

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Derivados de juegos
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139 Chs

Dancing Queen

"Warspite, pray tell where Valiant is? We are thinking of inviting her to a game of chess."

Warspite had to put her book down. The words were entirely unexpected, having been spoken by none other than Queen Elizabeth herself.

"I do believe Lady Valiant has retreated into her chambers, Your Majesty," setting the thoughts aside, Warspite answered. Her response, too, was something she never expected to see, as far as Valiant is concerned—she seemed greatly disturbed.


"Yes, as it has been the past few days."

"This won't do! I will not let her turn out like that...that Iris girl! What's her name again, anyway?" Elizabeth spun around and stormed off, leaving the astonished Warspite behind before she could answer that, necessary or not. With a sigh, she returned the book to its shelf—not without regret—and went after Elizabeth, if only to keep her from doing anything rash—business as usual, she'd say.

Catching up with the queen, Warspite noticed her standing in front of Valiant's room. There was knock after knock, but the door, made of sturdy oak, remained closed.

"Valiant, open the door this instant!" Elizabeth commanded, to no avail.

"...Certainly, no sound is going to make it through such a door, Your Majesty," Warspite advised.

Fists clenched, Elizabeth decided to forgo decorum and began turning the knob repeatedly, which was of no use as the door was clearly locked.

"Um, Your Majesty, please calm down; let us think with a clear head," Warspite approached the queen with wary steps. Knowing her temper, her resorting to blasting the door away didn't seem unlikely. In fact, she was convinced that had she not intervened, that would happen.

"Ri-right. We-well, I'm not even sure why I'm so worked up. It's only Valiant, after all!" Elizabeth removed her hand from the door. Despite what she said, Warspite could tell she had not calmed down at all, or at least not by much.

"If you're worried," Warspite began, only for Elizabeth to hastily cut her off.

"I am not!"

Coughing, Warspite tried again, "Well, if you would like to open the door, I believe you have the spare keys to every room."

For a while, she thought there was relief on the queen's face, which was quickly replaced with a triumphant grin.

"Ah, why don't you remind me earlier? Bring them here at once, Warspite!" she ordered. Warspite nodded, bowed, and left, despite feeling a little apprehended—won't that be unethical, somewhat? But who is she to defy the queen? And after all, she could read the queen well enough (not that it's challenging to begin with) and knew she was worried, despite all her claims to the contrary.

It didn't take long for Warspite to return, and almost immediately, Elizabeth seized the keys. It took even shorter for her to find the right one.

With a click, the door unlocked.

Barging in and making an abrupt stop after that never proved to be a good idea, even for royalty, Elizabeth realized as she got acquainted with the floor, with Warspite on top of her, the result of her crashing into the queen.

Both looked up to see a red and sweaty Valiant in very plain clothes and the most horrified expression they had ever seen on her. Behind her, the widescreen TV continued to play a very familiar song, the reason for Elizabeth's earlier pause.

"...E-Eli-Elizabeth?!?! Ho-how did you get in...?!?" Valiant looked left and right, likely searching for even the narrowest chance to escape.

"Queen's privilege," Elizabeth answered; Warspite noted that despite her own less-than-dignified state, she still spoke like she owned the world.

"Ah...Ah...I..." Even as Elizabeth rose to her feet, Valiant was still at a loss for words.

"This song...why are you playing it...?" she quirked a brow and crossed her arms.

Valiant didn't answer.

"I'm not going to be angry," Elizabeth continued, speaking in the gentlest way, which surprised even herself.

Valiant still didn't answer.

Warspite, looking for a way to defuse the situation, looked at the TV. It indeed showed Queen Elizabeth on stage, dancing and singing. It was something she had done on a whim, even if she adamantly refused at first.

Whether through natural charisma or sheer talent, Queen Elizabeth stole the night and basked in the attention she received.

Naturally, Warspite got roped into it, though she had to concede that at least it ended up a rather memorable experience.

Thus, she was quick to put two and two together, the reason why Valiant locked herself up with that video.

"Forgive me if I speak out of turn," she said. The two turned their attention to her, and Warspite could see Valiant's eyes were glassy.

"Lady Valiant...could it be...you simply want to be like Her Majesty?"

"Well, she does speak about taking my crown all the time," Elizabeth remarked, not noticing Valiant flinching.

"No, what I mean...I don't know if you notice...but did you know, Your Majesty? When you're on that stage, Lady Valiant was on the frontmost row; never once did she move her attention from you."

"You...did?" Elizabeth turned to Valiant to see her nodding weakly. She felt a little guilty seeing that.

"Goodness, Valiant. Why don't you just say so?" Sighing, Elizabeth approached the girl and offered her a silk handkerchief. Elizabeth took it upon herself to clear off the tears when she proved reluctant to take it.

"It's shameful, isn't it? You are going to look down on me even more, are you not?" Valiant managed after Elizabeth pulled away.

"The only way I will look down on you is when you do not take your practice seriously!" Elizabeth declared.


"You heard me. Practice. The next time the stage is once again ours to take, you shall be on it with me."

Valiant managed a small smile, which grew wider to match Elizabeth's smug one.

"Are you not concerned about me upstaging you? Because I will."

"Hah! We shall see you try!"

Warspite moved away from the two as they exchanged playful banter and leaned on the wall as she watched. When that time comes, there's no doubt on her part she'll be forced to get involved. But if it'd bring the two closer than ever, she'd still have no objections. That much was certain.

Personally, she cannot wait.