
The Lives and Times

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, pretty much everything I wrote between 2018 and 2024. Categories and ratings vary.

Reza_Tannos · Video Games
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160 Chs

One-of-a-kind Flower

"Uhh...I hope I wouldn't get lost in this place..."

At her sister's urging―reasoning she needed to go out once in a while rather than spending her free time helping to do chores around the base―Beagle ended up going to the town outside the port on her next day off. Though, when she thought about it, she found doing chores preferable to wandering aimlessly from place to place.

Walking past a flower shop, she happened upon a familiar person browsing rows and rows of flowers.

"Madam Illustrious!" She called out, causing the person to turn around with a warm smile.

"Oh my, Beagle, glad to meet you here. Would you like to browse flowers with me?" She offered.

Relieved she met someone she was familiar with, Beagle readily obliged and stepped inside the store, packed with both people and various kinds of flowers laid in rows; their scent overwhelmed the little destroyer's sensitive nose, and Illustrious let out a small laugh at her reaction.

"Good afternoon, ma'am," Beagle said after managing to adjust her senses to the sensation.

"Oh, don't call me ma'am; it makes me feel old; now I know how Hood feels when Abby calls her auntie," Illustrious good-naturedly replied, drawing a small giggle from the younger girl.

"Sorry, so, are you buying flowers, miss Illustrious?"

"Yes, a gift for Hood's engagement; she's getting married, remember? Well, since Aurora provided me with suggestions—I swear, that lass sure knows her flowers well—I know what to buy, so now I'm just enjoying the sight of them before heading back."

"Ah, I remember. Managing to win the Commander's heart, miss Hood sure is amazing," Beagle exclaimed, adding under her breath, "unlike me."

Illustrious, whose eyes were fixated on a bucket of Baby's Breath on display, took a cursory glance at her little companion. It was gone rather quickly, but she did look hurt for a moment.

"Ah, knowing Hood, she would say you are amazing, too. I have to say I would agree with that, dear."

As she had expected, Beagle, who was not accustomed to being praised, started getting flustered. It was rather cute and distressing at the same time.

"Me...amazing?...but I...don't...can't do much..."

"Hmm...In my humble opinion, you did as much as everyone else, so why sell yourself short, dear?

"...Sorry. Sometimes I just feel...I cannot really do anything meaningful for everyone in the base."

Illustrious sighed softly. Always stuck to small escort missions, the B-class destroyers; not their fault as they were never intended for primary combat operations in the first place. However, while Bulldog took her lot in stride, the same cannot be said about her sister. Now Illustrious finally understood why Beagle always insists on helping everyone, even on her day off.

"Flowers sure are wonderful. You know why, Beagle dear?" Illustrious knelt in front of the destroyer to see her eye to eye, and after Beagle shook her head, she went on. "None of them are fighting to be number one. Each makes an effort to bloom, even when no one notices, and all of them are proud because of that."

"Miss Illustrious...?"

"We, too, often are like flowers that grow where people do not pay attention. But even then, each of us carries a different seed to be nurtured until it blooms, and as long as we strive to grow, it's good enough. "

"So even...someone as small as I can..."

"Big flowers, small flowers, neither are better than the other because none are the same when they gather together. No need for you to be on top, dear. After all, no matter what, you will always be a special, one-of-a-kind flower."

Much to the delight of Illustrious, Beagle started to smile at her words, though she realized one's self-doubts could not be erased in such a short span; it's a start, at least.

"I...see. Then...Beagle will try to keep doing her best."

"That's all I want to hear."

Satisfied, Illustrious gave the girl a quick hug before standing up just as the flower shop owner approached her.

"Here's your order, miss Illustrious," the old woman said as she handed the carrier a bouquet; she noticed Beagle and warmly smiled at her.

"Oh, I don't know if you have a companion with you; she seems to be a sweet young lady, miss Illustrious."

Seeing Beagle getting flustered again, Illustrious chuckled. "Yes, she's a sweet young lady indeed, always ready to help people."

The owner seemed oddly pleased at the answer and the destroyer's reaction to her remark earlier. "I know it. Ah, perhaps she would love this flower; it fits her character. Go on, take it. It's free," the old lady plucked a bluebell and offered it to Beagle, who reluctantly accepted and murmured her gratitude.

"Bluebell? How fitting. Here you go, madam, and thank you," Illustrious remarked as she paid the owner for her purchase. Moments later, she and Beagle had left the shop, walking side-by-side. After some time had passed without either of them speaking, Beagle broke the silence.

"Um...miss Illustrious? Thank you for your kind words earlier...and..."

"Oh, don't mention it, dear. I hope you are starting to feel better."

"And...um...um...let me carry that for you!"

"Of course, here you go," Illustrious handed the bouquet over to Beagle. Thankfully it wasn't that big, and she carried it without difficulty with a determined look on her face. Clearly, she made the best effort to be as careful as possible, a fact that Illustrious really appreciated. This time, she would show it.

"Well, Beagle dear, would you like to stop for tea before we head back? My treat."