
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · Fantasía
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The Chimera Master


Creatures born from crossbreeding.

After the start of the 'New Age', after the Twilight of the Gods.

Both Mankind and Monsters finally realized that with the power of crossbreeding, they would bear a creature with power that surpasses any Men or Monsters, a Hybrid Creature that embodies both powers of the parents'.

As the trend continued, the creatures of the New Era Earth strived to bring forth these hybrids, competing against each other to create the most powerful Hybrid Creature of all.

That is...

The Apex Hybrid Creature, the Hybrid Chimera.

A being born and made from the greatest of Hybrid Creatures, the being that every creature on Earth believed to have power second-only to the dead gods of old.

As these beings overpopulate the Earth, a schism happens between them.

For once, despite being the same type of creatures. The Hybrids who became Chimera began killing their fellow Chimeras and those who were still below the evolution stage in order to reign supreme over the newly started world.

Wars happened, Cataclysms were created with their powers, and disasters were cast by their rages.

All of that happened due to the Chimera's desire to become the supreme ruler of all creatures, to become an ultimate being, title with the title of...

" Chimera Master "

A title given by the Hybrids who became the Apex over other Hybrids and all other Creatures of the world, unchallenged and revered, even worshipped as the highest form of being.

A title if it was spoken, will stroke fear to every creature of the world, as it is the title of the world's supreme being, the ruler of the new world and its creatures after the gods' of old's demise.

A title that every creature will die hard to obtain, for having the title itself is the same as reaching one's enlightenment, for being a "Chimera Master" for any creature means that the holder already reached a level where none could ever follow, reached a level of power that will make every creature kneel for that is the title holder's right.

Because of that, because of the War to become the "Chimera Master", the numbers of Hybrid Chimeras decreased gradually as the numbers of Hybrid Creatures decreased so fast as well.

Only some remained, hidden in the regions of the New Era Earth, patiently preparing themselves to return to power once more and trample over the World of Mankind that rules the Earth in the void the Chimeras made after their war.

Thus, when the Chimeras return, they would once more trample the Earth of its gnat rulers and once more reclaim what's rightfully theirs, continuing the war on becoming the Ultimate Creature.

The "Chimera Master".


(Alas, in the East Continent of the New Earth, Easterion.)

[ In the Lands of Easterion. ]

[ Thunder Mist Mountains. ]

There's vast land filled with mountains, filled with hundreds of high mountains, a place for many Mythological Monsters reside.

As the age of Hybrids goes on, the mountains are now filled with many Hybrid Creatures that had the roots of great Mythological Monsters and Beasts.

Amongst the Hybrids, there is one of them who finally reached the Chimera stage.

The ruler of the largest area of the land filled with many mountains, the place where the mountains reached the sky became the dome pillar between both heaven and earth.

The 'Thunder Mist Mountains', the place with fewer Hybrids and Monsters reside in it as the very mountains itself was ruled by a powerful Hybrid Chimera.

The Kitsune-Peacock Chimera, a Chimera who is said to be able to draw thunder and lightning as its weapons as the Chimera's claws and spears.

The Kitsune-Peacock Chimera is said to bore great pride within its very heart, as it was said that it destroys and vanquishes any other creature who dares to enter her domain, making her lone ruler of the vast area of mountains in the lands of Easterion.

Because of that, many are envious of her claim over the mountains, those who want to bore more power, try their best to enter the 'Thunder Mist Mountains', facing death against the mighty Chimera, despite all odds.

For example,...


" [Poison bullet]! " said an Eight-winged Serpentine Chimera who dared to slither around the 'Thunder Mist Mountains', trying to feed on every food there which pissed the Kitsune Chimera as the two quickly battle after the Kitsune Chimera finally catches her.

" You won't escape... "

" Anyone who dares to come to my place without permission. "

" Shall know their fate! "

" Keurkh, just because you had the Kitsune Roots, doesn't mean you could defeat me! " 

" Ruler of the 'Thunder Mist Mountains', Yakujin! " said the Eight-winged Serpentine Chimera as she was in her midst of defeat against the 'Thunder Mist Mountains' ruler, Yakujin, the Kitsune-Peacock Chimera who is actually the Chimera Master over the largest mountains of Easterion.

[Thunderbolt Claw]

Yakujin begins to imbue the thunderbolt, creating a Giant Thunderclaw Manifestation, filled with thunderbolts as the Chimera Master swings the claw into the ground, cracking the ground with thunder as it destroys one of the mountains that made the Eight-winged Serpentine Chimera had to flee as she rapidly claps her wings.

" I will return one day, Yakujin! "

" I will make sure that I will be the Chimera Master over these mountains! "

" Mark my words! " The eight-winged Serpentine Chimera claps her wings faster while Yakujin sees her on the ground.

" Fool. " Yakujin says as she sees her flapping away from her.

" Do you believe that with wings only you could escape me? " Yakujin says as her eyes spark.

Along with it, the skies turned dark, and lightning slammed everywhere as it filled the skies with its flashes.

" Eeek! " The eight-winged Serpentine Chimera flaps her wings faster to avoid the lightning.

" Foolish attempt. " Yakujin says.

" No matter how hard you flap it, you should remember that you are still in the skies, snake. "

" As long as my Thunderstorm fills the skies, none winged Hybrids could ever escape! " Yakujin says for she quickly uses her Skill without any waste.

[ Thundercloud Strike ]

From the very black clouds, Yakujin summons the thunder's lightning to strike over the eight-winged Serpentine Chimera who still flies in the skies, striking her true as the strike returns the snake back into the earth.

* Eight-winged Serpentine Chimera sobs in pain. *

" *Sob* If only I had more power... *Sob* " the snake cries as Yakujin approached her.

" You shouldn't dare to enter my domain, worm," she tells the snake as she puts her claws over her head.

" Yaku-... "

" It's Master Yakujin, you slithering Chimera. "

" You only become Chimera as you feed on weaker Hybrids and ally yourself with fellow Chimeras who packed themselves, pathetic. " Yakujin grips the snake's head further.

" Please don't kill me! "

" If you kill me then the 'Brotherhood of Scales' will make your enemy, they- "

Before any word could be spoken, Yakujin swiftly ended the Eight-winged Serpentine Chimera's life and quickly feasted on her to absorb her strength and power, swallowing the slithering body like ramen noodle.

" The 'Brotherhood of Scales' again, those lizards. "

" To think they would try to fight me again, they never learn. " Yakujin says as she finally finishes her meal.

" This is not even a meal, her body is too thin for her kind. "

" Well, guess I better return to my lair then, hope I can prepare myself to face those lizards once more. " Yakujin says as she returns to her lair after some fight she did.




Name: Yakujin

Race: Hybrid Beast

Stage: Chimera

Roots: Kitsune, Peacock, etc.


Name: Eight-winged Serpentine

Race: Hybrid Monster

Stage: Chimera

Roots: Giant Snake and Winged Snake

Hello, KJVZeanso here.

This is a new Novel published for Webnovel Spirity Awards, A story about Chimera Masters that ruled the Realms of the New Age.

BTW, this Novel is still related to my other Novel 'Child From the Dungeon' as this takes place in 'Easterion', the Eastern Continent of the New Age Earth while CFTD takes place in 'Westerios, Elysium Haven', the Western Continent.

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Hello, KJVZeanso here.

I'm publishing this Novel for Webnovel Spirity Awards 2023.

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