon could get the chance to scold her. She loved her friend so much but now was not the right time to receive a lecture from her. She still had a lot of things to sort out since she came really late.


    In Christian's house, Anita sat down in the study room as she stared at her boss with a frown on her face. The man in front of her didn't deserve an intelligent and diligent assistant such as herself. He was so ungrateful and very lazy. He had done nothing but eat and chat with various ladies on his phone--not that she cared what he did anyway.

    "Why is everyone so quiet?" Christian and Anita turned to see where the unexpected voice came from.

    Anita quickly stood up from her seat when she saw John. "Good day sir." She said trying to sound confident and professional.

    "Hello dear." John smiled at her. He had walked in quietly and came here uninvited to see what his son had been up to since he had not seen him at the office. He was surprised to see Anita here. If he had called Christian beforehand, he would have blatantly told him not to come here or even worse, he would not have picked up his call.

    "What are you doing here?" Christian frowned at his father. His expression clearly showed that he was not happy to see his father. Anytime his father popped up in his home, they always ended up with an argument. The last thing Christian wanted to do right now was to argue with his father.

    "Is it a sin to have lunch with my son and his beautiful assistant?" John asked with an intriguing smile.

    "No, it is not. But it becomes a sin when you start up an argument with that same son." Christian said with his fingers pointed out to his father accusingly.

    John laughed heartily, "You are always the one who start up petty arguments." He said while Christian glared at him. " Let's go the dining room. I'm starving." John said as he placed his hands in his stomach.

    Christian rolled his eyes at him, "Stop being so dramatic. It's not like you didn't eat this morning." He said and walked out.

    "It's not like you care if I eat or not, anyway." John said while he went after his son leaving only Anita in the study room whose mouth was mouth and eyes were agape.

    What had she just witnessed? This father and son had a very strange relationship. Anita thought and quickly ran after them before they yelled her name.

    When she got to the dining room, the cook, Ayomide which she had hired yesterday had served the food already and the two gentlemen were already seated. She sat down quietly and ate the food that had been served for her. She had only tasted Ayomide's fried rice yesterday and it was really delicious. Today, she had prepared yam and egg sauce and Anita knew she was going to enjoy eating it because Ayomide was an amazing cook.

    "How are you doing, Anita?" John asked breaking the silence.

    "I'm good sir and you?" Anita asked while she straightened her posture.

    "I'm okay. So I see, you are not working at the company." John said as he stared at Anita with a blank expression on his face.

    Anita nodded at him as she had no idea what to say. John was not smiling at all and this made Anita cringe in her sit. She turned to look at Christian nervously who was busy eating without paying any attention to what was being said. Shouldn't he defend her? After all, he was the one who told her to work from his house.

    "Is the company not good enough?" John said, his voice slightly cold.

    "No, no. It's not that sir." Anita said with an awkward smile. She honestly didn't know if she was supposed to smile at this moment.

    "Then what is it?"

    "Well, sir, I.. I . Uhmm.. I.. you see.. I..." Anita stammered as she turned to look at Christian helplessly. This so-called boos of her's didn't even seem like he was interested. Was he just going to leave her to get interrogated by his father? Was this is plan all along?

    Anita bit her lips helplessly as she thought of what to say. John's eyes were still on her, he was waiting for an answer. An answer which Anita didn't know how to day it. Anita felt her palms turned sweaty in fear. She just got this job and she didn't want to lose it so soon.

    "Don't you forget that I hired you. I am your boss and I can get you fired if I wanted to." John said sternly and Anita gulped down in fear.

    "Dear Father." Christian said calmly and Anita turned to look at him quickly. "I think you are forgetting something here." Christian drawled.

    "What?" John asked with a slight frown.

    "Anita Elliot is MY personal assistant. She is MINE so you have absolutely no right to tell her what to do." Christian said as he stared straight into his father's eyes as if it was a staring competition.

    Anita's eyes nearly budged out of it's socket when she heard what Christian said. Was he being serious? No, he shouldn't do this. Anita laughed nervously, "Oh, boss, always so funny. He doesn't mean it sir." She said as she tried to calm her erratic heart.

    "I. Am. Not. Joking." Christian said as he glared at Anita sending shivers down her spine.

    "I also think you are forgetting something here, son." John said. Christian raised his eyebrow slightly.

    "The company belongs to me not you. I hired her and I can fire her whenever I deem fit. You have no say in this matter." John said and then he turned to look at Anita. "You'll start working at the company tomorrow with immediate effect." He said while Anita bowed her head in respect.

    "Wow." Christian said with a smirk as she clapped his hands together. "You've just proven to me yet again that I am not your son. Enjoy your lunch." Christian stood up and walked out of there. John cursed angrily under his breath and left the dining room.

    Anita stared at the vacant seats with a bewildered expression on her face. These two, again! She replayed what Christian had said in her head as she tried to make sense out of what he said. 'You've just proven to me yet again that I am not your son.' Could it be...?

    Anita gasped and shook her head vigorously. No, it was not possible. The only similarity that Christian and his father had was their behavior, they both behaved similarly. Other than that, there was no resemblance in any of their features. "Oh no! What are you thinking of? Christian is definitely the son of Sir John." Anita said trying to reassure herself.

    Christian slammed the door to his room in anger as he remembered his father's words. He clenched his fists tightly trying to control his emotions. When he could not, he hit the door to his room with his fists in anger. He had serious anger issues and had gone for several therapy because his father had forced him to. His anger issues only got worse and the only thing that could soothe him right now was alcohol.

    He dashed out of his room and made his way to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and brought out a bottle of alcohol. He went to the pool and sat down on the floor while he placed his feet into the water. He opened the bottle of alcohol and gulped down quite a big amount.

    His day had been going just fine until his father decided to ruin it for him, as usual. His father was always reminding him that he didn't own anything, he was just a sore loser. The company, his house and even his life belonged to his father.

    "Ahhh." Christian screamed in pain and anger as he brought the bottle of alcohol to his mouth again. He was completely useless and could not do anything on his own.

    Away from the poolside, Anita stood in the living room as she wondered where Christian went to. John had left already after creating such a huge conflict between himself and his son. And now, she could not find Christian. She had already gone to his bedroom to check if he was in there but he wasn't. She didn't know her way around this big house so it was really hard for her to search for him.

     She had opened almost all the doors in the room and still had not found him. She had even opened a door to a huge garden with beautiful flowers. She had stayed there for a few minutes just so she could admire the beauty of the garden. If she wasn't searching for her boss, Anita was sure that she would have stayed in the garden for a much longer time. It was very quiet and the quietness brought peace to her soul.

    She wondered why she was even searching for him. It was not like he was a kid that he would suddenly get lost in his own home. She could have rested in her room now and prepared herself to start work in the company.

    No, no. Christian had defended her in front of his father and she needed to thank him about it. She owed him that much.

    This was the last door she had not opened, she pulled the door knob and walked in gingerly. She heaved a breath of relief when she saw Christian there at the poolside. Peering, she saw that Christian was holding a bottle of alcohol with a grim expression on his face.

    Anita frowned at the sight. Of course, he drinks. What was she thinking? Someone who hung out with different ladies and then you expect him not to drink.

    She walked stealthily to where Christian sat trying not to make a sound. When she got there, she sat beside him and stared at his side profile. Christian noticed her presence but didn't say anything.

    "Boss, why are you drinking alone?" Anita asked after a few minutes of silence.

    "Why do you care?" Christian asked and tilted his head so he could take a much better look at her.

    Anita glanced around avoiding his gaze. Why did she care? "Because..uhm..you are my boss." Yes, that was it. That was the reason why she cared, that was the only reason why she cared. What other reason could there be?