
Battle of the Beasts

If the anticipation between Baki and Richard Hanma brought about thoughts of homosexuality, the anticipation between Yuujiro and Akuma brought about a wave of insanity as every cell in every body experienced primal fear. The greatest mercy in this world is that the human mind failed to comprehend the existence of beings such as these fully. These were men beyond petty things like numbers and sense, but creatures of emotion and force. To witness them is to go mad as all that is sensical ceases and all that is nonsensical goes from beyond impossible and even beyond improbable to simply probable. 

This face off of modern day titans more fitting for the days of myth and dinosaurs like T-Rexes started with a scream of rage as Akuma blitzed Yuujiro who simple raised his hands to shoulder height with his arms stretched out in front of him, ready to catch the blazing bull of dou ki with a smile splitting his face. 

General Strydum, hard man that he is, felt his chest tightening at the oncoming clash. Would historic Boston be lost this day in a conflagration of fists and the furious? Even his trained eyes struggled to keep up with the charge, but a honey colored flicker crossed his field of vision followed by a shockwave that blew him off his feet. 

The impact came not from Yuujiro and Akuma, but from Richard Hanma's sledgehammer of a fist and Akuma's incredibly punchable face. For a brief instant Akuma's thick features shifted from the strike to resemble the famous painting The Scream, before the demonic bull of a man was launched through several buildings. 

Yuujiro Hanma made a surprised Yuujiro face as his son sent his rival rocketing away. Gone was the seemingly lazy demeanor of a predator in full confidence, replaced by the twitching fury of a beast straight from the hells. The blank white eyes of the berserker were wide open as he leaped after the foe who dared to threaten his penis and testicles. 

To the uninitiated, it would appear that Richard Hanma teleported to the rising Akuma, but Yuujiro followed the movement and his surprised Yuujiro face morphed with rippling muscles into another happy Yuujiro face. Akuma landed a rising uppercut to Richard's abs, and those iron fortresses adorning his core held strong against the attack. Akuma screamed as he launched a flurry of punches and Richard roared as he rained down strikes on the smaller man. Each landed fist sounded like artillery fire, and the building they occupied began to collapse as if under such a military strike.

"No." General Strydum gasped as he saw Yuujiro's muscles squirming under his skin before the man disappeared from his vision. 

Though a great dread descended upon the General's heart, he maintained his dignity and kept from shaking, "God save Boston." he gasped before regaining control of his breathing and screaming into his radio, "All units, evacuate Boston. Get the President on the line now!" 

Strydum prayed that they could save more lives than would be lost today, but as he saw two shockwaves emanate from the battlefield followed by two bodies tearing through buildings like rail gun shots, he despaired. 

Yuujiro flexed his smoking fists after dispatching a pair of devastating blows to his son and his rival. Some might call his attack cheap shots, but it was simply their stupidity paying its price for ignoring the World's Strongest Creature* when he wanted to get his fight on. Now both The Great Demon and Youthful Destroyer will feel the full weight of Yuujiro's fists. 

"WUGA!" Richard roared as he arrived back at his father's side poised to deliver a crushing body blow. 

Yuujiro's reply backhand produced a trail of red dou ki as his knuckles seemingly brushed Richard's manly chin. One might call the attack delicate if not for the instant head twisting reaction from the youth, who released a spray of sweat and spit on impact. 

'Still just a child' Yuujiro thought as he smirked in satisfaction and prepared a wakeup attack to restore consciousness to his son. 

Suddenly, a great pain erupted under his knee, and the Ogre tilted his head to see Richard's foot buried in the meat of his calf. Yuujiro felt his control of his foot break, as the nerve running up his leg took damage, but in a force of will flexed all the muscles in his body to force he nerve back to wakefulness. 

In a flash Yuujiro stepped around his son delivering three jabs to Richard's face, resulting in swelling and bruising as the Ogre stepped out of the larger fighter's range. To add insult to injury, Akuma arrived and drop kicked Richard in the chest, launching the youth as if shot from a cannon straight through any pitiful wood, concrete, or steel his body may encounter on his flight path. 

Yuujiro's simple right cross crushed the broad nose of Akuma, but the man's beady red eyes failed to water, and instead blazed with murderous intent as the pair began trading shots at speeds regular human's needed slow-mo to understand. Punches and kicks, knees and elbows.

When Berserker Richard joined in the exchange sending attacks at both fighters, somehow the muscles in Yuujiro's face continued to contract farther and farther, making the Yuujiro happy face even happier. 

"THIS IS JOY!" Yuujiro cried in ecstasy as his rival and son landed punches on both sides of his face that created shockwaves that blew the windows out for an entire block. 

Yuujiro's grainy physique somehow achieved even more striation and vascularity as he redirected the force via pure muscle manipulation before he slapped both fighters sending them away howling and contorting in pain. 

Akuma recovered first and came at Yuujiro behind a pair of ki blasts that Yuujiro bisected with his hands. He caught Akuma's fingers in his mouth when the demon went for an eye poke, not even breaking his smile as he bit down. Akuma freed his almost severed fingers with a ki blast that left Yuujiro's mouth smoking.

"Spicy!" the man grinned and lazily fanned his red tongue. 

Akuma wanted more of that action but was suddenly snatched up by Berserker Richard by the ancle and whipped about his body so fast that the blurred images received by the eye created an illusion of a cloak around the boy's incredible honey colored body. 

"Dress?" his father mused aloud at the sight.

His musings ended when Akuma's body slammed into his right arm and released an explosion of purple ki that was followed up with a return strike to his left side and another explosion. Over the years, the Hanma line encountered many versions and transformations of this legendary martial artist, but perhaps this latest transformation is his most deadly!

Nun-chuck-Akuma's head whipped up and smacked Yuujiro's gravelly chin, flipping the man through the air. Berserker Richard grit his butt cheeks and leaped so fast it appeared he teleported behind his spinning father to deliver the plus one exploding smash that sent the man plummeting to the earth like a muscular comet.

"HOOOOOOOO!" Berserker Richard cried as he flicked Akuma around his body, passing him from hand to hand. 

Yuujiro emerged from the dust cloud brushing some dirt off his shoulder then spat out a bloody loogie. 

"That's a good use of Dress!" he complimented his enraged son then caught one of Akuma's wrists mid swing, "Let me show you how it's really done." 

The Ogre whipped The Great Ogre around so fast it generated gale force winds sending debris flying. In less than five seconds Richard experienced an incredible number of attacks that left his body battered and bleeding. When his son collapsed from the beating, Yuujiro dropped his rival who crawled away dry heaving while blood poured out of his eyes, ears, and nose. 

"Is that all you have?" the father questioned his son with a disappointed Yuujiro face forming. 

Upon the shattered street, amidst the blazing ruins of this Boston city block, lay the body of Richard Hanma broken on the ground making a sanguine offering to the earth. The carrion birds circled overhead, desperately hoping to sample his glorious flesh. 

"Get up!" shouted his brother who hobbled over the shattered glass and concrete barefoot while holding his tender testicles with both hands. 

Richard twitched as if he heard the opening bars of Sons of Odin playing. That imaginary bass line filled him with determination, and he told the Valkyries 'Not today'. He grit his teeth and pushed that bone deep pain throughout his body even deeper, into an inner pain pit. His titanic slabs of contractile tissue spasmodically fired as he attempted to bypass his shocked nervous system and operate his body on pure muscular strength. 

Though nothing like his typical jaguar like grace, the twitchy and janky rise of Richard Hanma turned that frown upside down on his father's face. The sound of cars crashing into each other rang out over and over as Yuujiro Hanma clapped for his thirteen year old son. Richard dedicated his full brain power to piloting his body, slipping into an instinctual state launching a punch hardly visible to his father's chin. 

The punch took Yuujiro by surprise. Its speed, its angle, and the complete lack of 'intent' behind the attack. A pure reflex, a pure instinct. The Ogre felt his consciousness flickering away, but in that moment he saw something that rooted him to the waking world. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the specter of Yuuichiro Hanma laughed uproariously while pointing at his son, "This guy is still having trouble beating on little kids!" 

Hot shame filled Yuujiro's veins as he made an ashamed Yuujiro face.


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