

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Derivados de juegos
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139 Chs

Queen of Two Worlds

"And that's pretty much everything there is to see about this base. That said, welcome aboard, Warspite."

"You have my gratitude, Commander. Although I do feel quite bad having my would-be superior showing me around," Warspite bowed at the man, who simply laughed it off like it was nothing.

"It's alright, I don't mind. It is a habit of mine—admittedly, many people said it's unnecessary—and besides, my secretary is away anyway."

"...I see. Again, I thank you," Warspite nodded, if only to be polite despite still finding it odd. But there's no need to pursue the subject if the Commander was okay with it. And besides, she had a more important question to ask.

"Well, is there anything else you wanted to know, Warspite?"

"Yes...I would like to know how Her Majesty is doing," Warspite nodded and then raised a brow. It was in passing, but at that moment, she could tell he was about to break into a grin but managed to hold back.

Still, it seemed he couldn't entirely avoid keeping that slight smile and the wispy blush that disappeared as quickly as it came. Warspite was quick to put two and two together, and even if the entire affair felt completely unforeseen, she smiled along.

"Oh, Eli—Queen Elizabeth? She's doing well. That secretary I mentioned? That's her. I guess I managed to convince her to take the position, eventually. But yeah, she's doing a good job so far. She has been very helpful in managing this base, and I'm glad she's here."

The remarks only sparked more questions, but Warspite didn't feel like being a busybody. She was convinced Queen Elizabeth was doing well because the Commander sounded sincere in his glowing praise.

"That's a relief. I was worried she would be...quite a handful," Warspite said rather hesitantly, getting a laugh in return.

"That was what I heard before. And it's true she treated me like a retainer when we first met. I guessed it was because I don't look like a commanding officer much—so I played along with her affectations. I bowed and kissed her hand like a retainer would. It was then I realized it."

"Realized what?" Warspite inquired. Try as she might to keep it in check, her curiosity kept bubbling and growing. Even more so when she noticed the solemn look the Commander had.

"You know, at first I thought she had never seen combat herself, not when there are people willing to fight for her. But I know the hands of those who fought. They would never be soft. And El—Queen Elizabeth, she had her fair share of fighting. Her hand was just as banged up as theirs."

"...And this is why she holds the loyalty of others, Commander, despite her quirks and temper. Because to fight among us is never beneath her; we're not only willing to fight for her, but alongside her," Warspite replied, her chest oddly welling with pride.

"That's one of the things I learned in the nine months she has been here," the Commander said before casting a gaze toward the docks. "I know you wanted to see her, and you're in luck; they will return home shortly."

"Oh, you can tell?"

"She told me she would return around this hour, and I know she will. She always does."

Warspite nodded. That indeed sounded like the Queen.


"Warspite! So you are here now?" Queen Elizabeth wasted no time approaching her old friend, who was just as glad to see her.

"Indeed, Your Majesty," Warspite bowed, though not for long because Elizabeth told her to stop.

"Magnificent. Splendid. Now we could better show our power."

"Yes, we shall."

"Hm-mm. Ah, you've met with that...attendant of mine, haven't you?"

"I have. He showed me around."

"Good. I knew he was always reliable. Do you know where he is? How come he is not here?"

"Oh...the Commander? Unfortunately, something came up on his way here, and he has to return to the office, so I volunteered to greet you all. After all, I wanted to see you myself, my Queen."

Elizabeth huffed, then shrugged. "Well...wh-whatever," she muttered before turning to the rest of the group.

"Regretfully, my attendant, the Commander, was unable to welcome you all back, so I would like to thank you on his behalf for another successful operation. I'm certain he will appreciate the results. Now go and rest up. Dismissed."

The group bowed and dispersed while Elizabeth turned to Warspite.

"I would love to talk more with you...but I still have a business to attend to. Wait for me at the dorms, Warspite. We have a lot of catching up to do."

"I shall," Warspite replied. She watched as Elizabeth walked away, and remembering what the Commander had said earlier, she realized she didn't get to ask about the Queen's reaction to her hand being kissed.

But in the brief moment she talked about the Commander, her features softening, she figured it must be a pretty profound experience. Perhaps, she thought, it had even started something.

Warspite chuckled and shook her head. That sort of thinking was quite amusing, no matter how juvenile.


The door was opened harshly, but the Commander was unfazed. He was expecting it, after all.

"Welcome back, El."

"You...you...how could you? Couldn't you at least spare a minute? Don't you know how much I wanted to see you?"

The Commander set his pen down and walked over to the fuming Elizabeth.

"...Duty calls, you know? And besides, I couldn't give you this gift for a work well done there, with the crowd and all."

"Fi-fine. Give me the usual...now."

"As you wish, queen," the Commander leaned down and kissed her forehead. Unlike her hands, it was still as soft as the first time his lips touched it, at their now special place. And it still pleased her.

"Hm...that will do."

"Of course. Shall we go there again tonight?"

"Tempting, but I would like to catch up with Warspite," Elizabeth said in a rare show of regret.

"No problem. But I'm curious...will you tell her?"

"...N-No? I think that would be embarrassing?" retorted a reddening Elizabeth.

"Haha, I don't think she will think less of you after hearing about our story, even if it started with us getting plastered. Shows a different side of you, you know? But, well, I understand your concerns."

"Go-good if you do. I will be going." Elizabeth whirled around and hurried away. Just before she closed the door, she peeked inside. She was beaming.

"...Tomorrow there's no sortie, so you better take me to our place, you hear?"

The Commander beamed back.

"As you wish, queen."