
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
334 Chs

Progress VII Midnight Camping II Sura Moment

All the while by the time she had finally finished her update minutes had passed and they had finally arrived at the first entrance of the kitchen!

Causing both Lady Salen and Vina to take their leave, finding three proper replacements, and adding eight more members was to put it simply quite a lot!

They had to switch entire squads temporarily to resolve it at the moment.

Meaning a squad of three High-Level Sacred Swordsmen, two Sacred Mages, and two Sacred Assassins all of who served as commanders, advisors, instructors, and diplomats on behalf of his gifted Blighted Spears of Senex?

They were born with the experiences of The Original Spears of Senex and the absorbed experiences from the mage legions that were killed by their hands so long ago.

Not only that but Lady Frostma made sure they were as capable, while his first squad was on standby while Lady Salen handled the matters.

As for the other three members much like the still recovering three they were going through a similar training session in the hopes they'd eventually pick their names.

However, knowing how truly stubborn they are it may take a while leaving the young prince with seven members of his legion invisible and watching for threats alongside Lady Void who was still very much following him around.

Only this time out of concern rather than boredom continued just that.

Causing Octavia to then adorably absorb it all before then simply flicking the young prince's forehead.

"Now I know too much! No wonder why my little brother is so burdened! Do they think my little brother is a celestial emperor?! Rig-Right that perverted Celestia made you The Holy Celestial Emperor whatever.. but that doesn't change the fact that my little brother is still a baby you know!"

"A baby little brother isn't old enough to take so much responsibility! That's the reason why every time my little brother got hurt it was because some idiot decided to give him an unstable mana core and waited for it to explode and act so surprised that my little brother would get hurt and cry?!"

"This won't happen anymore when I'm around! A big sister's duty is to protect her little brother and sisters you know! What kind of big sister would I be if I allowed this to keep happening while my little brother's mind becomes a mess?!"

Octavia frustratingly explained surprising the young prince, and after connecting the dots he finally realized he wasn't alone and not everything relied on him.

Causing him to then tearily nodding before then hugging Octavia as tightly as he could causing her to then adorably nod.

"Listen to your wise and benevolent big sister.. when she says my little brother will never be alone! Our mommies and.. daddy will handle it you know! Even that pervert Celes could!"

"But not Silas.. he's only good to have around if you have a hug of grape juice! Now.. let's get snacks!"

Octavia adorably reassured causing the young prince to then righteously salute.

Before then lovingly hugging his favorite pink big sister causing her to then proudly smile, and after going over the plan both successfully sneak into the kitchen!

Unfortunately, the lights were on and they could smell chocolate fudge!

But before any of either could say a word the two assassins of the squad were effortless if not a little adorably hit with an assortment of baking pans before then finally being tossed into the closest wall.

Dispelling their invisibility surprising everyone before then finally hearing a familiar yet outrageously adorable voice.

"Bi-Big bullies! Yo-You shouldn't scare a Bos while she's baking! N-No cake for you!"

Sura adorably yelled surprising both the young prince and Octavia to no end! How could she be so adorable yet powerful?!

Those were High-Level Sacred Assassins! Trained battlefield officers and yet Sura an adorable little Bos not only found them but beat both of them up with little to no effort!

What was even funnier was the fact that she did so in a way that what she did was still adorable?!

Are Sacred Assassins truly that unlucky or is Sura simply that powerful?! Unfortunately, neither was getting an answer due to the simple fact Sura appeared within moments to adorably check up on the two.

Before then finally noticing both Octavia and the young prince.

Causing her to then immediately blush and within several moments teary after finally noticing Octavia trying to contain her laughter while the young prince's eyes sparkled an endless sparkle.

"Su-Sura's the strongest and the cutest!"

The young prince adorably exclaimed before then happily hugging the adorably confused Sura causing her after the hugs to then adorably pout having realized now those two were members of his secret guard.

Soon enough two of the black and golden-robed mages soon appeared.

Before quietly taking the two poor assassins away while others simply remained outside since they had not only caused a misunderstanding on their first day but were humiliated by an adorable Bos?

Causing Sura after adorably cleaning up the mess to adorably pout.

"N-No more sneaking in the middle of the night! O-Or no more cake! An-And please don't scare me! I-I don't want Aurel and Octavia to grow up and become big bullies!"

Sura tearily pouted causing the young prince to then adorably become teary as well before then hugging Sura even more.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-I missed Sura so much! Au-Aurel is a big dummy! Au-Aurel forgot about the new guards! I-I love Sura s-so Aurel will be a good boy an-and stop sneaking!"

The young prince adorably apologized causing Octavia to then playfully sigh and Sura to then adorably nod and pout once more.

All the while adorably opening up her other arm signaling Octavia to accept her hug of forgiveness! In an adorable Bos manner as all adorable Bos should!

Causing Octavia to then adorably pout herself before then simply pouncing at the opportunity! Strictly speaking, Sura was simply that precious!

Even if you hated her as soon as you got a hug from the most adorable Bos all your hate would vanish and be replaced with warmness.

With the side of cake, she'd probably give you after? When Selphie had mentioned that Sura could slap Dragons out of the sky she meant it!

And now both the young prince and Octavia believed it! Resulting in after the hug Sura adorably cleaned up the mess with the help of both.

After adorably cleaning up the mess Sura happily invited both to help put the icing on her iconic Bos Chocolate Fudge Cake! However, Octavia quickly realized something..

"Wai-Wait.. do you always bake cakes in the middle of the night? I-I don't judge you know!"

Octavia surprisingly asked surprising both the young prince and Sura causing her to then simply and adorably giggle.

"I-I want everyone to be happy! M-My cakes make people happy s-so I bake every night! Tim-Timeless spaces are.. scary and I don't like them so nights are better! "

Sura adorably explained causing the young prince to then immediately feel her forehead before then worriedly pouting.

"Au-Aurel loves cake but Aurel loves Sura more than bully cakes! Su-Sura needs naps too! S-So don't bully Sura.."

The young prince worriedly pouted causing Sura to then adorably blush before then gently wiping away the chocolate fudge off of his cheek and adorably rubbing her nose on his causing him to all but immediately become flushed..

Outside of the adorable hugs and being within the same room he had never gotten so close to Sura.. and now that he had it set off a chain reaction of all things.

He felt the same strong feeling he got from Tum.. of course, he had similar feelings.

Like with Iris, and many others on his list? But in truth the list didn't truly matter, he loved them all and it was mainly because he wanted to copy his daddy.

His daddy had a list so he wanted one too! But that didn't mean everyone on his list wasn't special to him!

He keeps his promises! Of course, he was practically still a clingy baby who sealed away his progress due to several unfortunate antics that left him mentally scarred.

But now he's a baby again! Lady Shade and goddesses were far more experienced at being gods than he was outside of creation. While other matters could be handled by Lady Celestine, and Aurora if not Selphie, Mommies, and daddy?

The only real reason they hadn't was because he hid quite literally and adorably 'everything'.. albeit it until recently resulting in such a predicament.

Causing him after calming down to then adorably nod while both Octavia and Sura finished up those cakes!

And after Octavia explained their plans to sneak snacks from Sura's Kitchen or rather the one exclusively used by the celestial royal family that Sura had always been always somehow allowed to use since even back to the days of Avery?

Albeit the celestial royal family would still exclude Emilia, Kethryllia, and everyone else related which really diluted the exclusive nature since Kethryllia despite being an amazing cook rarely used it, while Sura has always done so.

Marjorie and Aldra would occasionally make snacks with Noel but that was getting rarer due to their hectic schedules resulting in Sura and Mera using it the most funnily enough.

Causing Sura after adorably thinking for a moment excitedly nod before then happily taking out quite a few ingredients!

Be it marshmallows, chocolates, an assortment of nuts, berries, and everything needed for 'at' home camping! Of course, there were also thin meats such as bacon.

Surprising both the young prince and Octavia while Sura prepped the melted chocolate!

Soon enough all three were putting a variety of seasoned bacon on skewer sticks, dipping a variety of nuts and berries into Bos Milk Chocolate and allowing them to dry, and repeating the process.

All the while Octavia after being told it was Bos Milk Chocolate couldn't help but wonder..

"Big sister Sura.. where does Bos Milk actually come from?"

Octavia curiously asked surprising both Sura and the curious young prince who was also curious, causing Sura to then adorably pause.

"Bo-Bos-a-a Special Bo-Bos Cow! I-It's a secret! Ev-Even for babies.. un-unless you were Bos Babies? S-So I-It's a big secret an-and I-I'd rather never make cake again tha-than ever train in scary timeless places again! S-So rev-revealing the secret again wou-would be very bad!"

Sura adorably explained with an adorably worried expression surprising both the young prince and Octavia even more. Resulting in Octavia ultimately putting two and two together.. not about the secret funnily enough.

Rather the consequence Sura must have faced? Clearly, there was a reason why Sura never wanted to even get remotely close to a timeless space.

Was the training that severe? How long was this training? Or did she simply not like timeless spaces?

In any case, it was clearly severe enough to warrant that reaction.

Even if Octavia could have guessed or made her own assumption she simply wouldn't because even if Sura hadn't told her there was still a slim chance someone would still very much suspect Sura and she didn't want Sura to suffer!

Funnily enough, the young prince had the same thoughts in mind resulting in both adorably looking to each other as if confirming this was in fact the case and adorably nodding in agreement.

"Au-Aurel loves Sura more than secret! S-So Chocolate is Chocolate!"

The young prince adorably exclaimed before then hugging Sura the most adorable Bos! Causing her to then adorably nod before then kissing both of his cheeks and adorably doing the same with Octavia causing both to then adorably melt.

Sura was simply that adorable! So much so that it radiated her very being!

Resulting in a simple touch becoming overwhelmingly reassuring, let alone hugs and kisses that were quite literally amplified one hundredfold! It was simply unexplainable!

Meaning even Octavia despite being the 'biggest' sister at least title-wise, simply did not deny Sura and even went as far as to call her big sister!

However, Octavia was still Octavia so chances were she'd still remain unchanged outside of such things.

Causing Sura to then adorably look to both with an adorably happy smile after noticing both were enjoying themselves, soon enough the snacks had been prepared!

Milk chocolate-covered nuts, berries, and brown sugar seasoned bacon skewers! Along with marshmallows on a stick and pieces of chocolate to go with it!

Causing Sura after packing it all up and placing them within an extra space ring to then adorably nod causing the young prince's eyes to then immediately sparkle in amazement!

The way Sura moved, packed everything, and adorably hummed.. he loved it all! Causing him to then shyly nod before then whispering into her ear surprising her and causing her to then reluctantly shake her head.