

A collection of abortive series and assorted one-shots, old and new. Categories and ratings vary. (Yeah, it's a repost; with some changes, though. There are some new ones, too.)

Reza_Tannos · Derivados de juegos
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139 Chs

A Shark's Story

Bulldog could sense her from miles away. She's lying in ambush behind one of the bushes.

Beagle was understandably puzzled when she was told to be quiet as they made that sudden stop.

"Show yourself, garlic bulb. I know you're there."

Beagle thought her ears were playing tricks when she heard that muted, puzzled imitation of a roar.

She discovered just seconds later they weren't when U-110 leaped out of hiding anyway, even though she was found out already.

She landed on her feet to see Bulldog looking back, unamused.


"Try harder, garlic bulb."

"I'm a shaaaark! Not garlic bulb! Rawr!"

"Sharks don't roar. You're not one."

"They...don't?" U-110 looked like someone who had been told some uncomfortable, worldview-shattering truth.

"They lack sound-producing organs. So no."

"Augh…" a defeated-looking U-110 grimaced. She'd wanted to refute that, but Bulldog was leagues smarter. She'd just get humiliated further if she tried.

"So you're U-110. The garlic bulb Bulldog told me about. Anyway, I'm Beagle. Nice to meet you," Beagle piped in.

U-110, who had never met Beagle before, thought that she was the complete opposite of Bulldog. So unfailingly polite and pleasant, too.

Yet, she'd still call her garlic bulb.

"I'm not a garlic buuuulb…"

Beagle laughed. "Of course not. Garlic bulbs don't roar. But Bulldog's right—sharks don't either."

"Aaaaaw…" A deflated U-110 pursed her lips; perhaps she'd been wrong about Beagle after all.

"In any case, it's cute, though," Beagle continued. "The roar, I mean."

"Rawr…?" Though U-110 was nonplussed by the praise, she repeated the roar anyway as if to make sure.

"Yep, that's cute. Don't you think so, Bulldog?"

Bulldog rolled her eyes at the question, even though she—somewhat begrudgingly—couldn't deny it.

"I suppose it is cute."

U-110's pout became a smile, then a grin.

"Raaawr! Raaawr!" She walked away merrily roaring, leaving the bewildered Bulldog and Beagle behind.

"Something tells me we will hear that a lot more often," Bulldog grumbled.

"Well, I don't mind," Beagle laughed. "It's nice to see someone be themselves."