

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Derivados de juegos
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139 Chs

Picture of You

"Ane-ue, please refrain from moving too much."

Hearing that, Kaga flinched, and her stoic mask nearly broke. She's only shifting her body a bit, and considering she had been maintaining the pose for about half an hour, nobody should blame her.

But Tosa did just that. She really took her artistic endeavors in earnest.

Still, Kaga thought Tosa shouldn't be pestering her for every subtle motion. Why did she agree to model for her anyway?

Because you are the one who told her to take up a hobby, and you are actually proud? Pretty surprising, coming from you, a voice—which suspiciously sounded like Akagi's—rang inside her mind.

Kaga smirked. She was annoyed, yes, but she had to admit she was indeed proud. She wondered if Tosa was aware of it.

Meanwhile, Tosa was still lost in her own world, though not entirely; she would cast sporadic glances at Kaga, then back at her canvas. It went like that for some time, but when she glanced at Kaga again, the gaze held longer.



"I'm curious…How's life with the Commander? With everyone? Are you…happy?"

Kaga knitted her brows, though only briefly, at the sudden, out-of-the-left-field question. The old her would certainly brush it off, but her present self found it impossible to do.

"Ye—yes. I am happy," Kaga replied. She wondered if she was blushing, but the answer was apparently not because Tosa showed no reaction.

"I see. There is no surprise there. You have always been drawn to strong people. The Commander must have been one of them. Amagi-san, Akagi-san, too," Tosa continued, and seeing Kaga nodding—a touch more passionate than usual—she murmured her thanks, and her attention soon returned to her canvas.

Apparently, all that was left for her was adding finishing touches because Tosa soon declared she was done.

"Finally," Kaga muttered as she rose and stretched.

"Would you like to see what I've made?" Tosa offered. Kaga, who had no intention of leaving so soon, nodded.

Tosa captured every detail well, Kaga noted as she looked at the work until she noticed something and frowned.

"Did I smile like that?" she demanded.

Tosa followed her sister's pointer finger into the face drawn on the canvas. The Kaga in the picture was smiling. The smile was neither self-confident nor sneering but honest and sweet.

"Why yes, you did. It seems asking that question was a good idea," Tosa turned back to Kaga.

"…And why would you do that? Asking me to smile would be sufficient."

"I'd prefer you do that naturally. And seeing the results, I'm glad I didn't ask."

Letting out a quiet laugh, Kaga gave Tosa a pat on the head. She took delight in her surprise and made a note to do that more often. Even after Kaga moved her hand, Tosa continued to touch that very spot, whether she realized it or not.

"I suppose you are right. Well then. It's not fair I get to be the only one to smile like this…so, come next hanami, I will take you along to meet the others, and you…" Kaga paused and locked eyes with her sister, "…will share my world."

"…Is that so…? What if I refuse like usual…?"

Kaga smirked.

"I will take you, one way or another. Even if I must resort to what I do best—dragging you kicking and screaming."

Tosa smirked back at that.

"Very well, then."