

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Derivados de juegos
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139 Chs

Slowly Learning That Life Is Okay

"Have I ever told you I think of you as a sister?"

Seeing Saratoga getting flustered was almost worth her own embarrassment. It took an unusually long and awkward pause before she regained her bearing, which was unusual given her reputation.

"...Really now, Enty? Getting all sentimental on me? Right now? Hell of a timing you've got there," She ducked just as the roar of a cannon thundered past; the shell flew over her head and pierced the ocean surface, causing a pillar of water to erupt before crashing back down, drenching both of them. The vanguards had done a great job in ripping through the opposing fleet, but sometimes their foes could be surprisingly tenacious, if not sly. Brushes with what otherwise would've been lucky shots were not uncommon among those in the rear.

Enterprise drew her bow and sent her planes soaring toward the offending vessel, the torpedo bombers sending its smoking carcass to the depths, along with a few others who were caught in the blast. It was somewhat satisfying to watch. Now that the distractions were out of the way, she went back to what she had wanted to say, no matter how Saratoga would take it.

"It's just I only got reminded of it now—"

"Look out!"

She was shoved aside so she could—narrowly—evade another shell that tore past them. Her ears were ringing, her vision was blurring, and the smoke was choking, but she could see Saratoga sending dive bombers that obliterated the ship responsible.

"—Because you've always been there..." Enterprise continued, dazed. She could've sworn Saratoga was glaring, which was nothing short of unnerving, if only because it was so uncharacteristic. Thankfully, her gaze soon softened, and her face flushed red again. She still had her hands on her hip, though.

"Sheesh, I get that it's important, but keep your eyes peeled, will you? It's so not like you. And besides, can being mushy wait until we blast them bastards to hell?" She grumbled.

"...I would rather get this off my chest now. Don't want to...end with regrets anymore."

Saratoga would've understood. The knowing smile, tempered with melancholy that didn't belong there, said as much.

"I know. Well...I guess, uh, feeling's mutual. I mean...I lost Lex, but you were there, reaching out to me," Saratoga sighed, and Enterprise still could never get used to it. Seeing someone who always had a smile and practical joke in stock like Saratoga being vulnerable was as unsettling as seeing her angry.

"And well...thanks for putting up with me, Enty."

"You did the same for me, after all. Yorktown and Hornet were gone, but you helped me pick up the pieces. You were there then, and you are here now, putting up with my brooding. Showed me that everything could be okay."

A smile, then a grin, and the pink on Saratoga's cheeks was now as vivid as her hair. A comfortable sight amid all the chaos.

"...Are we having a moment?"

"...Uh, maybe? I...don't usually open up, especially this much."

"You're right, you're right. This is just a little chat between the most emotionally constipated girl in the whole Eastern Seaboard and the least, in the middle of battle, no less."

"I'm learning. I'm making progress."

"And you go, girl. But you ain't gonna make much progress if you keep your bad habits."

"Wha-what bad habits?" Enterprise felt warmth but not the good kind, and she was damned sure she was as flushed as Saratoga was.

"Well, for one thing, you still need to work on your social skills. People look up to you, you know. Also, you really need to relax more, and by God, eat properly more often. Vestal is pulling her hair out because of you."


"And the most important one!"

Enterprise found a finger close to her face, pointing but not accusatory.


"Stop denying how much you need a hug, miss gloomy-pants. You're not alone, you know. And I'm not the only one. Hey, in fact, I could give you one right here, right now!"

Feeling something swelling within her chest, Enterprise was convinced speaking would choke her. And that sensation in her eyes was something she had long forgotten.

She tentatively reached forward, and Saratoga wasted no time to meet her halfway.

It was an alien, odd feeling, not helped by the situation they were in, but not bad. It was far from bad.

They parted to the sounds of thundering guns, and Enterprise didn't regret it. They will survive this, and they can always seek each other again if the darkness is too much to bear.

"It was warm, good..."

"So, promise me, no more regrets?"

"...No more regrets."

"Atta girl! And I'll be there to make sure you'll follow through and kick ass together. After all, I'm the cute big sister, and you're my troublesome little sister. Deal with it."

Enterprise's nod might be awkward and stiff, but her smile wasn't.

"Wouldn't think otherwise."

"Oh, goodie, we don't need to argue 'cause here they come—again. Hey, Enty, what say we show these punks who's boss?"

"Be right beside you."

Planes soon danced, guns blazed, Saratoga laughed, and Enterprise felt a little more peaceful.

A little more hopeful.

And she could get used to that.