

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Derivados de juegos
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139 Chs

Saratoga, Homebound

"Next time," Saratoga began, not bothering to hide her blatant glee, "don't come a-running from halfway across Tokyo, girls."

Before her were two people she knew so well. One was the person she had the honor of fighting alongside during the war. The other was the person she had the privilege to mentor, even if only for a short while.

Just before, Enterprise and Essex were panting as they reached the docks, the latter more so. Their cheeks were red, partly due to physical exertions and also because Saratoga laughed at their sorry state.

Enterprise coughed to regain herself and save face, which she did with remarkable ease— it wasn't long until she could steady her breathing and straighten herself up. The same cannot be said about Essex, however. Still, it was she who stepped forward to explain.

"Sorry, ma'am. We thought you were about to depart, and I don't want to drag Miss Enterprise down!"

Saratoga laughed again and gestured at the long line behind her, moving at the speed of a crawl. They were Navy personnel waiting to embark on the ship that would take them home.

"You got lotsa time, actually. Sister Sara isn't going anywhere anytime soon," she said, twisting her face into mock disgust, which earned a quiet chuckle from both Enterprise and Essex. "Well, in any case, here you are, my two cute juniors. What a sight for sore eyes. So, what are you guys up to?"

The two carriers blushed at the compliment—Saratoga noted that Essex was redder—and just like before, it was Enterprise who regained herself first.

"We-well. We wanted to see you off, and I—we thought of leaving you a gift," Enterprise said, getting a reaction she so rarely seen from Saratoga—that is, genuine surprise. It was short-lived, though, replaced by her usual impish grin.

"…Really? What is it? How thoughtful of you. Thanks to stupid red tapes, I haven't been able to buy souvenirs, you know."

"Here," after searching within her coat, Enterprise presented Saratoga with a small wooden carving of a dragon. Her expression turned into astonishment again, this time lasting significantly longer, even as she received the trinket.

"It was Essex's idea, actually," Enterprise explained. As she cradled the gift, Saratoga's unusually gentle look told her that she appreciated it. Essex noticed, too, and seemed proud of it.

"I hope you like it, ma'am. It's to celebrate your victory against Ryuujou!"

With a soft chuckle, Saratoga put the carving inside her coat.

"Ah, yes. RJ. What a shame. She seemed like a good girl. And you two," Saratoga turned to the carriers, "thank you. Especially you, Essex. You have been my pride and joy, you know? Why, you took my pranks in stride, after all! That takes some guts!"

As memories of Saratoga's rather unconventional mentoring returned, Essex turned red for a moment. But as she could clearly recount, every single trick Saratoga subjected her to had taught her a lot, no matter how bizarre that may sound.

And for that, she owed her senior her utmost gratitude.

"It's okay, ma'am! I cannot thank you enough for your tutelage! It has been an honor!"

Enterprise watched the exchange with a smile, which grew wider when she saw Saratoga getting flustered. Without even trying to, Essex managed what many people couldn't.

"Got something to say, Enty?" Saratoga turned to Enterprise, though it was more an effort to cover her flustered state, which even she did not expect.

"Hmm… since this is the last time we're going to see each other in a while, maybe I should thank you again? For protecting and helping me get back on my feet after…you know," replied Enterprise.

"Oh nooo, not this again. Curse you, Enty; you are making me this flustered!" Saratoga wailed, though Enterprise and Essex could tell from her exaggerated manner that she was only pretending. After all, not long later, she was already grinning again. "But you are welcome. I can't stand seeing you in that state, you know, you troublesome junior?"

"I know. I know. Sorry about that."

While she wouldn't admit it outright, Essex found the familiarity between Enterprise and Saratoga enviable. But knowing that they had gone through a similar loss, she had come to accept that Saratoga definitely understands Enterprise more than anyone.

"Well, guess that's enough serious talk for today," Saratoga exclaimed as she decided the atmosphere had become too sentimental for her liking. "I appreciate what you guys did for me, though."

Before either Enterprise or Essex could say anything, a young seaman caught up with them, clutching a sheaf of papers in his hand. He looked over the group before his gaze settled on Saratoga.

"Um, are you, Miss Saratoga?" he inquired. Both Enterprise and Essex looked at Saratoga; she had the expression they all knew too well. The one she usually had when the opportunity for mischief or teasing presented itself.

"Well, got any other cute aircraft carrier with pink hair over there? Of course, I'm Saratoga, duh. Come on, I'm famous!"

"Ah, sorry. Just some formality. Um, let's see…" the seaman fidgeted before shuffling through his papers. "Oh, yeah. Change of plans. You can board now, miss."

"Oh really now. Guess I finally managed to charm the higher-ups, after all, hehehe. Well then," Saratoga said as she rose from her seat and picked up the suitcase, "Guess this is goodbye, huh? For now, at least."

"Yeah. Be seeing you."

"Safe trip, ma'am!"

After acknowledging the two with her usual grin and a nod, Saratoga glanced at the ship that would carry her home.

Underneath her all-too-sunny disposition, Saratoga was aware of her increasing obsolescence, yet she would never allow herself to resign to that. She had plans already.

Once she got back, she would take the United States by storm, obsolescence be damned. Starlet Saratoga didn't sound too far-fetched.

And if that didn't quite work out, she figured her instructor credentials could be put to some use in the Navy.

Either way, the years ahead will be exciting.