
Lone Black Dragon

From afar, Black Dragon was watching it all and tried to find his commanders. Unfortunately for him, as he left the battlefield to attack Mamba and Akash, One-Eyed Wolf and his beasts had already killed them one by one. He looked at Akash with eyes full of hatred and spoke.

"I'll make you pay for this!"

Akash replied.

"You have lost your people now, why not just stop this fight and join us as well?"

Dragon retorted.

"I won't bow to you like that traitorous snake, I'll kill you and turn the tide back in my favour! You cannot keep negating all the damage I'm dealing to you, that healing ability of yours has to have a limit like all others."

Akash sighed.

"I will not ask you again."

Dragon growled.

"There was no point to it, to begin with."