
Long Chatter

Akash quietly listened to every word uttered by Bernard Maracass, the former asked the latter.

"Who was that man at the stadium?"

"You saw him?"

Bernard questioned, there was a visible puzzle on his face.

The king shook.his head.

"No, I felt his presence"

Bernard became quite quiet for a brief period of time, how could a young tamer with 2nd Moon 3rd Star stage see a Star King tamer with stealth. Bernard kept pondering and asking himself.

After finding no reasonable answer, he scratched his head and chuckled

"Haha ah man, you are making me curious. As for your question, well... he is one of the 10 dragons"

The Illusionist answered.

Akash didn't speak further and kept gazing at Bernard, the foreign minister understood that the gaze means more details. He continues.