
Enter the Ogres

Yujiro Hanma bore a happy Yujiro face. 

He considered diving through the glass of the tower to partake in the brawl brewing between his sons below, but didn't want to spoil the spectacle. The streets of Boston became a battleground for the blood of the Hanma line to determine the king of the next generation, the broken city an altar to the physical superiority of his family, and a proving ground for his grand experiment. 

Yujiro mixed his pure Japanese essence with a Caucasian woman and produced a disappointing result despite the fierce capability of the mother. Jack Hanma's weak and pathetic body was a stain on the Hanma line, but his remarkable tolerance for steroids provided some amusement. This new subject of Negroid hybridization possessed promise. Increased size, hyper masculinity, sense of style, bloody ruthlessness. All that is left is to see how it tempers under the fiery heat of combat with the main line. 

What's more… the man known as the Ogre snapped a picture with his cell phone of the tempting little morsel of a blonde woman down below. He opened his contacts, only three names on the list on the list, Strydum, Gouki, and Furinji. Yujiro hoped that the payout for this tournament would be enough to lock down a real fight with that golden maned bastard, but the man was a no show. At least the other Ogre came, so he'd have had a good fight regardless, but Yujiro knew when he sent Furinji the picture that the man would come running. 

He'd finally get to punch out that smug '0.0002% of my real power' son of a bitch. Hayato Furinji grated Yujiro like none other as his title of 'World's Strongest Creature*' always came with an asterisk due to the way 'The Invincible Superman*' always ducked their fights. Knowing that his granddaughter is within sight of 'The Ogre' will bring an end to those asterisks, one way or the other. 

Down below, Richard and Baki began to remove their clothes while maintaining an uncomfortable amount of eye contact. Despite knowing that they were about to fight, something about the intensity of their locked gaze and the anticipation bursting from their bodies made Kenichi think they were about to fuck. Hard. The nearby Miu whispering about yaoi holes and yaoi poles didn't help that matter. 

Baki finished undressing first, and stood in only a pair of red athletic shorts that exposed nearly his entire thighs. Despite the chill Boston air, he looked bothered by anything besides his quickly ascending passion for the fight. Stripped down, the difference between Kenichi and Baki became even more stark. While Miu liked to wash laundry on his abs, Baki's looked more suited to crushing stone, though Kenichi suspected steroid usage from the boy's enormous traps running up his wide neck. 

Baki's body looked like someone's idea of the perfect warrior, but he paled in comparison to the physique rippling under the honey colored skin of the Prince of America in his black leggings. Richard Hanma was more than Baki writ bigger and blacker, like Baki is Yujiro writ small, Richard's thick body harkened back to an older body in the family line. The Death Star Delts capping the youth's wide shoulders made Baki's ripped upper body look streamlined, almost petite, and he had the waist and hips of a bear as opposed to his brother's narrow core. 

Richard wasn't the bigger blacker Baki… he was the bigger blacker Yuuichiro!

Despite the massive difference in weight classes, Baki pointed at his brother and laughed uproariously. Braying like a jackass even, in joy. Kenichi followed the line of Baki's finger and saw that he was pointing at the other boy's weiner!

"Someone's excited to fight!" Baki howled as his body shook. 

"What are you talking about?" Richard's jaw tightened under his thick mustache. 

"You have an erection." Baki pointed out the tube of man meat clearly visible running down his leg under the black tights. 

"No I don't." Richard denied and took up his fighting stance.

"Hehehe, whatever, bro." Baki chuckled and danced into his ready position. 

The world's premier meat market and gun show had caused everyone, including the army to miss the arrival of another warrior. Though not much taller than Baki, the man was nearly as wide as Richard, and possessed thick and wild red hair and a beard that gave him the appearance of a lion's mane hanging down over his frayed navy gi. In the center of this mane was the broad and harsh features of a demon. 

The man approached so silently, that only the arrival of his stench - a heavy sulfur - caused the brothers to turn their heads to him. 

"I left my training in the hells to fight children who still smell of piss and mother's milk?" the demonic man growled. 

"Don't knock the chow in the Whorephanage." Richard snorted and turned to face this new foe.

"You built your body on titty milk?" Baki gasped in wonder.

"It's all they served where I grew up." Richard answered, "Why do you smell like piss." 

"What happens in prison stays in prison, bro." Baki chided the youth and also turned to face the demon. 

"No it doesn't." Richard denied, "What happens in the clink makes it out to the streets."

"Then everyone knows I got peed on?" Baki gasped and looked at his brother with wide eyes.

"Yeah, dude." Richard tore the Band-Aid off with little care for the victim. 

"Hehe, at least it was funny." Baki smirked and resumed staring at the ginger interloper. 

Richard returned Baki's wide eyed shock at that weird turn, but the growling of the red haired oni brought him back to attention. 

"You're a weirdo for sure, but at least you aren't running around strapped with giant anal beads like this circus reject." Richard insulted the most angry man in the world for his taste in drip with complete disregard. 

"I think those are used in Buddhism?" Baki shrugged.

Richard misunderstood his brother's accented English and responded, "Beads that big are definitely involved in some major bootyism." 

"I'm going to kill you both. Right now." Akuma announced and the street was flooded with a wave of murderous ki unlike anything the brothers ever encountered before. 

The soldiers on the street became hysterical - wailing, weeping, and fleeing as soon as the evil ki reached them. General Strydum - a man who shared many a battlefield with Yujiro Hanma - resisted the dou ki and wrestled the gun from the mouth of a man seeking to flee from evil permanently. 

Unphased both brothers launched punches, Baki aiming for the chin and Richard for the temple, with a single twist of his hand and a flash of violent ki, Akuma nullified both attacks with the Rakan defense. This defense quickly turned to retaliation as the broad warrior punched the driveway with his rope wrapped fist, producing a detonation like a small meteor falling from the sky. 

The smaller of the brothers was blown back by the attack, but the larger tanked the shockwave then speared his hand at the demon's lowered head. 

"Good killing intent." Akuma complimented as he seized the incoming spear hand and pulled Richard behind him, parting from the throw with a high kick that sent the youth head first into an armored vehicle. 

"You have begun the path of the Satsui no Hado, but your foundation is shallow." Akuma assumed a stance with legs bent, lead arm down with the palm towards the ground and the fingers curled while cocking the back hand up by chin in a similar angle, "I will teach you pain, boy, and if you survive you will understand the true depth of dou ki." 

"Hey…" Baki drawled as he launched a flying kick at the man so commonly compared to his father, "Don't forget about me." 

"Runt." Akuma dismissed the smallest member of the Hanma family with another Rakan followed by a palm thrust that generated a shockwave on contact with Baki's belly.

"Ow ow ow!" Baki cried as he rolled on the ground, "You almost hit as hard as my dad!"

"I'm not your father!" Akuma screamed and a corona of red ki erupted from him before he leapt in the air and launched a pair of blazing violet and black ki blasts at the downed boy. 

Baki flipped away from the impact zone and watched as a huge nylon tire bounced off the enraged demon's face. Akuma barely seemed to react to the impact, but turned to the source and saw Richard Hanma cocked back and ready to throw another tire he ripped off an armored vehicle at him. Launching a Gohadoken blast at the tire to defend, Akuma missed the low approach of Baki who snagged the oni's legs and slammed him onto the ruined driveway. 

Richard held back tears at the sight of his big brother participating in grappling, but launched himself thirty feet into the air for his next attack without hesitation. 

"Wuga!" he screamed as he concentrated his entire descending force into a single kick that impacted Akuma's massive chest and cracked the concrete under them all radiating out near forty feet. 

Despite the cataclysmic blow, Akuma grabbed Richard's leg and slammed him into the ground as well with just the strength in one arm before up kicking the other brother and rising up with a colossal uppercut that sent the reeling Baki flying. In a similar manner, Richard turned his kip up into a drop kick that landed on Akuma's guts making the enraged fighter slide back. The massive youth followed up with a chop capable of cleaving man from skull to scrotum. Akuma once again nullified the attack, but while his ki defended from the high attack, Baki came in like a cannonball with a fist straight to Akuma's navy clad nuts. 

The explosive impact brought Japan's other Ogre to his knees as bile rose up in his throat. Neither brother let the opportunity pass and both reigned down punches on the grounded opponent. Akuma vomited on hands and knees as the blows pelted him like a hail storm. After finding his testicles again, the veteran of over a hundred years of fighting used his full effort to move his hands faster than lighting, catching both of the boys by the groin in man mitts capable of turning coal to diamond.

He enjoyed the terror on each of their faces until a new contender entered the fray. 

A long hated voice entered his ears, "Release the bloodline, Gouki." 

"YUJIRO!" Akuma screamed as his ki erupted, blasting the young Hanmas away from him.

The World's Strongest Creature* smirked as the man who served as a rival to multiple generations of the Hanma line. 

"Me." he smiled a feral smile full of anticipation. 


Big thanks to 4Research for his support of me and my family.

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