
Turning Point

Facing his father's serious eyes. He lowered his head and contemplated. 'why is he even asking? Its not like my decision would matter anyway, he would always just make me do whatever he comes up with'. He thought in his head. Although Jace made many mistakes along the way. He always had a knack of seeing the good things happening around and would always notice the benefits of the different activities he participated in the his highschool life, sometime even in the bad deeds he's done. He's been having this feeling that lately, somehow his mind is being enhanced or influenced by something. The internet also had a hand in him having awareness of what's happening around the world and the current time and era.

He looked at his father's stern face and thought for a bit on how to explain it on this old school father of his.

"Hmm. Looks like you're thinking this thoroughly. Alright, let's talk later. I have things to do. I'll be expecting something good seing how you're still contemplating". His father said then walked away in hurry.

"Ahh..dammit!" seing his father's back walking to his room. Jace woke up from contemplating. A worried look on his face.

'I'll have to explain this well. I know that the possibility of him to atleast acquiesce is practically zero. But if I can atleast make him see the good sides maybe.....'

Feeling the possibility of slightly influencing his fathers whims. Jace placed this as a top priority of things to think of. But now feeling slight stress building up within him. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and sent someone a text. The proceeded to look for his mother in the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm going out for a bit to get some air. If father asks. Tell him you asked me to buy something from the convenience store"

Her mother stopped what she's doing and whispered loudly holding her palms near the side of her mouth and said "dont stay out too long. It's already dark out. You how your father is".

My mother whispered but I somehow heard it clearly, which baffled me greatly. She always does this amazing things from time to time. I even suspect she's some kind of being with superpowers. Or is it me who has superhearing?

Useless thoughts always seem to enter Jace's mind as he smiled at his mother and made a circle with his thumb and index finger, the three other fingers holding up. Showing her the affirmative.

Her mother just shook her head and smiled 'hehe... Silly child' her mother muttered underneath her breath.

Jace got out of the house quickly before his father caught wind of his escape. His father had this paranoid side to him that he always seem to think that we are at constant danger. Especially at night time when it's dark out. He always says "lookout for those suspicious people lurking out at night. We never know that these people might carry lethal weapons with them and take you hostage and ask us for ranson" Jace said with a deep and serious voice with a hint of mockery especially seen in his face. He was imitating his paranoid father.

"I swear those news he watched often on tv has leveled up his paranoia skill to max" Jace cursed as he ran to meet his friends at the nearby convenience store.

Not long after. He arrived at the convenience store. He entered it and bought a pack of cigarettes. Then headed outside to the alleyway by the side of the store where his friends where hanging out and smoking.

"Ehey! Jace you came!" One of his friends called out when they saw him approach.

"What is up you guys? You're bellies are still bulging. Your parents must have treat you out for dinner eh? Hahaha. What are you talking about just now?" Jace said with a big smile on his face and lit cig and puffed. These friends of his are also his schoolmates.

Jace would always be smiling and feeling happy around his friends. Unlike when he is in his home, he doesn't have to look the very best version of himself around this people. This feeling made him like a prisoner on death sentence that was suddenly pardoned.

"Hahaha you bet they did! Pass me a stick man. You really like your cigs minty huh? Anyways. We were talking about where to go to college and what course to take. Some of us who matched on the same courses and agreed to go the same universities. While some also planning to go solo and try to wing it. We dont actually have concrete plans for now. But we'll be trying things out and deal with them as they come. What about you man? Have you planned things out already? Come on. Tell us about it." one of his close friends yapped.

Jace's face stiffened up then tutted."Just like you guys. I've made no plans. Who do you think you're talking to? The president? You guys know i always wing it when it come to hard decisions like these. What's there to worry? I'll do what I've always done like you said just now. Trying and dealing with it as they come" he said with a forced smile. He didn't really think he would be doing things like that though. But he wouldn't like to be the downer out of the group.

His friends knowing Jace for a long time, had disbelief in their faces "Look at this fool! Who are you trying to deceive man? Hahaha! We can see your face twitch from a mile a way. Besides, what did your father say? Knowing him, he probably rushed you to make up your mind already. Hahahaha!"

Viens bulged on Jace's face when he got caught. His face contorted to that of defiance and anger then finally unwillingness. He then let out a sigh. Putting both his hand on his hips and said.

"Fuck you guys! It makes you so happy seing your friend down in the dumps huh? Tell me then? What the hell can I do? I know my family's got a lot on their plate, just like your families. My father specifically dealt with the shit we've done with his connections on some cops. Although I dont regret those things and did it on my own will and don't blame you guys for it. I know what we did were stupid and reckless. Aghh! Damn it! I just cant say what i want to do to his face, and look like some ungrateful punk. After all the shit I put them through. I just dont have the guts!" he said with a loud voice cursing them. Although he sounded mean. He knew they wouldn't take it to heart. This was how they always communicated. They cursed each other without malice just to express how they feel better.

"So this is how the "Tales of the Gutsy Punk" ends huh?" one of his weeb friend said, that carried with it a hint of mockery, with a clear smirk on his face.

"Hahahahaha" "Believe it" "Hahaha" "Datebayo"

His friends mocked him and laughed.

"Fuck you assholes!" Jace cursed with a blush. When he realize himself ranting like a baby with a smidge of tear in his eyes.

"Yo. You need to chill dude! Hehe, were just lifting your mood up. Don't be such a sourpuss. This is not like you bro. Ranting with despair laced on your voice, it almost cracked there you know. I had a hard time holding my laugh in when you were spitting bars like fire! Anyways. Just make him see the good things about your plans alright? Although we know your old man is a little bit.... unique. Surely, hes not too unreasonable not to see reason, right? Slowly but steadily. Like you've been doing as always. Just like selling popcorn. If it's you, i know you'll make sale and somehow make some shit up to convince him. We brothers know you'll come out okay. So just man up bro! You're like a big ball of sunshine and happiness for us you know? It's not like you to stay slumped out for too long. So cheer up will you? You're creeping us out! Right guys?"

"Ofcourse!" they said.

Jace smiled and said " thanks gu..."

"Like big cute, fuzzy, wuzzy ball of happiness" "Hahahahahaha" before Jace even finished thanked them. They mocked him again.

"this annoying pricks!" Jace cursed but had a small smile on his face. Feeling the unique kind of loved that stemmed from a brotherhood of society's misfits. He put a cigarette in his mouth and inhaled a mouthful. Feeling the bubling stress and uncertainty within his body start to recede. He sighed feeling thankful. Mostly from the cigarette he smoked. He found out long ago the it had a relaxing effect to it. He looked at his laughing and snickering friends of his, feeling grateful. Although just a little bit, but still grateful.

"Alright assholes! Thanks to all you very useful and insightful advice, especially your smart-ass analogies laced with wisdom and popcorn. It really opened my mind to a whole new freaking world! I have to head home now!" Jace said to the group full of sarcasm.

"Look at this guy! Throwing us out like garbage, after he finished using us." a friend of his said with disdain.

"You know it's not like that. I dont want my old man to go ballistic on me right after graduation you know." Jace clenching his teeth and said apologetically.

"Yeah yeah" said the guy dismissingly, as he waved his hand to Jace.

*SMACK!- the fool got smacked

"Okay Jace! Don't mind this fool. Make sure not to lose you ninja way. Okay?! Believe it!" a certain weeb shouted with particular hand gestures of a specific anime character. Then another round of mochery ensued.

"DATEBAYO" "Hahahahaha" "See you later fool, you fool!"


Jace head home with a clear head, but not before giving his friends the middle finger as their signature goodbyes. Now making up ways to convince his old-school father while walking on the way home!

Jace arrived at their house moving carefully not to get noticed. Sneakily oppening the door slowly to not make a it screech.



'you fucking traitorous door!' Jace cursed. Wanting to kick it and slam it. But before he had the chance to do so. He heard a stern voice.